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Beer tap handle chromed, black
Õllekraani käepide kroomitud, must. Must kroomitud messingist õllekraani käepide on ideaalne täiendus igale õllemasinale, kui vajate tugevat haaret õlle väljutamiseks oma uuelt säravalt NukaTap kraanilt, kuid soovite samas säilitada musta käepideme tagasihoidliku ja klassikalise välimuse. Need mustad kroomitud messingist käepidemed on suurepärane täiendus igale õllemasinale või baariletile. Kui hindate tavapärast musta õllekraani käepideme välimust, kuid soovite tugevamat, raskemat ja vastupidavamat disaini, siis must kroomitud messing on õige valik. 66,6 mm pikkune kroomitud messingist käepide annab võrreldes plastikuga rohkem kaalu ja kontrolli. Õllekraani käepideme kasutamiseks keerake see lihtsalt õllekraani külge. Käepidemest saate haarata, et väljutada õlut või muud jooki teie õllemasinast mugavalt ja kontrollitult. Märkus: NukaTap kraani piltidel ei ole komplektis.
SKU: 1555 ,   EAN: 20000000540951 ,   Stock qty: 2
11,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Kitchen Scale 1g-10kg digital, KegLand
Köögikaal 1g-10kg digitaalne, KegLand. See digitaalne köögikaal on ideaalne täpseks kaalumiseks: humalate, erivilja, pärmastarterite, puhastusvahendite, ühekordsete balloonide ja enamiku esemete kaalumisel kuni 10 kg. Pange tähele, et see ei sobi täpseks kaalumiseks alla 5 g kaaluvatele esemetele. 10 kg kaal 1-grammiste sammudega on suurepärane vahend humalalisandite täpseks mõõtmiseks, samuti pärmide kaalumiseks nendele pruulijatele, kes ostavad tooraineid suuremas koguses. Kompaktne suurus, ideaalne humala- ja pärmilisandite mõõtmiseks koduses pruulimisel. Omadused: 1. Digitaalne LED-ekraan, 2. Automaatne väljalülitus, lisaks käsitsi sisse/välja lülitamise nupp aku säästmiseks, 3. Kõrge täpsusega funktsioon pakub suurt 10 000 g mahutavust täpsusega 1 g. Komplekti kuulub: 1 x karp, 2 x AA patareid (ei kuulu komplekti). Digitaalne köögikaal on lihtne kasutada – asetage kaal tasasele pinnale, lülitage sisse, vajadusel nullige taarakaal ja asetage kaalutav ese kaalule. Ekraanil kuvatakse täpne kaal grammides. Sobib eriti hästi koduõlle valmistamiseks vajalike koostisosade kaalumiseks.
SKU: 1558 ,   EAN: 20000000540982 ,   Stock qty: 2
13,90 €
Stock qty: 2
pH test kit (0-14pH), 100 strips
pH testikomplekt (0-14pH), 100 riba. Kas soovid testida virret või valmis õlut pH taseme kontrollimiseks, kuid sul puudub pH mõõtja? Siis need testribasid on just see, mida vajad! Äärmiselt kasulikud ka veeproovide, veini ja kõige muu testimiseks, mille puhul soovid teada, kas keskkond on happeline või aluseline. Usaldusväärne ja kiire mõõtmisviis - lihtsalt järgi karbil olevat värviskaalat, et teada saada, milline on sinu proovi pH tase. Palun oota umbes 10-30 sekundit, et proov kuivaks ja näitaks täpset värvi. Pakume ka kitsamat testimisvahemikku (pH 3,8 kuni 5,4), mis on spetsiaalselt valitud õlle pruulimiseks, võimaldades täpsemalt määrata linnastamise pH taset. pH testriba kasutamise põhimõte on lihtne: kasta riba testitavasse vedelikku, eemalda see ning võrdle tekkinud värvi karbil oleva skaalaga. Selle tulemusena saad teada oma proovi täpse pH väärtuse, mis aitab saavutada parima tulemuse sinu jookide valmistamisel.
SKU: 1562 ,   EAN: 20000000541026 ,   Stock qty: On special order
4,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
CO2 Charger Premium, adjustable
CO2 täitja Premium, reguleeritav. KegLand täitjad on valmistatud töödeldud anodeeritud alumiiniumist, mitte odavast plastikust! See Premium reguleeritav CO2 täitja on kompaktne lahendus kaasaskantavatele seadmetele. Kinnitage lihtsalt MFL keermega gaasiliitmik (ei kuulu komplekti) - pange tähele, et roostevabast terasest liitmikud vajavad teflonlinti - seejärel reguleerige nõelventiiliga vajalikku rõhku. See täitja on ideaalne lahendus nii koduseks kui ka professionaalseks kasutamiseks, võimaldades täpset CO2 rõhu reguleerimist jookide serveerimisel. Kompaktne disain teeb selle kergesti kaasaskantavaks ja kasutatavaks erinevates keskkondades. Kasutuspõhimõte: CO2 täitja kinnitatakse CO2 ballooni külge ning võimaldab reguleerida gaasi voolu joogianumasse, tagades optimaalse karbonisatsiooni taseme jookides.
SKU: 1557 ,   EAN: 20000000540975 ,   Stock qty: 1
43,90 €
Stock qty: 1
Special price offers View more
Wine cork 24x44mm 0.5/1mm agglomed 100pcs
High-quality microagglomerated cork with 0.5/1mm natural cork pellets. Ensures perfect closure of your wine bottle and preserves the wine. Dimensions: 44 x 24mm..
SKU: 50997 ,   EAN: 2000000050997 ,   Stock qty: 20
16,95 € (10.6%)
18,95 €
Stock qty: 20
Stainless sieve D30x (H) 100cm 1/1.5mm
SKU: 37226 ,   EAN: 8014130003451 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
79,90 € (19.3%)
99,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Bag-in-box pouch up bag 1,5L (+80C)
Pouch-up® vertical juice storage bag does not need a box, as the bag filled with the handle stands on its own. A storage bag with a handsome and original design is good to take with you when you go to visit. 340 pcs in a box. Beverage bottling temperature up to +80C. There is a valve at the bottom of the storage bag, which makes it convenient to drain the juice. When filling the bag, remove the valve and fill from the resulting 30mm opening. Size 1.5l. Size 270x180mm, material SUP 1.5L PET12//Alu9//OPA15//PE 120 -156μm.
SKU: 9001617 ,   EAN: 4745010357015 ,   Stock qty: 221 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1,50 € (16.2%)
1,79 €
Stock qty: 221
Connection SMS D25 clamp compound. 50.5mm
Stainless steel AISI304 - certified nutrient fitting. Working pressure 6bar.
SKU: 47270 ,   EAN: 4064907057907 ,   Stock qty: 1
19,00 € (55.4%)
42,60 €
Stock qty: 1
Seasonal products View more
10 L Soldered Alembic + thermometer
High-quality copper and handcrafted distiller from a Portuguese manufacturer. Container 10l, dimensions 55x54x27cm, copper thickness 1.1mm, weight 4.5kg Ps. Dimensions and weight may differ from those indicated above, as it is a handmade product.
SKU: 9000149 ,   EAN: 5420069833510 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
395,00 € (7.9%)
429,00 €
Stock qty: 2
118 L Kegmenter Whit 4inch
New pressure tank (beer tank) made of high-quality stainless steel - 2 fermentation vessels in one. The container is easy to fill-empty and clean... thanks to the large opening on the top of the container. Specifications: Size 118L, bottom openings 2" and top 4". Additional equipment: pressurization kit. Working pressure 3,5 bar, testing pressure 5 bar.
SKU: 399773 ,   EAN: 5425000399773 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
495,00 € (16.8%)
595,00 €
Stock qty: 1
58L Kegmenter with 4Inch Flat Lid and AirLock
New pressure tank (beer tank) made of high-quality stainless steel - 2 fermentation vessels in one. The container is easy to fill-empty and clean... thanks to the large opening on the top of the container. Technical data: size 58L. Additional equipment: pressurization kit. Working pressure 3.5 bar, max pressure 5 bar.
SKU: 49090 ,   EAN: 2000000049090 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
299,00 € (24.3%)
395,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Aronia flour 1kg Jõeva farm (organic)
Ingredients: black chokeberry.Organic aronia flour is 100% natural, no preservatives, dyes or sugar have been added, made from dried and ground aronia berries grown in the nature of Pärnu County. The product is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Suitable for use as a healthy additive and for flavoring various drinks, for example beers, ciders, wines, as well as porridges, smoothies, muesli, baked goods, marinades, etc.Did you know that the weight of berries decreases 8-15 times when dried? Therefore, 120 g of berry powder = 1 kg of fresh berries.
SKU: 1143 ,   EAN: 4745010357282 ,   Stock qty: 22 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
19,90 € (33.4%)
29,90 €
Stock qty: 22
Aronia juice in a 3l bag (organic)
Organic aronia juice 100% with added vitamin C. The aronia berry is bursting with vitamins, bioactive substances and antioxidants, which are also perfectly preserved in the juice made from aronia and strongly promote health. In addition to vitamins, chokeberry also contains a number of less common nutrients such as quercetin, peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin, epicaticin, caffeic acid and malvidin, which also offer protection against free radicals. Aronias are also rich in carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. The latter has the ability to photofilter UV radiation and protect the eyes, especially in older people, from macular degeneration. In addition, chokeberries are rich in C, A, E, B group, P and PP group vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, iron and manganese, as well as iodine, copper and boron..
SKU: 48949 ,   EAN: 4745010357183 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
7,95 € (27.4%)
10,95 €
Stock qty: 65
Automatic canning pot-pasteur 27l Domo with stainless steel tap
multifunctional stainless pot with a bottom stainless tap! Prepare food, boil, preserve and heat juice, etc. and behind a healthy lifestyle. Suitable for pasteurizing juice and bottling directly into bags. Viscous raw materials are not suitable for the processing of beer wort, syrup, milk, etc. Place the grid in the set on the bottom of the pot when heating with cans. Additional information: Stainless steel bowl size 27L; Productivity of juice pasteurization approx. 25l/h (+from 20C to +85 C approx. 60min depending on the ambient temperature) ; Very precise thermostat with LCD display 30...+100C; Timer: 1-120min; Overheating protection; Audio alarm when the temperature is reached; non-heating plastic cover; The set includes a grate on which it is convenient to make compotes or to disinfect tare; Power 2kw; Dimensions 415x414x455mm. 24 pcs on the base. . Claim submission period 2 years. Device warranty for companies 3 months..
SKU: 30067 ,   EAN: 5411397032454 ,   Stock qty: 22 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
149,00 € (6.3%)
159,00 €
Stock qty: 22
Barrel 3l glass + wooden base
Glass decorative barrel with wooden base and outlet valve. Suitable for serving different drinks and also for storage. Installing the valve on the keg: tighten the screw behind the valve enough to fit into the hole in the keg. Push the end of the valve into the hole in the keg and by slightly pulling the valve outwards, turn the valve until you feel it start to tighten.
SKU: 51949 ,   EAN: 5900779815728 ,   Stock qty: 29 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
24,90 € (21.9%)
31,90 €
Stock qty: 29
Bioethanol Eco-Fire 1l (9pc/box)
High-quality combustion liquid used in bio fireplaces with 96% concentration. In a small package/box, 9 pcs. Also buy a Dorre bio fireplace.
SKU: 9001628 ,   EAN: 2000000027654 ,   Stock qty: 6 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
34,90 € (18.1%)
42,60 €
Stock qty: 6
Blichmann™ BeerGun® with accessory kit
Fill a beer bottle without foam! The gun allows you to fill the bottle first with CO2 and then with beer, resulting in bottling with minimal or no foam at all. The ingenious design of the BeerGun® makes bottling very easy. You use your thumb to activate the CO2 valve, filling the bottle with CO2, and the trigger to fill the bottle with beer. Features: stainless steel construction, low foaming, drink does not oxidize, ergonomic grip and easy maintenance, fills any bottle depth, fills bottles quickly, antimicrobial beer hose, convenient storage box, Contents: BeerGun®, accessory set, storage box, not included: pressure regulator y connector.
SKU: 3341 ,   EAN: 5420069842086 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
179,00 € (23.5%)
234,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Brewferm Soda keg 23 l
The new pressure tank (beer tank) made of high-quality stainless steel has a handy weight and size. The container is easy to fill-empty and clean... thanks to the large opening on the top of the container. The surface of the stainless tank is protected by a rubber lower protection ring and a metal handle. Technical data: size-23L / Dimensions: height 700mm / diameter 250mm / Weight: 5kg. In addition to the pressure tank, it is necessary to purchase an outlet valve kit. With this kit, you can naturally release cider under pressure. If you need CO2, the following are added: Variant 1: Mini-balloon set Connecting joint Cylinders Variant 2: Connecting joint 2 pcs..
SKU: 1066 ,   EAN: 20000000536800 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
139,00 € (22.3%)
179,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Brewing kettle 40L Hendi, 230V/2500W
Perfect for home brewers: contains a mash tun and all the necessary accessories. Professional yet easy to use equipment for lovers of home brewing. Housing made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Designed for homebrew from malt. Automatic mode – the appliance memory allows to save up to 9 recipes made of 9 steps each. Manual mode for brewing specialists to enable them to work on their own accord. Intuitive control panel with a digital display of operating parameters. Heating temperature range: from 25°C to 100°C, with the accuracy to 0.1°C. Pump ensuring smooth and efficient mixing of the mash. The scale inside the container (5 l scale) and the external gauge in the form of a glass tube (1 l scale) enable checking the filling level. Bottom separating the fermenter from the pump and the control section – made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Tap water. Tempered glass cover. Technical data: Power (input) (W): 2500. Feature Programmable: False. Control panel: Analog. Packed per: 1. Diameter (mm): 400. Maximum volume (L): 40. Height (mm): 630.
SKU: 820657 ,   EAN: 5420069820657 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
299,00 € (39.6%)
495,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Brewing kettle 60L Hendi, 230V/3000W
Perfect for home brewers: contains a mash tun and all the necessary accessories. Professional yet easy to use equipment for lovers of home brewing. Housing made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Designed for homebrew from malt. Automatic mode – the appliance memory allows to save up to 9 recipes made of 9 steps each. Manual mode for brewing specialists to enable them to work on their own accord. Intuitive control panel with a digital display of operating parameters. Heating temperature range: from 25°C to 100°C, with the accuracy to 0.1°C. Pump ensuring smooth and efficient mixing of the mash. The scale inside the container (5 l scale) and the external gauge in the form of a glass tube (1 l scale) enable checking the filling level. Bottom separating the fermenter from the pump and the control section – made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Tap. Tempered glass cover. Technical data: Power (input) (W); 3000. Feature Programmable: False. Packed per:    1. Diameter (mm): 400. Maximum volume (L): 60. Height (mm): 780.
SKU: 289969 ,   EAN: 5420069829803 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
549,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Cooling unit PYGMY 25/K Green Line
Cooler with compressor is suitable for Keykegs 2.8...3.2bar. After connecting to the mains, the device is ready for operation in 2..4 minutes. Temperature range +2...+10C. Cooling capacity 30l/h, with 1 outlet tap, cooling pipe 13.5jm, dimensions: 170x280x325mm, weight: 13kg, power consumption 267W/230V/50Hz/1.16A. connecting hoses: John Guest 3/8. When using a cooler, it is necessary to purchase additional pipe and tank fittings. The pressure from the CO2 cylinder is approx. 2.5...2.9bar if you use a metal barrel.
SKU: 9001324 ,   EAN: 2000000024615 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
675,00 € (15.1%)
795,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Dual fuel inverter generator R2000IS 1,8-2kw petrol/lpg
Average power: 1.8 kW (petrol) / 1.5 kW (LPG). Maximum power: 2.0 kW (petrol) / 1.7 kW (LPG). Average voltage: 230V. Average frequency: 50 Hz. Current: 7.8A (petrol) / 6.6A (LPG). Mobility: Portable handle. Displacement: 79.7cc. Sine wave fluctuation: <3%. Starting system: manual start. Fuel tank volume: 5L. Fuel consumption ratio @100%: 1.1L/H. Fuel consumption ratio @50%: 0.6L/H. Fuel: petrol / liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Recommended oil: SAE 10W-40. Protection: overload warning. Dimensions (L×W×H) mm: 605 × 350 × 510 mm. Net weight: 20 kg. The ECO throttle increases fuel efficiency, long operating times and engine life.
SKU: 52236 ,   EAN: 5425000396659 ,   Stock qty: 5 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
450,00 € (24.4%)
595,00 €
Stock qty: 5
Dual fuel inverter generator R3100IS 3-3.3kw petrol/lpg
Average power: 3.0 kW (petrol) / 2.6 kW (LPG). Maximum power: 3.5 kW (petrol) / 3.0 kW (LPG). Average voltage: 230V. Average frequency: 50 Hz. Current: 13.1A (petrol) / 11.4A (LPG). Mobility: Portable handle. Displacement: 141cc. Sine wave fluctuation: <3%. Starting system: manual start and electronic start. Fuel tank capacity: 6L. Fuel consumption ratio @100%: 1.8L/H. Fuel consumption ratio @50%: 1.1L/H. Fuel: petrol / liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Recommended oil: SAE 10W-40. Protection: overload warning. Dimensions (L×W×H) mm: 590 × 365 × 530 mm. Net weight: 28 kg. The ECO throttle increases fuel efficiency, long operating times and engine life.
SKU: 52243 ,   EAN: 5425000396666 ,   Stock qty: 13 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
750,00 € (21.1%)
950,00 €
Stock qty: 13
East for alchol Byosal 20g/100l
INGREDIENTS: Byosal HS1: yeast strain of selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae species. Byosal HS2: ammonium sulfate 61.8%, diammonium phosphate 38%, vitamin B1 0.2%. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Alcoholic beverage fermentation set consisting of two separate and sealed 20g packets. Byosal HS1 contains selected dry yeast suitable for fermentation of all types of wort. Byosal HS2 contains an activator of nitrogen and vitamin nutrition for yeast. The simultaneous use of the selected yeast and fermentation activator allows regular and complete fermentation of the wort. Byosal HS is particularly useful in cases where small quantities of wine have to be processed. APPLICATIONS: Regular and full alcoholic fermentation of white and red wort. DOSES: Combined bag for Byosal HS 100 liters of wort. HOW TO USE: Dissolve Byosal HS1 (active dry yeast) in about 200 ml of water at a temperature of 35-38 °C, stirring slowly to avoid the formation of lumps. Wait 20 minutes. Mix again and add to the wort at the same time as the contents of the Byosal HS2 bag (activator), previously dissolved in a little water or wort. PACKAGING AND STORAGE CONDITIONS: 20 g bag of active dry yeast with 20 g bag of fermentation activator. Sealed packaging: store in a cool, dry and ventilated place. Open the package: close carefully and store as above. Consume quickly. COMPLIANCE: Product based on raw materials that comply with: Codex Œ nologique International. Product intended for winemaking according to the following provisions: Reg (EU) 2019/934 Dry yeast contains E491 (sorbitan monostearate)..
SKU: 49175 ,   EAN: 2000000049175 ,   Stock qty: 36 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
5,90 € (20.3%)
7,40 €
Stock qty: 36
Fermenter with Spiral Air Lock and beer Tap Lt.32
Prepare your home wine or beer easily and quickly in a beautifully decorated 32-liter plastic fermentation vessel with a bottom valve and calibrated liter measuring lines. The lid of the container has a sealed hole into which the airlock is placed..
SKU: 49083 ,   EAN: 2000000049083 ,   Stock qty: 11 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
18,90 € (6.4%)
20,20 €
Stock qty: 11
Framepress 22l stainless steel
STAINLESS sap for the small garden. Suitable for small-scale pressing work. The stainless press is easy to maintain and clean, and the stainless material lasts a long time!. The press basket of a good size ensures the best juice extraction from the crushed apple mass compared to other mechanical presses. The tilting frame allows convenient access to the basket and filling it with crushed pulp. TECHNICAL DATA: Basket capacity 22L; Basket dimensions 265x395mm, overall dimensions 47x39x72cm; Weight 12kg. Filter bag included. Before using the product, add jelly or cooking oil between the threads of the shaft.
SKU: 52342 ,   EAN: 4745010357138 ,   Stock qty: 15 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
299,00 € (14.3%)
349,00 €
Stock qty: 15
Fruit press FP-5 5L with filter sack
small table press that simplifies the preparation of juice from berries and apples in a small household. It is well suited for juicing from berries and making small-scale apple juice. Filter bag at a separate price. Press basket diameter 200x200mm (outer basket) and 165xH223mm (inner basket), press plate D160mm. The volume of the outer basket is 5 l, the threaded rod is made of stainless steel. Height 42cm.
SKU: 8999316 ,   EAN: 5709386702298 ,   Stock qty: 52 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
109,00 € (14.2%)
127,00 €
Stock qty: 52
Fruit/Food Dryer - digital - DOMO DO353VD
Conveniently and easily dry all kinds of food, from berries to slices of meat! Thanks to the ventilation system at the back, the drying process takes place as evenly as possible on all tiles. It is also possible to choose drying according to the type of food: herbs, live food (preserves green appearance and enzymes), bread, pasta, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc. An ideal tool for drying food all year round. The dryer is unique because it preserves all food enzymes in an unchanged form. Technical data: - dimensions (hxwxd): 34 x 45 x 31.5cm / package dimensions 48.5x38x35x5cm - stainless plate size 33x30.4cm, 6 plates area approx. 0.6m², grate height difference 3.4cm - temperature control range 35-70ºC , power 420-500W - timer 30min...19.5h - LCD control panel and transparent front door - noise level 50...55 dB Product warranty: 1 year for private use, companies 3 months.
SKU: 9001110 ,   EAN: 5411397121523 ,   Stock qty: 8 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
109,00 € (21.6%)
139,00 €
Stock qty: 8
Grape and berry crusher Star Mini
Stainless steel grape crusher and berry crusher with rollers. Funnel 40x40cm, dimensions 79x61x37cm, productivity 400-600kg/h, weight 8kg.
SKU: 52359 ,   EAN: 4745010357152 ,   Stock qty: 16 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
119,00 € (14.4%)
139,00 €
Stock qty: 16
Grape crusher Star Eco stainless steel
Stainless steel destemmer, shredder with stem removal. Funnel 40x40cm, overall dimensions 96 x 46.5 x 58cm, weight 16kg, productivity 400-600kg/H
SKU: 52366 ,   EAN: 4745010357169 ,   Stock qty: 13 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
269,00 € (8.8%)
295,00 €
Stock qty: 13
IBC tank 1000l with plastic pallet
completely new reinforced base frame and a special container on a plastic base for transporting and storing food liquids such as juices, wines, water, etc. Pressure max. 0.09 atm. With food certificate. Dimensions 1200x1000x1000mm.
SKU: 9000254 ,   EAN: 5425000396215 ,   Stock qty: 3 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
299,00 € (24.3%)
395,00 €
Stock qty: 3
IPA Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer IPA Beer Kit 5L - Simple Home Brewing Georges Beer IPA beer kit allows you to make 5 liters (8.8 pints) of tasty craft beer with 4.1% alcohol content. This all-malt extract kit is an ideal choice for home brewing, especially for those who prefer smaller quantities. Kit Benefits: Compact 5-liter quantity, Quality 650g malt extract, Easy handling and preparation, No brewing sugar needed. Brewing Process: Fermentation time: 5-8 days, Bottle conditioning time: 10-14 days. Georges Starter Kit Contents: Georges IPA beer kit, Fermentation vessel, Bottle capper, Crown caps, Thermometer, Sugar measure, Multilingual instructions. Ingredients: Malt extract (barley malts), invert sugar syrup, dried yeast (contains emulsifier E491), hop extract. Nutritional Value per 100g: Energy: 1314 kJ / 311 kcal, Fat: 0.2g (saturated fatty acids: 0g), Carbohydrates: 72.6g (sugars: 58.1g), Protein: 3.2g, Salt: 0.03g, Sodium: 12.0mg. Note! Equipment is reusable but requires thorough cleaning and sterilization before each use.
SKU: 1163 ,   EAN: 8006819166410 ,   Stock qty: 10 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 10
Lager Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer Lager Kit make 5 Liters around 8.8 Pints. ABV 4.1% Approx. The Georges beer kits are easy to handle and make more so if you are finding 23 litres in a standard beer kit just too heavy. The Georges Lager kit is an all-malt kit, so no need for extra fermenting sugar. There is 650grms of malt extract in every pack, which will produce a high-quality beer with great character. The beer kits do require basic equipment to produce but being only 5 litres, they won't take up too much room. George Beer also offers Starter kit with everything you need to make the beer kits, Apart from Bottles and water. Fermentation time will be around 5 - 8 Days once made and put into bottles best to keep these for about 10-14 days before drinking. Inside a Georges Starter kit you get: 1 x Georges Lager Kit, 1 x Fermenter, 1 x Hammer Capper, Crown Caps, 1 x Thermometer, 1 x Sugar Dispenser. Instructions in 5 Languages. All the equipment is re-usable, but will require cleaning and sterilising before use. Georges Lager Beer Kit Ingredients: Liquid Malt Extract (Barley), Invert Sugar Syrup, Dried Yeast (Yeast Emulsifier(E491)), Hop Extract. Georges Lager Beer Kit Nutritional Information Per 100g Unfermented: Energy - 1315 KJ / 311 Kcal. FAT - 0.2g, Saturates 0.0g. Carbohydrate - 72.7g, Sugars 58.1g. Protein - 3.2g. Salt 0.03g. Sodium - 12.0mg.
SKU: 1162 ,   EAN: 8006819166397 ,   Stock qty: 19 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 19
Oak barrel 10l, light, brass valve, black rims, medium roast
Oak mini-barrel for producing, storing or serving drinks or tinctures. Burnt inside. The barrels are made by a Polish manufacturer and in English: Pedunculate and Sessile Oak, or in Estonian - stone oak and common oak..
SKU: 90002 ,   EAN: 5420069838560 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
139,00 € (6.7%)
149,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Open Top Drum 60l
New food grade (HDPE) plastic barrel with lid. Handles on the sides for more convenient transport. Height 610mm and diameter 400mm, neck 320mm, weight 2.2kg.
SKU: 9001082 ,   EAN: 2000000022192 ,   Stock qty: 34 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
42,90 € (6.5%)
45,90 €
Stock qty: 34
Pilsner Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer Pilsner kit make 5 Liters around 8.8 Pints. 4.1% ABV Approx. The Georges beer kits are easy to handle, more so if you are finding 23 litres in a standard beer kit just too heavy. The Georges Pilsner kit is an all-malt kit, so no need for extra fermenting sugar. There is 650grms of malt extract in every pack, which will produce a high-quality beer with great character. The beer kits do require basic equipment to produce but being only 5 litres, they won't take up too much room. George Beer also offers Starter kit with everything you need to make the beer kits, Apart from Bottles and water. Fermentation time will be around 5 - 8 Days once made and put into bottles best to keep these for about 10-14 days before drinking. Inside a Georges Starter kit you get: 1 x Georges Pilsner Kit, 1 x Fermenter, 1 x Hammer Capper, Crown Caps, 1 x Thermometer, 1 x Sugar Dispenser, Instructions in 5 Languages. All the equipment is re-usable, but will require cleaning and sterilising before use. Georges Pilsner Beer Kit Ingredients: Liquid Malt Extract (Barley), Invert Sugar Syrup, Dried Yeast (Yeast Emulsifier(E491)), Hop Extract. Georges Pilsner Beer Kit Nutritional Information Per 100g Unfermented: Energy - 1314 KJ / 311 Kcal. FAT - 0.2g, Saturates 0.0g. Carbohydrate - 72.6g, Sugars 58.1g. Protein - 3.2g. Salt - 0.03g. Sodium - 12.0mg.
SKU: 1164 ,   EAN: 8006819166403 ,   Stock qty: 29 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 29
Pump Enos 20 1680l/h, foodgrade
Pump compliant with food standards - for pumping liquids max. temp. +90 degrees. Power 0.33kw; Productivity 1680l/h; Size: 30x23x17cm; Weight: 5kg; engine 1400 rpm. Stainless pump body and shaft. Suitable for pumping wine, beer, cider, vinegar, etc., except strong alcohol..
SKU: 8999292 ,   EAN: 2000000003092 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
149,00 € (34.9%)
229,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Screw press & juicer with 30l filter bag
screw press with a strong design, which greatly simplifies the preparation of juice in a small household. Easy to use and maintain or to take to the cottage/country house by car. Basket ø32x45cm, packaging 40x40x65cm. The long screw (67.5cm) greatly simplifies use. In the set: juice bath on legs, threaded screw rod, basket, half press plates 2 pcs., wooden pegs 4 pcs., nut with turning lever, filter bag..
SKU: 28385 ,   EAN: 4745010357206 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
139,00 € (28.4%)
194,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Soda Keg starter kit 18.9L
Perfect for carbonating and bottling beer, cider, wine, and many other beverages. The set includes a convenient tap with a hose for dispensing the drink.PRESSURE TANK:A new pressure tank (beer keg) made from high-quality stainless steel, with a convenient weight and size. The tank is easy to fill, empty, and clean, thanks to the large valve on top of the tank. The stainless steel surface is protected by a rubber base ring and a metal handle.Technical specifications:Volume: 18.9LDimensions: Height 555mm / Diameter 232mmWeight: 3.35kgPressure relief valve: 5 barCO2 TANK:A filled CO2 tank (min. 50 bar).Size: 2L / 1.5kgMax. pressure: 150 barDimensions: Ø100 x 435mmWeight: 5kgThe cylinder and valve are manufactured according to the EN 1964: 1999 standard and have the π-mark for compliance with ADR / RID requirements. The tanks can be brought/sent to us in Pärnu for refilling.REGULATOR:CO2 tank regulator-reducer with adjustable output pressure control. It allows the pressure of the gas exiting the tank to be reduced to the necessary operating pressure and ensures that the pressure is maintained automatically and as consistently as possible, regardless of changes in inlet pressure. The regulator is equipped with a safety valve. One manometer shows the CO2 pressure level in the tank, while the other indicates the pressure in the outlet pipes. The outlet pressures can be adjusted separately.
SKU: 1296 ,   EAN: 20000000538583 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
279,00 € (6.7%)
299,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Waterpress 90l, stainless steel, with tilt frame
Stainless 90L water press on tilting frame. 1 filter included. Use: 1. place the filter in the press basket; 2.Fill the basket with crushed raw material and close the lid 3.Open the water valve and pressing starts 4.when emptying, open the top lid and tilt the pressing basket on the frame and pull out the package. Basket 90 L; productivity approx. 180...250kg/h; Length 800 mm; Depth 700 mm; Height 1280 mm; Operating temperature: Water (8–20°C); Maximum pressure 3.0 bar. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT: Juice collection tub with pre-filter (stainless), additional filters
SKU: 52335 ,   EAN: 4745010357145 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
1390,00 € (6.7%)
1490,00 €
Stock qty: 2

The heart of FERMETECH is experience and scientific approach – experience dating back to 2009, which we have continuously refined. Our slogan "The Power of Science, Perfect Results" reflects our commitment to applying the best knowledge to achieve top-level outcomes. We are trusted because our operations are guided by the principle – quality and scientific precision first, then price category. Thousands of solutions based on our technology across Estonia speak for themselves, testifying that we are always there for our customers both before and after purchase. Our specialists understand that fermentation processes require both scientific precision and practical experience. That's why we offer not just equipment, but comprehensive solutions based on knowledge accumulated over years. Science-based quality, technical support, and precision are not just words for us, but real principles that guide our daily work for the benefit of all clients. FERMETECH has the same big heart as before, but now enhanced with the power of science to support your perfect results. Discover how the power of science can help you achieve perfect results in your next project.