
Isobaric fillers

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4 head manual, counter pressure filler
The bottling machine is ideal for smaller (craft) beer, soft drink, cider, wine and water producers. Available in 4, 6 and 8 head versions. The machines are suitable for filling both glass and PET bottles from 200 ml to 2 liters. The device automatically bottles a pre-calibrated amount into the bottle using the bottling nozzle. Extras: Carbonizers, cappers, coolers, labeling machine and various bottle rinsing, pasteurizing and washing machines..
SKU: 33792 ,   EAN: 2000000033792 ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
7790,00 €
Stock qty: 1
6 head manual, counter pressure filler
The bottling machine is ideal for smaller (craft) beer, soft drink, cider, wine and water producers. Available in 4, 6 and 8 head versions. The machines are suitable for filling both glass and PET bottles from 200 ml to 2 liters. The device automatically bottles a pre-calibrated amount into the bottle using the bottling nozzle. Extras: Carbonizers, cappers, coolers, labeling machine and various bottle rinsing, pasteurizing and washing machines..
SKU: 33808 ,   EAN: 2000000033808 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
8990,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
8 head manual, counter pressure filler 200-400pdl/h
The bottling machine is ideal for smaller (craft) beer, soft drink, cider, wine and water producers. Available in 4, 6 and 8 head versions. The machines are suitable for filling both glass and PET bottles from 200 ml to 2 liters. The device automatically bottles a pre-calibrated amount into the bottle using the bottling nozzle. Extras: Carbonizers, cappers, coolers, labeling machine and various bottle rinsing, pasteurizing and washing machines..
SKU: 52571 ,   EAN: 2000000052571 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
Stock qty: On special order
Adapter for swing-top bottles
The swing-top nozzle of the isobaric small bottling wire bottle bottling using the counter-pressure method.
SKU: 9001164 ,   EAN: 2000000023014 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
26,70 €
Stock qty: On special order
Counter Pressure Bottle Filler NukaTap, for bottles
Vasturõhuvillija NukaTap, pudelitele. See käepärane vasturõhuvillija on kasulik tööriist erinevate suurustega pudelite täitmiseks. Sobib standardsetele õllekraanidele ning on suurepärane viis villida mõned pudelid võistlustele või pakendada õlu pudelitesse. Teleskoopilise torustiku saab lihtsasti eemaldada puhastamiseks! NukaTap vasturõhuvillija võimaldab täita pudeleid otse kraanidest, säilitades vaadistatud õlle maitse, aroomi ja karboniseerumistaseme. See on täielikult valmistatud roostevabast terasest, ilma alumiiniumi või vasest komponentideta. Tänu sellele saate kasutada seadme puhastamiseks erinevaid kemikaale, ilma et riskiksite seadme või lisatarvikute kahjustamisega. Seade on väga kompaktne ja sobib igale kraanile, mille tila/otsaku siseläbimõõt on 10,0 mm või millel on 3/8" üldkeere. Pakume ka muid lisatarvikuid, et saaksite ühendada õllevooliku selle seadmega teiste villimismeetodite jaoks. Kasutamiseks ühendage lihtsalt CO2 gaasivoolik villijaga ja olete valmis alustama. Integreeritud vasturõhu kaitseklapp annab teile hea kontrolli vasturõhu ja seeläbi täitmiskiiruse üle. Kui kiiresti saab pudelit täita ilma liigse vahutamiseta, sõltub CO2 tasemest, õlle temperatuurist ja pudeli temperatuurist. Seda ei saa kasutada ventilatsiooniavaga kraanidega, kuid sobib peaaegu kõigi turul olevate ettepoole tihenditega kraanidega, nagu NukaTap SS, NukaTap FC, Perlick ja teised kaubamärgid. Komplekt sisaldab laia valikut lisatarvikuid, sealhulgas karboniseerimiskorki, mis võimaldab kiiresti lahti ühendada õllevooliku, duotight-liitmikke, millega saate ühendada õllevooliku seadmega, ja muid kasulikke liitmikke, mida võite vajada. Vasturõhuvillija töötab rõhuerinevuse põhimõttel - pudel täidetakse esialgu CO2-ga sama rõhuni kui vaadis, seejärel lastakse õllel voolata pudelisse ilma, et see kaotaks oma karbonisatsiooni, kuna rõhk pudelis ja vaadis on tasakaalustatud.
SKU: 1518 ,   EAN: 20000000540586 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
44,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Isobar filler iTap Pro
iTap PRO is a revolutionary new counter-pressure bottle filler suitable for all types of glass bottles. FUNCTIONS: Fills all different glass bottles, suitable for bottles with different heights and bottlenecks, counter pressure method keeps the beer taste and carbonation up to 90-120 days, Protection against bottle explosion, Maximum productivity 180 bottles per hour. Each device has a passport with a serial number.
SKU: 37356 ,   EAN: 4627202050808 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
1377,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Isobar filling unit Silexa 80L/H 2.3Bar
Isobaric bottle bottler for takeaway beer or for small producers. Made in Germany. It is possible to bottle 1-4 different brands/bottles/beers. A large and clear touch-sensitive LCD screen makes it easier to use the device. Fast bottling 2l=90 seconds max. 2.3 bar. Bottle dimensions max. width 200mm, height 365mm, bottle neck opening 16...78mm. Productivity up to 80l/h. Fully automatic process. In the optional equipment, it is possible to set up the bottler for bottling 4 different types of beer from one device..
SKU: 9000169 ,   EAN: 2000000012834 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
2978,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler CPF 2.0 up to 310mm bottles
Back pressure isobaric small bottler for hobby use. Productivity 80-90pdl/h. Made in Sweden! Dimensions of suitable bottles: height 175-310cm and bottle mouth 26mm. Extras (indicate immediately when ordering): Swing-top bottle bottling nozzle +25EUR Using the device: 1. Connect the bottler to the CO2 and bottle of the liquid to be bottled 2. Place the bottle under the device 3. Fill the bottle with CO2 by pressing the black "+" button 4. Press to the pressure release "-" button 5. Fill the bottle with CO2 by pressing the black "+" button 6. Points no. 3 and 4 should be repeated for min. 2x to ensure sufficient CO2 concentration in the bottle, but lastly, always press the "+" button before bottling 7. Open the liquid supply valve and close the container when it is full..
SKU: 8999592 ,   EAN: 2000000007014 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
635,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler Pegas NovoTap 2.0
Pegas NovoTap 2.0 is a manual valve for bottling pre-pressurized liquids in PET bottles. Fills the bottle without foam, fast filling: 3...4 times faster than standard beer valves. Easy to install... usually installed on a standard beer keg or through a plate..
SKU: 9000722 ,   EAN: 4607175570022 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
426,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 6-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connecting valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in bottles; Models of bottles, when cleaning valves; Return valve..
SKU: 29634 ,   EAN: 2000000029634 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 6-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connecting valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in bottles; Models of bottles, when cleaning valves; Return valve..
SKU: 9000832 ,   EAN: 2000000019468 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo + rinser + CO2 pre
Italian high-quality semi-automatic tare wash, isobaric bottler with 4-bottle nozzle and crocker for crown caps. On order, a device with a 2-bottle nozzle or a 6-bottle nozzle and for crown caps or screw caps. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles; Power consumption 0.37kw/220V; Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm; Bottling process - visible in the video below. Extras: Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Introduction of CO2 into the tare before bottling - the result is foam-free bottling; Automatic transparent protective door; Automatic cycle; Washing liquid recycling; Corker's fiberizing container - automatic shaking of corks on the device's rail; The corker sprays water into the bottle - releasing oxygen with a little foam - higher quality result; Integrated pressure sprayer for cleaning the internal tank; Set of gaskets for 1" connection valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in bottles; Bottle models, for cleaning valves; Return valve..
SKU: 8999487 ,   EAN: 2000000005966 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo + rinser + CO2 pre
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 2-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles. Power consumption 0.37kw/220V. Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V. Dimensions h1.92m x 0.53m x 0.40m. Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. Productivity approx. 200 pdl/h (0.5 l)..
SKU: 8999456 ,   EAN: 2000000005652 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo + rinser + CO2 pre
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 4-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connection valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in the bottles; Bottle mock-ups, for cleaning the valves; Return valve. Additional equipment: compressed air dryer (definitely necessary to prevent rust in the nozzles), compressed air compressor, automatic bottling process with the push of a button..
SKU: 8999604 ,   EAN: 2000000007137 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Stock qty: On special order
Isobaric filler RLV2-iSo + rinser + CO2 pre
Italian high-quality semi-automatic tare wash, isobaric bottler with 4-bottle nozzle and screw capper. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles; Power consumption 0.37kw/220V; Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm; Bottling process - visible in the video below. In the set: automatic bottling process, automatic safety door, Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in the bottles, Set of gaskets for the 1" connection valve. Extras: Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; CO2 injection into the tare before bottling - results in foam-free bottling; Recycling of washing liquid; Corker's fibrous container - automatic shaking of the caps on the rail of the device; The capper sprays water into the bottle - releasing oxygen with a little foam - a higher quality result; Integrated pressure sprayer for cleaning the internal tank; Models of bottles, when cleaning the valves; Return valve..
SKU: 9001381 ,   EAN: 2000000025186 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Suitable for filling sparkling wines, soft drinks, beer, etc. (glass bottles). Made of stainless steel AISI 304. Filling capacity is 100 (0.65l pdl)...200 (0.35l) pdl/h. Suitable bottles from 180ml to 1l. The bottling level can be adjusted using plastic spacers 10/20/30mm. Bottles max. diameter 12cm and height 33cm. Bottle filling capacity depends on: beverage quality and pressure, bottle size, ambient temperature, beverage temperature, carbon dioxide pressure, and user experience. Working pressure up to 5bar..Machine filling productivity is just informative - quantity of CO 2 gr./Lt - temperature -
SKU: 33716 ,   EAN: 2000000033716 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
Stock qty: On special order
Manual stainless steel counter pressure filler
Manual hand valve for bottling pre-pressurized liquids with 14-20mm opening and min. into bottles with a height of 220 cm. Fills the bottle without foam, quick filling. Easy to install... inner diameter of suitable pipe 5-6mm. In addition, you need a pressure tank, a CO2 cylinder, a reducer and connecting hoses with fittings (if necessary, we will complete a suitable set for you - contact us). The triple valve has 3 positions: CO2 in, beer in or closed position..
SKU: 9000860 ,   EAN: 5420069822439 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
99,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Micro Filling Systems 2-Head Bottling System 250pdl/h 5bar
Suitable for filling sparkling wines, soft drinks, beer, etc. (bottles such as glass or PET). Made of stainless steel AISI 304 and strong food grade PP plastic. The filling capacity is 100 (0.65l pdl)...250 (0.35l) pdl/h. Bottle filling capacity depends on: beverage quality and pressure, bottle size, ambient temperature, beverage temperature, carbon dioxide pressure, and user experience. Working pressure up to 5.5 bar. Isobaric bottler for 2 bottles. Stainless steel filling valves, stainless triple valves: CO2 input, filling and shut-off position. Easily removable stainless drip tray with stainless grate. HDPE plastic height adjustment that allows the device to be attached to any desired surface. Pipe joints and hoses complying with food standards. Fully adjustable height range that allows filling of many different bottles. The parts can be easily disassembled for maintenance or cleaning. Use: Turning the valve to one side fills the container with CO2, and turning the valve to the other side starts filling with liquid. When the desired liquid level is reached, the valve must be closed - by turning the valve to the middle position..
SKU: 9001287 ,   EAN: 2000000024240 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
2872,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Micro Filling Systems 4-Head Bottling System 500pdl/h 5bar
Suitable for filling sparkling wines, soft drinks, beer, etc. (any bottle like glass or PET). Made of stainless steel AISI 304 and strong food grade PP plastic. The filling capacity is 300 (0.65l pdl)...500 (0.35l pdl)pdl/h. Bottle filling capacity depends on: beverage quality and pressure, bottle size, ambient temperature, beverage temperature, carbon dioxide pressure, and user experience. Realistic bottling speed approx. at 2.5 bar approx. 200 pdl/h. Working pressure up to 5.5 bar. Isobaric bottler for 4 bottles. Stainless steel filling valves, stainless triple valves: CO2 input, filling and shut-off position. Easily removable stainless drip tray with stainless grate. HDPE plastic height adjustment that allows the device to be attached to any desired surface. Pipe joints and hoses complying with food standards. Fully adjustable height range that allows filling of many different bottles. The parts can be easily disassembled for maintenance or cleaning. Use: Turning the valve to one side fills the container with CO2, and turning the valve to the other side starts filling with liquid. When the desired liquid level is reached, the valve must be closed - by turning the valve to the middle position..
SKU: 9000723 ,   EAN: 2000000018379 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
4046,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
MONOBLOCK 6-1 ISO 850pdl/h
The fully automatic isobaric triblock in the Revolving version, with a crown capping machine and a canning machine integrated on the same rotating column. This advanced configuration optimizes energy consumption and significantly reduces the footprint, ensuring maximum operational efficiency in small spaces.
SKU: 1145 ,   EAN: 20000000537579 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
Stock qty: On special order
MONOBLOCK 6-1 ISO 850pdl/h
Automatic isobaric bottling and capping device suitable for bottling various carbonated drinks up to 5bar. productivity 600/850pdl/h depending on the nature of the drink and the size of the bottle. Dimensions of bottles to be used min. diameter 55mm and height 110mm and max. diam 110mm and height 350mm. Power consumption 400V/3kw, compressed air consumption 120l/min 7bar, tri-clamp connections. Crown capping 26mm or 29mm - with automatic cap vibrating container and pre-feed. The operation of the device can be controlled using the control center..
SKU: 36298 ,   EAN: 2000000036298 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Monoblock fully automatic canning line Cannular, single lane
Cannular Täisautomaatne Purgistusliin - Üherealine. Purgistamine on parim viis teie õlle pakendamiseks, pakkudes mitmeid eeliseid pudelite ees. Purgid on keskkonnasõbralikumad kui klaas. Tänu madalamale lahustunud hapniku tasemele (DO) püsib teie toode kauem värske ja säilib paremini. Täielik hermeetiline sulgemine takistab hapniku sisenemist. Purgid on ideaalsed välitingimustes tarbimiseks või üritusteks, kus klaas ei ole soovitatav. Need on täielikult valguskindlad ja atraktiivse etiketiga paistab teie toode turul silma. Cannular Täisautomaatne Üherealine Purgistusliin on loomulik valik lihtsasti käsitsetava kommertslahendusena pruulikodadele ja muude karboniseeritud jookide tootjatele. See on taskukohane lahendus, mis on spetsiaalselt suunatud mikropruulikodadele. See purgistusliin sobib väikese kuni keskmise suurusega pruulikojale, mis toodab partiisid mahuga 1000-5000 liitrit. Seade töötab ühefaasilise 230V elektrivõrguga. Standardvarustuses on B64 padrun, mis sobib 202 purgi kehadele. Tänu kompaktsele suurusele (standardse kaubaaluse suurune) on seadet lihtne paigutada. Karastatud padrun (Cr12MoV, titaankattega, kõvadus 58-62 dH) tagab pika kasutusea. Masin on lihtsasti puhastatav tänu voolikuga pestatavatele pindadele. Tootlikkus on kuni 15 purki minutis, põhinedes tööstuse standardil ühe täitepea kohta (330 ml purgid, madal karboniseeritus, madal temperatuur). Masin vajab vaid üht operaatorit ning suudab hoida lahustunud hapniku taset alla 40 ppb. Cannular täisautomaatne purgistusliin töötab põhimõttel, kus tühjad purgid liiguvad automaatselt täitmispositsiooni, täidetakse tootega, suletakse hermeetiliselt ja väljutatakse seejärel pakendamiseks. Kogu protsess on automatiseeritud, mis vähendab inimvea võimalust ja tagab järjepideva kvaliteedi.
SKU: 1413 ,   EAN: 20000000539603 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
12990,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Moboblokk device for bottling light carbonated drinks. Automatic bottling device with 8 nozzles on a rotating base. Automatic capper with pre-feed vibration for cap DN26mm, bottle pick-up line with collection. The bottling process is not isobaric..
SKU: 9000029 ,   EAN: 2000000011431 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Monoblock TPGB filling-corking-Wireing 450pdl/H
Compact stainless steel mobo block from an Italian manufacturer. A standard automatic device that bottles isobarically, caps and ties the wire to the cap. Suitable bottles in the size of e.g. with a diameter of 75mm (75cl). Productivity up to 350-450pdl/h (no bubble 600-800pdl/h, light bubble 200-400pdl/h, sparkling wine 180-300pdl/h). electricity 1.5kw, dimensions 910x1700x2050mm, approx. 580 kg. Additional equipment: different bottle formats, cap and wire feeders, labeler..
SKU: 9001199 ,   EAN: 2000000023366 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Multiblock: Isobar filler, Corking 1200pdl/H
The multiblock includes tare rinsing, isobaric bottling with an accuracy of +/-2mm, crown capping and bottle feeding and picking tables. All this so that the device can be operated by 1 operator. Technical data: - Fillable product - Carbonated e.g. beer - Bottle type - glass - Closure type - crown cap Ø 26 mm - Filling valves 6 - Limiting head 1 - Flushing system - with water - single stage with 6 heads - Filling system - electro-pneumatic isobaric filling valves - Filling temperatures 0-2C° - Device rotation - clockwise - Multiblock dimensions 2065x1444x2100(H)mm, total required surface 6000x2800mm - Productivity up to 1200pdl/h 330 ml Extras: liquid sterile filtration system, additional conveyors for 1-operator management, details for handling bottles of different sizes in the device, material in contact with liquid AISI316, creamer details for 29mm crown cap, CO2'e dosing after bottling and before capping, spray washing bottles after capping to remove foam residues, feed pump for the bottling line, modem to manage the device via the Internet, installation of 2 labels for the labeler or, in addition, installation of a neck tag..
SKU: 9001200 ,   EAN: 2000000023373 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
Stock qty: On special order
Ri1200 filling machine
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 2-bottle nozzle. The bottling process takes place under pressure, as a result of which contact with oxygen is avoided, ensuring the high quality of the raw material! Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Bottling pressure 2-4bar. Foam reducing nozzles. The device works with electricity (230V) or air pressure (6bar). Dimensions h 2.145mx 0.70m. Suitable bottles max. height 305mm and max. diameter 88mm. Weight 96 kg. Additional equipment: device on wheels..
SKU: 8999621 ,   EAN: 2000000007304 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
7462,00 €
Stock qty: On special order

The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….