Käsitsi Sildistaja. See professionaalne sildistaja on loodud pakkuma tõhusat lahendust siltide kinnitamiseks purkidele. Seade väljastab isekleepuvad sildid otse rullilt ning muudab need ettesöötmise abil koheselt purkidele kinnitamiseks kättesaadavaks. Tänu optimeeritud töövoole suurendab see väikesemahulise villimisoperatsiooni tootlikkust märgatavalt. Seadet on võimalik kasutada ka kuusnurksete purkidega, mis muudab selle eriti mitmekülgseks. Sildistaja suudab käidelda sildirulle läbimõõduga kuni 200 mm, sildi maksimaalne kõrgus võib olla 75 mm. Sildirulli sisemine läbimõõt peab olema vähemalt 15 mm. Seadme kasutamisel on oluline teada, et purgi põhjast sildi alumise servani võib kõrgus olla vahemikus 2 kuni 28 mm. Seadme kasutamine on lihtne ja loogiline - operaator asetab purgi seadmesse, misjärel sildistaja väljastab sildi täpselt õigele kõrgusele. See võimaldab sildi ühtlaselt ja korrektselt purgile kanda. Kvaliteetne taani tootjafirma on loonud töökindla seadme, mis sobib suurepäraselt igapäevaseks kasutamiseks väiketootmises.
SKU: 1412
, EAN: 20000000539597
, Stock qty:On special order
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
A labeling machine from an Italian manufacturer in the best price range and with great possibilities. Labels 2 labels - first and back. Suitable for bottles with a diameter of 50-120mm. Extras: date stamp, extra for conical bottles, labeling of small bottles, narrow bottle labels, stamp. Size: 500 x 360 x h255 mm; Weight 12.1 kg..
SKU: 8999362
, EAN: 2000000004600
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend:
labeling machine from an Italian manufacturer in the best price range and with great possibilities. Labels 2 labels - first and back. Productivity up to 200pdl/h. Suitable for square bottles 50-120mm. Size: 360 x 500 x 350 Weight 14kg.
labeling machine from an Italian manufacturer in the best price range and with great possibilities. Labels 2 labels - the first and the back (labels must be alternated on one roll - the first label is labeled first and then the back label). Suitable for bottles with a diameter of 50-120mm. productivity approx. 350 pdl/h. Product data: Size: 560x450xh290 mm / Weight 11.65 kg. Additional equipment at a special price: Labeling of small bottles, stamp. PS Make sure that the bottles used are straight, i.e. not with an irregular surface. If it has an irregular surface, then: 1 - do not apply any label around the bottle to the bottle, as it tends to create wrinkles and air bubbles 2 - preferably apply the label on the front and back (from one roll) in order to convey enough graphics and data required by law with the label. 3 - avoid plastic materials for labels, especially polypropylene, which is particularly sensitive to surface irregularities. 4 - we recommend using plain paper or, as an alternative, coated paper of a certain weight.
SKU: 8999594
, EAN: 2000000007038
, Stock qty:On special order
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend:
The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….