
Orchard Equipment


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Pheromone trap pea damager
NORM 1 trap 2-3 m per pea bed. In a larger field, put traps around at intervals of about 20 m, and additionally a few in the middle. Catching out pea moth butterflies with pheromone traps is well suited for home gardens, where it is not recommended to use or use as little insecticides as possible. Caterpillars of the pea weevil are approx. 6mm long white or yellow worms with dark heads. They cause worming of peas in July-August. USAGE By using the pea weevil pheromone trap, you can detect the presence of this pest in your garden and estimate its population using traps to decide whether chemical control is necessary. By using a larger number of traps, you can reduce the number of this pest in the garden by catching the pea moth butterflies (the so-called mass capture method). If the catches are less than 5-10 butterflies per day, it is recommended not to spray! With this, you save nature and save unnecessary expenses on insecticide. In the pheromone trap, there is a small plastic house, where the inner base with non-drying glue and the capsule impregnated with pheromone are placed. The trap attracts the butterflies to the house, where they get stuck to the glue base and die. NB! The glue used on the bottoms is very sticky and cannot be washed off with water. You can use ordinary or white spirit to clean your hands; cooking oil etc. is less effective. Assembling the trap The ends of the bottom face of the trap are broken up. The glue bases are pulled apart and one glue base is placed with the glue side up on the bottom of the trap. A rubber pheromone capsule is placed in the center of the glue base. Fasteners are placed through the holes, with the help of which the trap is attached to the branch. Store the spare capsule in a closed package in a cool place. PACKAGING 1 plastic trap, 2 pheromone capsules, 2 glued adhesive bases, 2 fasteners. HERNEMÄHKUR The pea pods are gray or brown, small butterflies with yellow markings on the sides, wingspan 12-16 mm. The pea moth begins to fly during the flowering period of the pea (June/July). Female butterflies lay their larvae on pea pods, from which caterpillars hatch, which cause the so-called worming of peas. The caterpillars are white or yellow with dark heads and about 6 mm long. The caterpillars roam the plant before entering the pod, where they feed for up to a month. The caterpillars emerge from the pod by constantly eating it and remain in cocoons to overwinter in the soil. Caterpillars are most active in July-August..
SKU: 9001301 ,   EAN: 4740060005398 ,   Stock qty: 32 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8,95 €
Stock qty: 32
Pheromone trap apple damager/moth
The package contains 1-covered cardboard trap, 2-pheromone capsule, 2-glued adhesive base and 2-fixing parts. NORM 1 caught the APPLE MOTH (Argyresthia conjugella) on one apple tree, formerly also known as rowan or apple-rowan moth, the moths are small bright, slender butterflies of variable size (10-15 mm). Larger butterflies usually live on apple trees, smaller butterflies on rowan trees. Their flight takes place at dusk, in warm and windless weather; during the day they sit unnoticed on tree trunks or branches. After flying and mating, the female butterfly lays up to 40 eggs on apples, rowan or hawthorn berries, from which (depending on the weather) after 10-14 days the hatched caterpillars penetrate the fruits. After feeding there for about a month, they descend to the ground with the help of a thread and pupate in the upper layers of the soil, under fallen leaves or under baskets on tree trunks, where the pupae also hibernate. Apple moth pupa (butterfly) in flight and sitting (which is how we usually find it on the glue base). On the right, apple moth damage in an apple. From time to time, Estonian apple orchards experience years of abundance of the apple moth (Argyresthia conjugella), when they make a large part of the crop practically unusable. The damage is caused by caterpillars that mine the inside of the apple in narrow twisting passages that reach the core. One apple is usually damaged by several, sometimes even up to 10-15 caterpillars, which make the flesh woody and bitter, so that it is no longer fit to eat and does not yield juice. Butterfly flight begins after the apple trees bloom, often during rowan blossom or even later, depending heavily on average daily temperatures. Most of the time, the start of flying in Estonia falls at the end of May or the beginning of June, while mass flying occurs at the end of June and July. Sometimes flying continues even into August, lasting even more than 60 days. By using 2-3 apple moth pheromone traps, you can detect the presence of this pest in your garden and estimate its population using traps to decide whether chemical control is necessary. By using a larger number of traps (one for each adult tree), you can reduce the number of apple moth butterflies in the garden by catching them (the so-called mass capture method). Assembling the trap: The ends of the bottom face of the trap are broken up. The pair of glued bottoms is pulled apart and one glued base is placed on the bottom face with the glue facing up. A rubber pheromone capsule (dispenser) is placed in the center of the glue base. Fastening parts are placed through the holes, with the help of which the trap is attached to the branch. The trap is hung as horizontally as possible on the southern or western outer branch of the apple tree, so that it is hidden from direct sunlight. When using pheromone traps for apple moth monitoring (monitoring), they are hung at a height of about 2 m so that they can be checked weekly. To do this, the trap is opened at the end and the insects are removed from the adhesive base using a spatula or the tip of a knife, and the number of apple moth butterflies in the trap is recorded. If the inspection shows that the adhesive base is dusty or covered with insects and debris, it must be replaced with a new one. If the pest is present in large numbers, when the traps catch 10 or more apple moths per trap on average in a week, it is advisable to carry out spraying and continue to monitor the number of apple moths after that to decide if another spraying is necessary. If trapping catches are below the control criterion, it is advisable not to spray. With this, you save nature and save unnecessary expenses on insecticide. To prevent further increase in the number of pests, we recommend setting out a larger number of traps (i.e. mass harvesting). Catching apple moth butterflies with pheromone traps is very suitable for controlling this pest, especially in home gardens, where it is not recommended to use insecticides at all or as little as possible. For catching, one trap must be calculated for each adult apple tree or two young trees, and be sure to hang them higher, preferably 2-3 m high, as the butterflies of the apple wrapper fly mainly in the upper third of the crown of the apple tree. After 3-4 weeks, the traps on the adhesive base, which are usually already dusty and covered with insects and debris, should definitely be replaced. If the flight of the apple moth lasts longer (depending mainly on the weather), both the glue base and the dispenser should be replaced in the second half of July. If the spare capsule is not needed, it can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place and used next spring. NB! The glue used on the bottoms is very sticky and cannot be washed off with water. You can use ordinary or white spirit to clean your hands; cooking oil etc. is less effective. If the body of the trap is not too damaged by the weather, it can be used again the following year, but only for the same insect species. A noticeable decrease in apple moth damage is usually achieved as a result of 2-3 years of fishing. In order to prevent a new increase in the number of pests in the garden, the use of traps should be continued in the future..
SKU: 9001300 ,   EAN: 4740060005367 ,   Stock qty: 51 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8,95 €
Stock qty: 51
Pheromone trap apple damager
The package contains 1-covered cardboard trap, 2-pheromone capsule, 2-glued adhesive base and 2-fixing parts. NORM 1 trap per apple tree. APPLE BOILER (Cydia pomonella), colloquially known as apple worm, is a small brownish-grey butterfly about 10 mm long. The wingspan is about 20mm and the forewings have a distinctive pattern. Their flight takes place at dusk in warm and calm weather; during the day they sit unnoticed on tree trunks or branches. After flying and mating, the female butterfly lays eggs one at a time on fruits or leaves. After 7-14 days, the eggs hatch into caterpillars, which feed in the fruit for a month to one and a half, then leave and look for a wintering place, mostly in cracks in the bark, where they also pupate beforehand. An apple wrapper (butterfly) with both open and folded wings, as we usually find it on the glue base; on the right, an apple borer caterpillar in a damaged apple. By using 2-5 pheromone traps in your garden, you can detect the presence of the apple borer in the garden, judge from the traps whether spraying is necessary, and if necessary, carry out the spraying at the right time. By using traps in greater numbers, you can reduce the number of the apple borer by catching the butterflies. Assembling the trap: The ends of the bottom face of the trap are broken up. The pair of glued bottoms is pulled apart and one glued base is placed on the bottom face with the glue facing up. A rubber pheromone capsule (dispenser) is placed in the center of the glue base. Fasteners are placed through the holes, with the help of which the trap is attached to the branch. The trap is hung as horizontally as possible on the southern or western outer branch of the apple tree, so that it is hidden from direct sunlight. When using pheromone traps to track (monitor) the apple borer, they are hung at about eye level so that they can be checked weekly. To do this, the trap is opened at the end and the insects are removed from the adhesive base using a spatula or the tip of a knife, and the number of apple wrappers in the trap is recorded. If the inspection shows that the adhesive base is very dusty or covered with insects and debris, it must be replaced with a new one. If the traps have caught more than an average of 5 butterflies per trap during the week, it is recommended to spray with an insecticide after 7-14 days. Namely, depending on the weather, it takes different time for the eggs laid by the apple moth butterfly to mature and for the caterpillars to hatch from them, but the spraying must be done in a period when the caterpillars are still young and have not yet penetrated the fruit. After spraying, the flight of the apple moth should be continued, and if the number of butterflies caught in the trap rises again above the control criterion, i.e. more than 5 butterflies per week, another spraying should be carried out. Its time is already chosen according to the instructions for the insecticide used (usually 2-3 weeks after the first spraying). If the catches are below the control criterion, it is recommended not to spray! With this, you save nature and save unnecessary expenses on insecticide. To prevent the increase in the number of apple moths in your garden, we recommend hanging traps in the garden to catch the pest butterflies. Catching out apple borer butterflies with pheromone traps is very suitable for controlling this pest, especially in home gardens, where it is not recommended to use insecticides at all or as little as possible. For catching, one trap must be calculated for each adult apple tree or two young trees, and be sure to hang them higher, preferably 2-3 m high, as the butterflies of the apple wrapper fly mainly in the upper third of the crown of the apple tree. After 3-4 weeks, the traps on the adhesive base, which are usually already dusty and covered with insects and debris, should definitely be replaced. If the flight of the apple wrapper lasts longer (it mainly depends on the weather), both the glue base and the dispenser should be replaced in mid-July. If the spare capsule is not needed, it can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place and used next spring. NB! The glue used on the bottoms is very sticky and cannot be washed off with water. You can use ordinary or white spirit to clean your hands; cooking oil etc. is less effective. If the body of the trap is not too damaged by the weather, it can be used again the following year, but only for the same insect species. A noticeable decrease in damage to the apple borer is usually achieved as a result of 2-3 years of harvesting. In order to prevent a new increase in the number of pests in the garden, the use of traps should be continued in the future..
SKU: 9001299 ,   EAN: 4740060005350 ,   Stock qty: 44 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8,95 €
Stock qty: 44
Pheromone trap apple tree mesh damager
The package contains 1-covered cardboard trap, 2-pheromone capsule, 2-glued adhesive base and 2-fixing parts. NORM 1 trap per apple tree APPLE TREE NETTING MOTH 1pc (Yponomeuta malinellus) the front wings of the butterfly are white, along the wing there are three rows of black dots, the back wings are silver gray, the wingspan is 18-20 mm. Butterflies hatch from pupae in the second half of July, their flight lasts about a month and takes place in twilight, windless weather. During the day, butterflies sit motionless on the underside of leaves and are not noticeable. After flying, the fertilized butterflies lay clusters of 20-80 eggs on thin branches, which are covered with 3-4 mm diameter shields, under which the small caterpillars that hatch from the eggs in the fall stay for the winter. From spring, the caterpillars feed on the leaves and make nests from the sap they secrete, in which they live as colonies, growing in 30-40 days into whitish or grayish-yellow caterpillars with a characteristic line of dots on the back, up to 18 mm long. They pupate in the same nests, the pupae develop for 2 weeks, and usually in the second half of July new butterflies hatch. An apple tree moth ready (butterfly), caterpillar and moth nest. Pheromone trap for the apple tree moth From time to time Estonian gardens are hit by years of increased occurrence of the apple tree moth. Even though the caterpillars of the yellowtail moth (Yponomeuta malinellus) do not damage the fruits, but the leaves, it also depletes the trees, and if the pest is abundant, the yield decreases (in addition to the unpleasant appearance of the trees). In the spring, the overwintered small caterpillars feed on the spongy tissue of young leaves (inside the leaves), but around the time of flowering, they emerge and start to make nests of secreted sap, into which they add more and more apple leaves for food. If the pest is present in large numbers, all the foliage is destroyed and the tree may become stunted. Butterflies of the apple tree moth hatch from pupae in the second half of July, their flight lasts about a month and takes place at dusk, usually in calm weather. By using 2-3 apple tree moth pheromone traps, you can detect the presence of this pest in your garden and estimate its abundance in your garden using traps. By using traps in larger numbers, they can help prevent the further increase of their numbers in the garden by catching the pest butterflies. The rubber capsules used in pheromone traps are impregnated with the odorant secreted by the female moth - a pheromone analogue that attracts male butterflies of the same species to the trap. Pheromones are not toxic and the doses used (l mg) are tiny and do not pollute nature. Assembling the trap The ends of the bottom face of the trap are broken up. The pair of glued bottoms is pulled apart and one glued base is placed on the bottom face with the glue facing up. A rubber pheromone capsule (dispenser) is placed in the center of the glue base. Fasteners are placed through the holes, with the help of which the trap is attached to the branch. The trap is hung as horizontally as possible on the southern or western outer branch of the apple tree, so that it is hidden from direct sunlight. When using pheromone traps for pest monitoring (monitoring), they are hung at a height of about 2 m so that they can be checked weekly. To do this, the trap is opened at the end and the insects are removed from the adhesive base using a spatula or the tip of a knife, and the number of apple moth butterflies in the trap is recorded. If the inspection shows that the adhesive base is dusty or covered with insects and debris, it must be replaced with a new one. When the pest is present in large numbers, when the traps catch 5-10 or more butterflies per trap on average in a week, it is advisable to carry out spraying and continue to monitor the number of apple tree moths after that, in order to decide whether a second spraying is necessary. If trapping catches are below the control criterion, it is advisable not to spray. With this, you save nature and save unnecessary expenses on insecticide. To prevent further increase in the number of pests, we recommend setting out a larger number of traps (i.e. mass harvesting). Catching out the butterflies of the apple tree moth with pheromone traps is very suitable for controlling this pest, especially in home gardens, where it is not recommended to use insecticides at all or as little as possible. For catching, you need to consider a trap for each adult apple tree or two young trees, and be sure to hang them higher, preferably at a height of 2-3 m, because the pest butterflies fly mainly in the upper third of the crown of the apple tree. After 3-4 weeks, the traps on the adhesive base, which are usually already dusty and covered with insects and debris, should definitely be replaced. If the flight lasts longer (depending mainly on the weather), both the adhesive base and the dispenser should be replaced in the second half of July. If the spare capsule is not needed, it can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place and used next spring. NB! The glue used on the bottoms is very sticky and cannot be washed off with water. You can use ordinary or white spirit to clean your hands; cooking oil etc. is less effective. If the body of the trap is not too damaged by the weather, it can be used again the following year, but only for the same insect species. In order to prevent a new increase in the number of pests in the garden, the use of traps should be continued in the future..
SKU: 29986 ,   EAN: 4740060007804 ,   Stock qty: 51 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8,95 €
Stock qty: 51
Apple picker OB-100/A
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Included in the set is 1-first directional brush that directs the apples into the machine. Engine: 16HP Briggs stratton (0.5-15km/h) / 18HP ; Gears: 4-forward ; Working width: 800 - 1600mm; Lifting height 2.5m; Productivity: 4 t/h (container 250L); 3.5-8t/h (container 700L); measurements: length 3210mm; width 1386mm; height 1410mm; Weight: 350kg / 500kg. Extras: 2 directional brushes, working hours counter, night lighting, pick-up in towable base boxes..
SKU: 8999543 ,   EAN: 2000000006529 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Stock qty: On special order
Pheromone trap for plum damager
The package contains 1-covered cardboard trap, 2-pheromone capsule, 2-glued adhesive base and 2-fixing parts. PLUM WRAPPER (Grapholita funebrana) moths are small butterflies with dark brown forewings and metallic shiny brownish gray hindwings, wingspan 14-15 mm. There is a light bead on the outer edge of the wings. The flight of the butterflies takes place in twilight, in warm and quiet weather, after the flowering of the plum trees for one to two months. After flying and mating, female butterflies lay eggs on young fruits, from which caterpillars hatch after 7-10 days and enter the fruits. A characteristic transparent, rubber-like droplet forms above the entry hole. The caterpillar feeds in the fruit for 17-50 days, filling the area around the bone with excrement. Damaged fruits stop growing and drop prematurely. Adult caterpillars, 12-15 mm long, with a pinkish-red body and a brown head, migrate to tree trunks, where they overwinter in cocoons under the basket and in bark cracks, sometimes on the ground. The finished plum borer in top and side view and the caterpillar in a damaged plum. Pheromone trap for plum borer By using 2-3 plum borer pheromone traps, you can detect the presence of this pest in your garden and use traps to estimate its number in order to decide on the necessity of chemical control. By using a larger number of traps (one for each adult tree), you can reduce the number of plum borer moths by catching them (the so-called mass capture method). Assembling the trap The ends of the bottom face of the trap are broken up. The pair of glued bottoms is pulled apart and one glued base is placed on the bottom face with the glue facing up. A rubber pheromone capsule (dispenser) is placed in the center of the glue base. Fasteners are placed through the holes, with the help of which the trap is attached to the branch. The trap is hung as horizontally as possible on the southern or western outer branch of the tree, so that it is hidden from direct sunlight. When using a pheromone trap to track (monitor) plum borers, they are suspended at a height of about 2 m so that they can be checked weekly. To do this, the trap is opened at the end and the insects are removed from the adhesive base using a spatula or the tip of a knife, and the number of plum moth butterflies in the trap is recorded. If the inspection shows that the adhesive base is dusty or covered with insects and debris, it must be replaced with a new one. If the pest is present in large numbers, when the traps catch 10 or more butterflies on average per trap in a week, it is advisable to carry out spraying and continue to monitor the abundance of the plum borer afterwards to decide whether a second spraying is necessary. If trapping catches are below the control criterion, it is advisable not to spray. With this, you save nature and save unnecessary expenses on insecticide. To prevent further increase in the number of pests, we recommend setting out a larger number of traps (i.e. mass harvesting). Catching out plum borer butterflies with pheromone traps is very suitable for controlling this pest, especially in home gardens, where it is not recommended to use insecticides at all or as little as possible. For catching, one trap must be calculated for each adult plum or two young trees, and be sure to hang them higher, preferably 2-3 m high, as the butterflies of the plum wrapper mainly fly in the upper third of the tree's crown. After 3-4 weeks, the traps on the adhesive base, which are usually already dusty and covered with insects and debris, should definitely be replaced. If the flight of the butterflies lasts longer (depending mainly on the weather), both the glue base and the dispenser should be replaced in the second half of July. If the spare capsule is not needed, it can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place and used next spring. NB! The glue used on the bottoms is very sticky and cannot be washed off with water. You can use ordinary or white spirit to clean your hands; cooking oil etc. is less effective. If the body of the trap is not too damaged by the weather, it can be used again the following year, but only for the same insect species. A noticeable decrease in pest damage is usually achieved as a result of 2-3 years of fishing. In order to prevent a new increase in the number of pests in the garden, the use of traps should be continued in the future..
SKU: 29214 ,   EAN: 4740060005374 ,   Stock qty: 18 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8,95 €
Stock qty: 18
Apple picker OB50, harvest width 500mm, 1.5t/h
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Pick-up width 500mm; engine Honda 5.5HP electric ignition; 3-gear forward and 1-reverse; dimensions 1200x900x1210mm; weight 116kg; productivity up to 1.5t/h. Extras: working hours counter, lighting; electric start. Removes grass and leaves from apples, which is ensured by the 4x cleaning system. Collection efficiency 99%..
SKU: 8999522 ,   EAN: 2000000006314 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Poison spray Jagoda Tekla 1 TE-001
The Jagoda herbicide or poison sprayer TEKLA is a device on a boom installed in front of the tractor, which is designed to reach the weeds growing under the bushes... suitable for bushes of currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, etc. In production, the device is in both one- and two-sided versions. Hydraulic beam raising/lowering. Hydraulically adjustable width. The special design of the spray modules allows spraying as close as possible to the bush or tree. The use of protective curtains and ejector nozzles protects tree branches and bushes from spraying. The tilting structure of the working part of the device allows more accurate application of the liquid to the working area, avoiding splashing and damage to the unwanted area. The sprayer is equipped with a shut-off valve. The front and rear splash guards are extended all the way to the ground. The back partition of the cover is transparent, allowing you to visually check the operation of the injectors. Equipped with a storage and transport stand. Different models: TE-001 Single-sided without rod attachment, TE-002 Single-sided right or left with adjustable working width between 1.6 m and 2.0 m, TE-003 Single-sided with hydraulic cylinder for width adjustment, TE-004 Double-sided TEKLA 2 adjustable working width between 3 .2 m - 4.0 m, TE-004W double-sided TEKLA 2W thin adjustable working width from 2.8-3.44 m, TE-005 Double-sided with hydraulic cylinders for width adjustment, Hydraulic lifting/lowering of the machine is available on request for all versions. Technical data Terkla 1 TE-001: working pressure 2-4bar, working speed up to 10km/h, labor capacity 0.5-1ha/h, weight 75kg, length 1050mm, working area 1600-2000mm, height 1150mm and spray width 1140mm More information from the manufacturer's website Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49793 ,   EAN: 2000000049793 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1563,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Apple picker OB70, harvesting wider 700mm, 2.5t/h
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Pick-up width 700mm; engine Honda 5.5HP electric ignition; 3-gear forward and 1-reverse; dimensions 1450x1100x1210mm; weight 152kg; productivity 2.5t/h. Extras: working hours counter, lighting; electric start.
SKU: 8999523 ,   EAN: 2000000006321 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Apple picker OB70R, harvesting 700mm, 2.5t/h
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Pick-up width 700mm; engine Honda 11HP electric ignition; tank 140L; container lifting height 2450mm; dimensions 2530x1390x1270mm; weight 250 kg; productivity 2.5t/h. Extras: working hours counter, lighting; electric start, horizontal sweep brushes 1...2 pcs, hydraulic front wheel lifting/lowering..
SKU: 8999520 ,   EAN: 2000000006291 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Battery powered sprayer REC 15
Cordless backpack sprayer for herbicides and plant protection products. Manufacturer: Sakasmaa Li-ion battery 18V, electronic control, 15ltr. Tank volume, piston pump max. 6bar - 1.0ltr. / Min, handle with shut-off valve, spray tube bent 50cm with adjustment nozzle, charger, weight 4.4kg, battery capacity approx. 9 hours. at a pressure of 1.5 bar..
SKU: 28590 ,   EAN: 2000000028590 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1062,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Apple picker OB80R, harvesting 800mm, 4t/h
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Pick-up width 800mm; engine Honda 16HP electric ignition; tank 250L; container lifting height 2450mm; dimensions 3210x1410x1286mm; weight 300 kg; productivity 4t/h; adjustable picking speed 0.5-0.7km/h. Extras: working hours counter, lighting; base box trolley for 1-3 boxes; horizontal front sweeping brushes 1...2pcs, hydraulic front wheel lifting/lowering..
SKU: OB80R ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Apple picker OB40, harvest width 400mm, 1.5t/h
The high-quality picking machine is manufactured by Obstehnik, the largest producer of picking machines in Germany. Pick-up width 400mm; electric motor 250W ensuring 3-5 hours of work; dimensions 1500x720x1200mm; weight 80kg; productivity up to 1.5t/h..
SKU: 47317 ,   EAN: 2000000047317 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Berry box, box 60x40x22cm Perfo folding, green
Foldable and space-saving strong PP box with dimensions 60x40x22cm. Material PP. Suitable for use in contact with nutrients.
SKU: 9001377 ,   EAN: 5420069834517 ,   Stock qty: 214 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
15,90 €
Stock qty: 214
Berry harvester Jagoda Jarek 5 1/2RIDA (eg Soldiers)
Equipped with two shaking heads BOS. The harvester is designed for picking black and red currants, the branches of gooseberry and rosehip bushes are winding and dense and require double shaking. In the case of aronia, the shaking strength can be increased by revving the tractor's engine or adjusted manually. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! JAREK 5/ ARONIC/JAREK 5H and JAREK 5R are newer models of tractor-mounted semi-row harvesters designed for harvesting berries such as black currants, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, haskap, autumn fruit raspberries, saskaton berries. & rose hips. Our semi-row combines are characterized by high-quality finish, full equipment, simple construction and easy operation. The modular construction allows to adapt the harvesters according to the customer's needs and different picking conditions. We guarantee the highest standards in terms of harvesting precision and performance, the JAGODA half-row harvester is the best-seller in Europe thanks to: ? The modular design allows the machine to be equipped with different configurations, which adds high value to the standard version and improves cost efficiency. . The standard model is equipped with: - 2 innovative and exclusive shaking heads for the 920 JAREK 5, 1 shaking head for the JAREK 5R and ARONIC, which ensure the proper operation of the machine and are much gentler on the bushes than normal shaking heads. Shaking head 920 can be adjusted by changing the shaking force of the rotating weight mass to be used on different berries. - Hydraulic steering axle, which gives a very good turning radius and is especially important for reverse turns - Protective roof - Platform for collecting fruit: in small boxes (10 kg) / pallets (500 kg) - No additional accessories are needed for low bushes, our harvester stands out with a unique design that allows " "sun-shaped" shaking elements should be installed as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruit can be collected even from young and low bushes without additional equipment - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements - Low and easy maintenance: innovative chain protection system against excessive stretching / Magnetically closed shaker covers for easy access to the shakers and trouble-free maintenance - 7 plastic/metal single or double sun-shaped shaking element. The plastic elements have better elasticity, are more durable and do not damage the bushings - The mechanical collector guides the low branches to the conveyor - The rotary connection on the harvester to the tractor hitch - The design allows to adapt the harvester according to the customer's needs in different planting conditions - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements Extras: - Hydraulic leveling wheels Recommended for efficient work on perpendicular slopes 3 ° to 12°. - Brakes: recommended for efficient work on cross slopes 1° to 2° - Hydraulic slide beam: adjust the combine inside the tractor by raising and lowering and moving it right/left. ( 4 directions) - Oil cooler: Recommended for continuous operation, especially in hot climates. - Wireless/ radio control panel (up to 80 meters) - Electrovalve control: necessary to control various optional functions from the tractor - Hydraulic first guide: In the standard version, our harvester is equipped with a mechanical one - Gooseberry covers: necessary for harvesting gooseberries or other berries due to the peculiarity of the gooseberry fruit, which is in contact very prone to splintering with shaking elements. - Rear platform deck extension by 60 cm. - Work light on platform / set of tealights - 3 types of shaker heads for different fruits - High vibration energy ARONIC for chokeberry - 920: Adjust with mass shaker for Haskap and raspberries - BOS shaker: for currants, rose hips, gooseberries and saskatons Specifications: trailed, 1/2 row harvester , 2-BOS shaker, picking speed 0.6-1.5km/h (0.1-0.2ha/h), transport speed 20km/h, picking, picking accuracy up to 99%, injuries < 1%, required labor - from tractor and operator, tractor Min 30 Hp / 300 rpm. Dimensions: height 2.5m, length 6.1m, width 2.6m and weight 1950kg..
SKU: 8999958 ,   EAN: 2000000010687 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Berry harvester Jagoda Jarek 5 plus
Equipped with two shaking heads BOS. The harvester is designed for picking black and red currants, the branches of gooseberry and rosehip bushes are winding and dense and require double shaking. In the case of aronia, the shaking strength can be increased by revving the tractor's engine or adjusted manually. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost!Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! JAREK 5 plus is a newer model of a semi-row harvester that can be connected to the back of a tractor, which is designed for berries such as blackcurrants, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, haskap, autumn raspberries, rose hips. The semi-row combine is characterized by high-quality finish, full equipment, simple construction and easy operation. The modular construction allows to adapt the harvesters according to the customer's needs and different harvesting conditions. We guarantee the highest standards. In terms of harvesting accuracy and performance, the JAGODA semi-row harvester is the best seller in Europe thanks to: ? The modular design allows the machine to be equipped with different configurations, which adds high value to the standard version and improves cost efficiency. ? The harvesting accuracy is 98%, and the amount of impurities and damaged fruit does not exceed 1%. The standard model is equipped with:* 2 innovative and exclusive shaking heads BOS 920, the shaking heads 920 can be adjusted by changing the shaking force of the rotating weight mass, so that it can be used on different berries.* Hydraulic steering axle, which gives a very good turning radius and is especially important in reverse turns* Protective roof* Platform for collecting fruit: into small boxes (10 kg) / pallets (500 kg).* No additional accessories are needed for low bushes, our harvester is distinguished by a unique design that allows the "sun-shaped" shaking elements to be installed as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, you can collect fruits even from young and low bushes without additional equipment* Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives for working elements - Low and easy maintenance: innovative chain protection system against excessive stretching / Magnetic closed shaker covers for easy access to shakers and trouble-free maintenance* Hydraulics integrated into the combine* 7 plastic/metal single or double sun-shaped shaking elements. Plastic elements have better elasticity, are more durable and do not damage the bushings* Hydraulic Slide Beam: Adjust the combine inside the tractor by raising and lowering and moving it right/left. ( 4 directions)* PTO connection PTO SK-008* Wireless control. Wireless/radio control panel (up to 80 meters)* Lighting. Work light on the platform / set of road lights* In addition, the special shaking element head 920 is used for picking soft/delicate fruits* Raspberry picker accessory* A set of spare parts* Oil cooler SK-003. Recommended for continuous operation, especially in hot climates* Rotating coupling-trailer on the combine* Gooseberry covers: necessary for harvesting gooseberries or other berries due to the peculiarity of the gooseberry fruit, which is very prone to splintering when in contact with shaking elementsAccessories: - Hydraulic leveling wheels Recommended for efficient work on diagonal slopes from 3° to 12°. - Brakes: recommended for efficient operation on cross slopes of 1° to 2° - Electrovalve control: necessary to control various optional functions from the tractor - Hydraulic first guide: In the standard version, our harvester is equipped with a mechanicalTechnical data: trailed, 1/2 row harvester, 2-BOS shaker, picking speed 0.6-1.5km/h (0.1-0.2ha/h), transport speed 20km/h, picking, picking accuracy up to 99% , injuries < 1%, labor required - tractor driver and operator, tractor Min 30 Hp / 300 rpm. Dimensions: height 2.5m, length 6.1m, width 2.6m and weight 1950kg.
SKU: 53318 ,   EAN: 2000000053318 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Berry Harvester: JAREK 5 Plus
Equipped with one special shaker 920, specially designed for soft berries...a set of plastic shaking elements minimizes damage to the berries. Additionally equipped with a pre-separator that removes small impurities, an additional control conveyor that facilitates the removal of dirt and damaged fruits. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! JAREK 5/ ARONIC/JAREK 5H and JAREK 5R are newer models of tractor-mounted semi-row harvesters designed for harvesting berries such as black currants, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, haskap, autumn fruit raspberries, saskaton berries. & rose hips. Our semi-row combines are characterized by high-quality finish, full equipment, simple construction and easy operation. The modular construction allows to adapt the harvesters according to the customer's needs and different picking conditions. We guarantee the highest standards in terms of harvesting precision and performance, the JAGODA half-row harvester is the best-seller in Europe thanks to: ? The modular design allows the machine to be equipped with different configurations, which adds high value to the standard version and improves cost efficiency. . The standard model is equipped with: - 2 innovative and exclusive shaking heads for the 920 JAREK 5, 1 shaking head for the JAREK 5R and ARONIC, which ensure the proper operation of the machine and are much gentler on the bushes than normal shaking heads. Shaking head 920 can be adjusted by changing the shaking force of the rotating weight mass to be used on different berries. - Hydraulic steering axle, which gives a very good turning radius and is especially important for reverse turns - Protective roof - Platform for collecting fruit: in small boxes (10 kg) / pallets (500 kg) - No additional accessories are needed for low bushes, our harvester stands out with a unique design that allows " "sun-shaped" shaking elements should be installed as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruit can be collected even from young and low bushes without additional equipment - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements - Low and easy maintenance: innovative chain protection system against excessive stretching / Magnetically closed shaker covers for easy access to the shakers and trouble-free maintenance - 7 plastic/metal single or double sun-shaped shaking element. The plastic elements have better elasticity, are more durable and do not damage the bushings - The mechanical collector guides the low branches to the conveyor - The rotary connection on the harvester to the tractor hitch - The design allows to adapt the harvester according to the customer's needs in different planting conditions - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements Extras: - Hydraulic leveling wheels Recommended for efficient work on perpendicular slopes 3 ° to 12°. - Brakes: recommended for efficient work on cross slopes 1° to 2° - Hydraulic slide beam: adjust the combine inside the tractor by raising and lowering and moving it right/left. ( 4 directions) - Oil cooler: Recommended for continuous operation, especially in hot climates. - Wireless/ radio control panel (up to 80 meters) - Electrovalve control: necessary to control various optional functions from the tractor - Hydraulic first guide: In the standard version, our harvester is equipped with a mechanical one - Gooseberry covers: necessary for harvesting gooseberries or other berries due to the peculiarity of the gooseberry fruit, which is in contact very prone to splintering with shaking elements. - Rear platform deck extension by 60 cm. - Work light on platform / set of tealights - 3 types of shaker heads for different fruits - High vibration energy ARONIC for chokeberry - 920: Adjust with mass shaker for Haskap and raspberries - BOS shaker: for currants, rose hips, gooseberries and saskatons Specifications: trailed, 1/2 row harvester , 2-BOS shaker, picking speed 0.6-1.5km/h (0.1-0.2ha/h), transport speed 20km/h, picking, picking accuracy up to 99%, injuries < 1%, required labor - from tractor and operator, tractor Min 30 Hp / 300 rpm. Dimensions: height 2.5m, length 6.1m, width 2.6m and weight 1950kg..
SKU: 8999957 ,   EAN: 2000000010670 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Bioforce Germinator
This 3-tier grower allows you to sprout three different types of seeds simultaneously or at intervals, so you'll be stocked with fresh sprouts every day and turn your meals into a nutrient-dense feast. Your body will thank you for it! The BioSnacky sprouting container is: - easy to use, easy to clean, impact and scratch resistant - UV resistant, made of environmentally friendly food-grade acrylic glass - does not contain cadmium and formaldehyde - with a ventilation system that ensures proper air circulation with a functioning irrigation system - machine washable at up to 85 C Germinating is a breeze! You have the opportunity to acquire a mini ecological garden in the kitchen corner without spending too much time and provide yourself with tasty and nutritious sprouts all year round. BioSnacky Mini Greenhouse is the most purchased germination container. It is preferred because of its compactness and there is no need to purchase additional germination papers for this growbed. You will get basic facts and instructions for successful germination from the growing stage user manual, and over time, your own experience will become the best teacher. We recommend starting with mung bean seedlings, which germinate the easiest and fastest. The starter pack is also included with the grow platform. HAPPY SPROUTING!.
SKU: 47287 ,   EAN: 7313700015070 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
28,90 €
Stock qty: 1
Disck harrow Wirax 13
The Wirax disc harrow is used both in the pre-sowing treatment of heavy soil after plowing and in mild tillage, applying the idea of soil mulching. The main advantage of the machine is that it cuts and mixes plant residues with the soil and can work for very long hours without jamming. Used after plowing, the harrow intensively cuts and crushes the surface of the soil and at the same time compacts the subsoil, which accelerates its settling. In recent years, weeding has become an important element of the two-phase ecological cultivation of stubble fields, which eliminates the need for the use of herbicides. Model with 13 discs. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the representative of Wirax products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49946 ,   EAN: 2000000049946 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1377,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Harvest bags 2pc
The ideal mesh bag for harvesting fruit, vegetables and potatoes. Hands free solution! The crop can be washed directly in the net. Shoulder, arm and hip support function. Extremely light, tear-resistant and durable. With a reinforced base. Space-saving storage. Dimensions: Bag size 1: (H x D) 30 x 40 cm / load capacity: approx. 15 kg, Bag size 2: (H x D) 40 x 50 cm / load capacity: approx. 20 kg Shoulder strap: width 3.5 / 81 cm , Weight: 400 g.
SKU: 32443 ,   EAN: 4040746298862 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
31,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Maintenance Mower Jagoda Lucek Unilateral
The Jagoda inter-row mower LUCEK is designed for weeding and cutting grass and around bushes/plants and is the ideal option for bushes, orchards, vineyards, fence posts, solar panels, hedges and other obstacles in fruit orchards. The use of a row mower can significantly reduce or even eliminate the use of herbicides in organic farming production. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! The rotary cutting head of the mower is equipped with 3 blades with a cutting width of 670mm. The rotary cutting head is driven by a hydraulic motor connected to a belt drive to reduce the height of the rotating cutting element used under the berry bushes. The rotor cover protects trees and bushes from damage, and the rotatable working device allows you to mow weeds between trees. The sensitivity of the rotating cutting head can be adjusted mechanically using springs. Available in single and double sided with hydraulic side shift to adjust working width from 1.72m to 4.30m. The inter-row mower is mounted on a three-point linkage to the front of the tractor. Possibility to additionally equip the device with support wheels. Technical data: Single-sided LUCEK and Double-sided LUCEK DUO available. Drive system Hydraulic motor through poly belt transmission system, Installation method 3-point linkage at the front of Cat 2 tractor, working device horizontally moving rotor covered with 3 blade cutter rotating shield, Cutting width 670mm, Cutting height of rotating cutting head 30-40mm, Working width 1720-2150mm and LUCEK DUO 2500- 4300mm , Productivity 0.4 – 1.0 ha/h and LUCEK Duo 0.8 – 1.8 ha/h, Hydraulic oil requirement from tractor 25 l/min, Lucek Duo 35 l/min, Height 810mm, Length 1760mm. Weight 180 kg / Lucek Duo 290 kg.
SKU: 49748 ,   EAN: 2000000049748 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Maintenance Mower Jagoda Plus 1.8m
Jagoda mulching mowers are ideal for use in berry orchards, orchards and farmland. With excellent build quality and performance, the mowers offer cutting widths from 90 cm to 180 cm. The structure is made of metal, rotating rotor blades and one counter-rotating cutting rotor. This allows you to mow the lawn and shred e.g. crop residues, overgrown forest land, as well as crush branches up to 25 mm with a slope of up to 12º. The mower-shredders are available in five cutting widths: 0.9 m, 1.15 m, 1.3 m, 1.6 m and 1.8 m. Each rotor is equipped with 4 strong blades, 2 on each side for efficient cutting. The MS-008: 1.8m and MS-006: 1.6m mowers have an optional hydraulic side shift axle to the right or left to improve access under or between obstacles. The adjustable roller at the rear of the mowers controls the mowing height and reduces the risk of obstacles. It is available in all versions and the 0.9m version has a wheel. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Technical data: Cutting height 25-30 mm, Mowing on a slope 12º, Working speed 4 km/h -12 km/h, needs 540 rpm, tractor 30 HP, width 1910 mm, length 2270 mm, height 480/850 mm, weight 240.
SKU: 49755 ,   EAN: 2000000049755 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Maintenance Mower Wirax 185cm
Rotary mowers are designed for mowing grass and pasture in meadows and fields. Fast working discs ensure very good mowing quality and efficiency. A proven solution for both low and high mowing. Wirax mowers are offered in five working widths, i.e. 1.25 (chain mower), 1.35 m, 1.65 m, 1.85 m and 2.10 m, with hydraulic lift as an additional equipment. The robust and durable design of the machine ensures long and trouble-free operation. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse to Estonia at an additional cost. Cider Mill OÜ is the representative of Wirax products in Estonia! Technical data: PTO 540r/min, efficiency model ha/h 135cm 0.7...1; 165cm 1.5; 185cm 2.5; 210cm 2.5 ha/h..
SKU: 49939 ,   EAN: 2000000049939 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1804,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
The Wirex Plow is designed for subsoil as well as sowing and pre-winter plowing to a depth of up to 28 cm, in all types of soil, except stony soil. The machine ensures completely efficient plowing on both flat and rough fields with an inclination angle of up to 8%, whether longitudinal or transverse. The field should be plowed when the soil has reached optimal moisture, when the plow can properly dig into the ground and break up any lumps of soil. Available models: 1-3 covers Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the representative of Wirax products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49977 ,   EAN: 2000000049977 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
523,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit Jagoda 2'ne
The disc cultivator Jagoda ALEK is intended for removing soil from under the rows of crops. It is also used for weed control in orchards, vineyards and crops where lateral weeding is required and for backfilling plant bases to protect roots from frost. Disc Cultivator: This is a robust model, ideal for use on heavy stony or muddy soil. The machine is equipped with 2 discs. Rotation speed based on tractor speed up to 15 km/h, Working depth: 5 cm to 12 cm, Disc diameter: 425 mm. Can be connected to the rear frame of the tractor... suitable for e.g. Divide the ALEK frame. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49816 ,   EAN: 2000000049816 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1089,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit Jagoda Alek 1a
The orchard disk cultivator Jagoda ALEK is intended for removing soil from under the rows of crops. It is also used for weed control in orchards, vineyards and crops where lateral weeding is required and for backfilling plant bases to protect roots from frost. Disc Cultivator: This is a robust model, ideal for use on heavy stony or muddy soil. The machine is equipped with 2 discs and is produced in single-sided and double-sided versions. Rotation speed based on tractor speed up to 15 km/h, Working depth: 5 cm to 12 cm, Disc diameter: 425 mm, Cultivator Frame: Reversible, i.e. can be mounted behind or in front of the tractor, connected by 3-point linkages, Hydraulic width shift: produced on both sides by one - or on both sides from 1.7 m on one side to 3.3 m on both sides. Adjustable rubber wheels for adjusting the height of the machine. Stand for storage and transport positions In addition to the orchard disk cultivator, the LUCY inter-row weeder, the KLAUDIA orchard tiller, the inter-row blade set, etc. can be attached to the same frame. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! Technical data: models single-sided/double-sided, Width 1700mm/2500mm, Max width (cm) 2100mm/3300mm, Disc cultivator 2pcs/2x2pcs, transport length 700mm, working speed up to 12km/h, work/transport height 1040mm, Disc diameter 425mm, transport width 1700mm , Weight 190 kg 250 kg.
SKU: 49809 ,   EAN: 2000000049809 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
3587,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit Jagoda Klaudia
Jagoda KLAUDIA is designed for rapid mechanical weed control in organic orchards, vineyards, berry and fruit gardens where lateral weeding is required. The machine is equipped with finger wheels, thanks to which soil and weeds are easily loosened from between plants and around trees, which ensures a wider coverage of cultivated soil. We offer 3 different degrees of hardness, Ø 700 mm and Ø 540 mm soil drills (soft: green, medium: orange, hard: red). The standard model is equipped with 2 vertical front loosening wheels and one horizontal rubber tiller. The roller cultivator loosens the soil and the tiller directs it towards the plants. Easy installation by adding 2, 3 or 4 discs to cultivate a wider area up to 500mm. Easy to adjust tilt and swivel angles. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Technical data: Single-sided X1 / Double-sided X2 version available. Min Width (mm) 1720mm / 2300mm, Max Width (mm) 2120mm/3100mm, Number of disc cultivator 2 (standard) x 3 x 4, Cultivator size Ø 70 or Ø 54, Working speed 8 – 15 km/h, Working height 1040 mm, Disc diameter 425mm, Transport length 1500mm, Installation method (rear and front) 3-PL Cat 1 & 2 3-PL Cat 1 & 2, Weight 220kg / 340kg.
SKU: 49786 ,   EAN: 2000000049786 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit Jagoda Lucy Lu-001R (F)
Inter-row rotary cultivator Jagoda LUCY, for weed control in orchards, vineyards and berry bushes. This reduces your costs and your environmental impact! No more herbicides: the automatic weed control inter-row rotary cultivator is designed for organic farms. The use of this weed remover makes it possible to significantly reduce or even eliminate the use of herbicides in fruit production. The width is adjusted hydraulically, allowing the use of different row width crops. Rotary head: 300 mm equipped with 3 vertical knives, Orchard rotary cultivator LUCY is controlled by an electric console in the tractor cab, Sensor adjustment for high or low sensitivity for high precision weeding: Sensor adjustment allows you to avoid the risk of plant damage. In production 2s version: Version LU-01F: if the tractor has a low oil pressure pump < 30 l/min, we recommend using an internal hydraulic set: pump + oil tank + radiator AHF. LU-01F version: If there is no 3-point linkage, we customized the bracket according to the tractor model and include hydraulic lifting and lowering. 2. LU-01R: mounted on the rear of the tractor on a 3-point lever universal frame, which can also be used on other machines. Due to different soil conditions and customer requirements, our engineers are working on developing the design of the LUCY inter-row weeding machine, offering additional equipment that can be easily added to work in different conditions and possibilities: - Rotor cultivator 30 cm; – a blade in a hoe; – Disc plow; – Disc cultivator. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Specifications: Versions: 1-sided LU-01F and LU-01R. Installation method for tractor 3-point linkage - CAT 2 or special bracket (front) 3-point linkage - CAT 2 (rear). Max working width 2026 mm 2010 mm Min working width 2026 mm / 1610 mm, Shipping width 2026 mm / 1610 mm, Length 1180 mm / 1209 mm, Height 1160 mm / 1066 mm, Weeding depth 10-40 mm, Weeding head size 300mm, Working speed 1 - 3 km/h, Oil requirement (l/min) 30 l/min or external PTO 30 l/min, Weight 180kg / 220 kg..
SKU: 49724 ,   EAN: 2000000049724 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit Jagoda Zuza 1-row
The Eco hydraulic weeding machine Jagoda Zuza is designed for mechanical weeding in organic farms, where crops grow in rows, with such a distance that the tractor can pass the cultivated path. Eco weeder ZUZA with rotating heads is suitable for weeding between plants and rows, the purpose is to match different plants under different types of soil and different row spacings in organic farming. We offer one of the most effective organic weed control solutions on the market in different versions to reduce labor costs and inconsistent weeding and eliminate the use of herbicides in fruit and vegetable gardens. The device itself has been working in many plantations for more than 15 years, which is confirmed by a large number of satisfied customers, and it has been constantly developed. Jagoda provides a 2-year warranty for the device. The ZUZA eco-hydraulic weeder is adapted for weeding rows of vegetable crops, flowers, lavender, lettuce, pumpkins, rhubarb, asparagus, strawberries and young currants, chokeberries and other plants up to 0.5 meters high. Complete with device spring cleaner and/or vertical knives that destroy weeds. Knives are recommended for use on rocky and hard ground. The device is equipped with a valve that regulates the speed of the rotary heads. The working depth is determined by changing the relative position of the head and the support plate. Possibility to install several cleaning devices on the device to ensure simultaneous cleaning of 2..3 and more furrows. In addition, the possibility to move the tractor axle on the frame of each section by 20 cm to the right or left. The creative design of our mechanical weeding machine allows farmers to save time and money as it replaces 6-8 workers. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! The device is produced in different versions: Control of the rotary heads by means of mobile levers, available manually or by joysticks for all versions, to eliminate the need for physical force and increase the working time of the device: ZU-001: single-line, ZU-001A: single-line with joysticks, ZU-001F: single-line with internal hydraulics, ZU-002: Double row, ZU-002F: Double row with internal hydraulics, ZU-003: Three rows with internal hydraulics. Technical information Zuza 1: working width 1...4cm, height 2150mm, width 1240-1550mm, length 2220mm, working element diameter 300/225mm, employees: operator + tractor, working speed 1-3km/h, productivity 0.5...1ha /h, oil consumption 25l/min, weight 250kg.
SKU: 49717 ,   EAN: 2000000049717 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation soil loosen unit PH 35B
Hydraulic weeding machine around seedlings from a Polish manufacturer. Installation behind the tractor Weeding depth max. 15cm Required oil pressure 20l/min Productivity 0.2...0.7 ha/h Weight 100kg Dimensions: 165x200x130cm.
SKU: 8999960 ,   EAN: 2000000010700 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Plantation spacing-weep wgh
By cleaning the bases of the bushes for the winter - you keep pests away from the plantation! Made in Poland Connection to the front of the tractor Hydraulic motor at slow speeds 12kw Working area 80cm Weight 50kg Required oil pressure 30l/min.
SKU: 8999961 ,   EAN: 2000000010717 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Planting machine Jagoda Daria
Jagoda Daria is specially produced for easy and quick planting of seedlings. A universal planter suitable for planting various shrubs and seedlings. A sign that determines the correct distance between plants - the possibility of using 2 different seed widths (16 cm and 22 cm), Planting depth up to 35 cm. The planter is equipped with a marker that determines the appropriate row spacing of 2-4m. Basket dimensions (are 1480 mm x 800 mm). Over 60 steel rods are welded in each basket, suitable for small trees and saplings. This results in no basket soil and makes planting more efficient, especially for berry plants. Working speed 0.2-2km/h. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Specifications: Productive 3,000 to 5,000 trees per day, scrapers are adjustable in both vertical and horizontal directions to suit different sizes of seedlings to flood the furrow. The press wheels are adjustable in vertical and horizontal direction to compact the ground, depending on the size of the seedling. Planting requires 2 operators, one operator sticks the berry bushes into the hole made by the planting element (seed), while the other prepares and separates the plants. For small trees: 1-operator is required and the second seat is removable for easy planting of small trees. The height of the front wheels is adjustable. The 1-row unit can be attached to a 3-point linkage Cat 2 tractor hitch and required a 30hp tractor. Length 2250 mm, Width 2250 mm, Height 1200 mm, Planting depth max. 350 mm, Ejecting marker range 2000-3800 mm, Indicator ejection max. 400 mm, Working speed 0.2- 2.0 km/h, Tractor power min. 30 hp, Weight 380 kg.
SKU: 49700 ,   EAN: 2000000049700 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
3690,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Planting machine, gz/m for trees-shrubs
A tree and shrub planter from a Polish manufacturer. Possibility to make the machine multifunctional: soil softener and root cutter and planter = 2's in one device. Connects to the back of the tractor. Technical data: tractor power 45kw, seedling opening 35cm, seedling max. planting depth 46cm, weight 240kg, Dimensions: 160x250x140cm Extras: root cutter or limiter + 300eur+km.
SKU: 8999959 ,   EAN: 2000000010694 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Plow Wirax with 2-LAGE adjustment
The Wirex Plow is designed for subsoil as well as sowing and pre-winter plowing to a depth of up to 28 cm, in all types of soil, except stony soil. The machine ensures completely efficient plowing on both flat and rough fields with an inclination angle of up to 8%, whether longitudinal or transverse. The field should be plowed when the soil has reached optimal moisture, when the plow can properly dig into the ground and break up any lumps of soil. Available models: 2-5 hölma, working width 1.25 m, 1.40 m, 1.60 m, 1.80 m, 2.10 m (the price is given for the 2.1 m model, e.g. the 1.25 m model is 70 eur+km cheaper ). Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the representative of Wirax products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49953 ,   EAN: 2000000049953 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
849,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Pull-type Berry harvester OSKAR A01 KO-002
If your plantation is larger than 10h, we definitely recommend considering full-row harvesters like Oskar. The trailed berry harvester OSKAR A01 is designed for picking berries such as: black currants, red currants, chokeberries, gooseberries, Haskap, autumn-fruited raspberries, saskaton berries and rose hips. The trailed berry harvester OSKAR A01 is a machine that can be connected to the back of a tractor, which collects the product from an entire row of the plantation at once. The harvester is fully equipped and unique features: Steering wheels, protective roofs, transport and work light, wireless control panel 80m, adjustable width in transport and work positions, hydraulic platforms for fruit collection, small or large boxes, collection of fruit from low bushes without loss, good maneuverability, speed 0 .8 to 2 km/h and the harvesting yield reaches 99% for currants and chokeberry. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! The Oskar harvester has unique and exclusive features that have proven to be very useful for farmers: Maneuverability, which ensures a smaller turning radius, which is especially important for U-turns, Protective roofs, Driving and working lights, The wireless control panel works at a distance of up to 30 meters and can be used both from the tractor cabinet and behind the harvester, Adjustable width in transport and working positions: The front axle of the harvester is extended for harvesting (working position) and narrows in the transport position, Collecting fruits in small or large boxes, We developed a new vertically adjustable and forced clearance adjustment (hinged type) suspension unit between the left cross conveyor and the right chutes - this solution significantly improves the mobility of the machine when working on public roads and plantations, The conveyors receiving the collected fruits and the fans removing the impurities are hydraulically operated and adjustable in speed, the asymmetric position of the Shakers (the left shaker is shifted along the axis of the machine to the right) and the use of an innovative system of tilt adjustment of the hydraulic shaker allows to adjust high and shaking down low bushes and, as a result, collecting other varieties. of berries, including raspberries that bear fruit on annual bushes, the OSKAR A01 berry harvester was adapted to collect many types of berries, using different parameters of working shakers in the amplitude of the generated vibrations. A lower amplitude is used, for example, for harvesting gooseberries and a higher one for harvesting currants. In addition, we developed two types of shaking elements: metal and plastic finger shakers. This solution significantly increased the efficiency of collecting fruits that are strongly attached to the seedlings (for example, chokeberry fruits when they became very dry). Speed 0.8 to 2 km/h, Productivity 0.3 to 0.5 hectares/hour. Transport by arrangement (additional price supplement). Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! Technical information: attaching the tractor to a 3-point linkage, 2 fruit shaking heads (920, BOS or Aronic), tractor power min. 52 kW/70 hp, Number of harvested rows 1, Harvesting capacity Up to 0.5 ha/hour, Harvesting accuracy up to 95-99%, Speed 0.8 to 2 km/h, damaged berries <1%, Work nodes drive, Hydraulic pump through gearbox, works with the external hydraulics of the tractor, Fan speed 0 - 1000 rpm, Necessary personnel operators 2 pcs +tractor, Height 2400 ? 2450 (mm), Length 5000 ? 6400 (mm), Width 2880 ? 4600 (mm), Weight 3600 kg.
SKU: 49663 ,   EAN: 2000000049663 ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Renting machine: Berry harvester Jagoda Jarek 5 1/2RIDA (berries)
RENTAL MACHINE. LONG-TERM RENTAL PERIOD BY AGREEMENT. Equipped with two shaking heads BOS. The harvester is designed for picking black and red currants, the branches of gooseberry and rosehip bushes are winding and dense and require double shaking. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! JAREK 5/ ARONIC/JAREK 5H and JAREK 5R are newer models of tractor-mounted semi-row harvesters designed for harvesting berries such as black currants, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, haskap, autumn fruit raspberries, saskaton berries. & rose hips. Our semi-row combines are characterized by high-quality finish, full equipment, simple construction and easy operation. The modular construction allows to adapt the harvesters according to the customer's needs and different picking conditions. We guarantee the highest standards in terms of harvesting precision and performance, the JAGODA half-row harvester is the best-seller in Europe thanks to: ▪ The modular design allows the machine to be equipped with different configurations, which adds high value to the standard version and improves cost efficiency. . The standard model is equipped with: - 2 innovative and exclusive shaking heads for the 920 JAREK 5, 1 shaking head for the JAREK 5R and ARONIC, which ensure the proper operation of the machine and are much gentler on the bushes than normal shaking heads. Shaking head 920 can be adjusted by changing the shaking force of the rotating weight mass to be used on different berries. - Hydraulic steering axle, which gives a very good turning radius and is especially important for reverse turns - Protective roof - Platform for collecting fruit: in small boxes (10 kg) / pallets (500 kg) - No additional accessories are needed for low bushes, our harvester stands out with a unique design that allows " "sun-shaped" shaking elements should be installed as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruit can be collected even from young and low bushes without additional equipment - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements - Low and easy maintenance: innovative chain protection system against excessive stretching / Magnetically closed shaker covers for easy access to the shakers and trouble-free maintenance - 7 plastic/metal single or double sun-shaped shaking element. The plastic elements have better elasticity, are more durable and do not damage the bushings - The mechanical collector guides the low branches to the conveyor - The rotary connection on the harvester to the tractor hitch - The design allows to adapt the harvester according to the customer's needs in different planting conditions - Hydraulic drives, fully adjustable drives of the working elements Extras: - Hydraulic leveling wheels Recommended for efficient work on perpendicular slopes 3 ° to 12°. - Brakes: recommended for efficient work on cross slopes 1° to 2° - Hydraulic slide beam: adjust the combine inside the tractor by raising and lowering and moving it right/left. ( 4 directions) - Oil cooler: Recommended for continuous operation, especially in hot climates. - Wireless/ radio control panel (up to 80 meters) - Electrovalve control: necessary to control various optional functions from the tractor - Hydraulic first guide: In the standard version, our harvester is equipped with a mechanical one - Gooseberry covers: necessary for harvesting gooseberries or other berries due to the peculiarity of the gooseberry fruit, which is in contact very prone to splintering with shaking elements. - Rear platform deck extension by 60 cm. - Work light on platform / set of tealights - 3 types of shaker heads for different fruits - High vibration energy ARONIC for chokeberry - 920: Adjust with mass shaker for Haskap and raspberries - BOS shaker: for currants, rose hips, gooseberries and saskatons Specifications: trailed, 1/2 row harvester , 2-BOS shaker, picking speed 0.6-1.5km/h (0.1-0.2ha/h), transport speed 20km/h, picking, picking accuracy up to 99%, injuries < 1%, required labor - from tractor and operator, tractor Min 30 Hp / 300 rpm. Dimensions: height 2.5m, length 6.1m, width 2.6m and weight 1950kg..
SKU: 51376 ,   EAN: 2000000051376 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
630,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Rope Shaker OS
The high-quality tree shaker is manufactured in Germany and designed for shaking larger trees such as apple trees, pear trees, etc. The operator's task is to attach the shaker cables to the appropriate branch and connect to the hook of the equipment behind the tractor. The shaking is then carried out using the tractor's PTO shaft. Weight: 65kg + 10kg.
SKU: 8999518 ,   EAN: 2000000006277 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
2231,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Shrub mower Jagoda Former
The Jagoda berry hedge trimmer FORMER is designed for pruning berry bushes and forming V-shaped rows of bushes. This is important for fast and efficient harvesting with a harvester. The device can be used for berry bushes such as black currants, red currants, aronia berries, gooseberries, Haskap berries, etc. Pruning prevents excessive shoot growth and facilitates mechanical harvesting. Pruning berry bushes also promotes an increase in yield in the second year after harvest to ensure continuous branch renewal. The FORMER can be mounted on the front of the tractor and is powered by the tractor's hydraulic oil (needs only 18-25 l/min), In case the tractor's hydraulic pump capacity is over 35 l/min, we recommend installing an oil flow regulator to adjust the cutting frequency to achieve the optimal speed 2, 2 revolutions per second. Our engineers can provide a bracket to fit any tractor in case there is no 3-point connection. The Jagoda mower is equipped with a bracket and a hydraulic cylinder for lowering and raising the machine. Technical data: Work set made of a screw with diagonally adjustable hand thread, cutting length 180 cm, Height 800 mm, Working width 1,800 mm, Working height 1,150 mm, Working speed 1 - 3 km/h, Productivity 0.2 - 0.5 ha/h, Tractor hydraulic pump power 18-25 l/min, Weight 110 kg Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49779 ,   EAN: 2000000049779 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Speed picker for apple without wood-stick
A high-quality apple picker for everyday use - a product tested in large German apple orchards and produced by a major German manufacturer. Picking apples is not troublesome and time-consuming if you use ingeniously simple tools - with an apple picker, picking is quick and convenient. Set without stem. Quick pickers are also available for plums, cherries, nuts and chicken eggs - 3 different models..
SKU: 8999280 ,   EAN: 5420069805814 ,   Stock qty: 4 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
99,00 € (22%)
127,00 €
Stock qty: 4
Suspended tiller Wirax 2.1m
Tillers are used for mixing and loosening all types of soil. The machine is universal and can to some extent replace the plow, cultivator and harrow. With a soil tiller, fields can be processed quickly and efficiently after perennial crops, after plowing meadows or pastures. In addition, the machine can be used to mix herbicides and mineral fertilizers with the soil. A soil tiller with wheels and a solid construction is more adjustable and easier to use. Available types of tillers: working width 1.25 m, 1.40 m, 1.60 m, 1.80 m, 2.10 m (the price is given for the 2.1 m model, e.g. the 1.25 m model is 70 eur+km cheaper). Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the representative of Wirax products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49922 ,   EAN: 2000000049922 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
1697,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaker by-set 01 max. 15 trees/h
The high-quality tree shaker is manufactured in Poland and designed for shaking larger trees such as apple trees, pear trees, etc. The operator's task is to attach the shaker cables to the appropriate branch and connect to the hook of the equipment behind the tractor. The shaking is then carried out using the tractor's PTO shaft. Dimensions 500x600x1000mm, weight 90kg, tractor min. power 10kw, gimbal revolutions 540r/min, rope 10mm x 10m.
SKU: 9000165 ,   EAN: 2000000012797 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
1591,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaker Jagoda G-004 Apple Trees 50-60 Tree/H
JAGODA Tree shaker G-004 is designed for harvesting apples, PEARS, sour cherries, plums, hazelnuts, almonds, olives, walnuts, etc. G-004 is a shaking machine with a picking space adapted to the exact needs of fruit growers, which can be used in orchards where the distance between the trees is different - screen width: 1.5 m to 3 m. efficiency up to 95%. The shaker can be connected to the tractor (towable) and includes an oil tank, pump and hydraulic drive. The innovative shaking head ensures proper work and is much gentler on the trees for it. Under optimal conditions, fruit collection from 50-60 trees per hour with a productivity of 0.09 to 0.1 Ha/hour. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! Highest working standard - fully equipped: Efficient system for clean fruit, Quality fruit and high reliability with up to 99% performance, Fruit collection in small or large box (standard equipment), Distance between rows Min. 2.5 m, Distance between trees in a row (the screen can be adjusted from 1.5 m to 3 m), Trunk diameter 50 mm to 250 mm, height of the picking room Min. 0.7 m. The machine is intended for harvesting fruit in base boxes 1200x1000x760mm. Also 600x400x150mm when installing additional rods. Technical information: 3-point connection to the rear of the tractor, working system with external hydraulics of the tractor, hydraulic pump through the gearbox, required power from the PTO 200rpm, Tractor power min. 30 hp (PTO), Working distance 9000mm, Working width 5600mm including screen width, Working height 700mm to 1200 mm, weight 1800kg, Grip range of paws 50 - 250mm for tree trunks, Harvest accuracy up to 99%, Productivity 50-60 trees per hour with productivity 0.09 to 0.1 ha/h.
SKU: 49670 ,   EAN: 2000000049670 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaker jagoda pestka 100-tree/h, up to 22cm
The Jagoda tree grater PESTKA is designed for harvesting stone fruits such as: sour cherries, plums, hazelnuts, industrial apples, olives, almonds, walnuts and much more. ? Shaking efficiency can be adjusted simply by changing the mass of the rotating components of the shaking head. ? Thanks to the 90-degree turn of the arrow to the right or left, you can harvest from both sides of the row at the same time. ? The advantage of PESTKA, if the diameter of the trunk is more than 22 cm, the machine has the flexibility to reach the main branches of the trees. The hydraulic elements of the device work periodically, so that there is no danger of the oil in the tractor overheating. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! Functions: The PESTKA tree shaker uses the tractor's external hydraulic system and the required performance from the tractor's hydraulic pump is about 20..40 l/min, If the tree trunk is over 22 cm, the PESTKA shaker can reach the upper main branches of the trees, PESTKA is connected to a tractor equipped with a three-point linkage, The shaking efficiency can easily adjusted by changing the weight of the rotating components of the shaking head, the length of the boom supporting the shaker is adjustable from 1200 mm to 2000 mm, which makes it easier to work in orchards with uneven row spacing, thanks to the 180-degree turn of the boom to the right and left, you can harvest from both sides of the row at the same time. This option requires 2 sets of backing fabric and 2 more people to help them. Productivity kin 100 trees/h.
SKU: 8999514 ,   EAN: 2000000006239 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
6890,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaker VHB 50-tree/h
The high-quality tree shaker is manufactured in France and designed for shaking larger trees such as apple trees, pear trees, etc. Technical data: Tractor power min. 80HP and hydraulic pump power min. 45l/min; 2-hydraulic motors; for tree trunks up to 590mm; weight 600 kg; max. distance from tree trunk 3m; shaking process time 1-2 min..
SKU: 8999519 ,   EAN: 2000000006284 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaking unit GACEK- Stone fruit harvester
The Jagoda tree shaker GACEK is designed for harvesting sour cherries, plums, hazelnuts, almonds and others. GACEK has been fully developed by JAGODA JPS Skierniewice (Polish capital of fruit science) within the research and development consortium of the Institute of Horticulture under patent number P-386556. GACEK's distinctive innovative solution is an inverted umbrella that automatically folds under the tree before shaking the fruit. The innovative shaking head ensures proper operation and is much gentler on trees than other shaking heads... the ability to change the gravity using the weight of the shaking head. The GACEK machine is recommended for orchards up to 5 ha in size. Under optimal conditions, fruits are collected from 50-60 trees per hour. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia! Innovative solution and the highest working standard - fully equipped: Efficient system for clean fruit, shaker adjustment, Quality fruit and high reliability, Collecting fruit in a small or large box (standard equipment), Distance between rows Min. 4 m, Distance between trees in a row Min. 2.2 m, Max. the diameter of the collection canopy is about 3.7 m, the diameter of the trunk is 50 mm to 220 mm, the height of the collection room is Min. 0.7 m. Possibility to pick up directly in the base box 1200x1000x760mm or using the beams in the additional equipment in the boxes 600x400x150mm. Technical information: 3-point connection attachment method to the back of the tractor, working on tractor hydraulics min. 25 l/min, Tractor power min. 30 hp, Max distance: 5200mm, Max working width: 3700 mm, Working height 2400 mm, weight 1250 kg, Paw grip width 50 - 220 mm, Harvest accuracy up to 95%, Productivity up to 0.5 ha/ 8h (50 trees/hour), Number of operators 2-3.
SKU: 49687 ,   EAN: 2000000049687 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Tree shaking unit Jagoda RS-100
The Jagoda tree shaker can save time and labor, especially in small plantations with fewer trees. Designed for shaking large, medium and smaller trees... such as apple trees, pear trees, walnuts, almonds, plums, sour cherries, olives and more. Equipped with a 10m long 8mm inch steel cable for attachment to a branch or trunk for shaking purposes. The RS 100 shaker is mounted on a three-point linkage located at the rear of the tractor and is controlled by a PTO profile 1 3/8” 6. The shaker has the option of using a telescopic pole up to 6m long, which greatly facilitates hooking the rope. Easy to use. PTO shaft rotation speed approx. 200 rpm no more to avoid damage to the tree. The strong steel body construction makes this machine an excellent choice for harvesting fruit from large trees. Save harvesting time: capacity from 10 to 25 trees/hour depending on tree size. Transport from the manufacturer's warehouse at an additional cost! Cider Mill OÜ is the official representative of Jagoda products in Estonia!.
SKU: 49762 ,   EAN: 2000000049762 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Tootja laos (Poola)/Valmistaja varastossa (Puola)/Producer stock (Poland) ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
2178,00 €
Stock qty: On special order

The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….