
Container and barrel accessories

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1.5" TC Horizontal Pressure Regulator with Pressure Gauge
Rõhuregulaator manomeetriga 1,5" TC, horisontaalne võimaldab Unitank kääritites täpselt rõhu all kääritada ja/või õlut konditsioneerida enne selle vaati üleviimist. Ideaalne lahendus pruulijale, kes soovib rõhku jooksvalt reguleerida ilma, et peaks vabastusventiili rõhku manomeetriga võrdlema. Sobib suurepäraselt meie roostevabast terasest kommertsmahutite ülerõhu torule. Samuti on võimalik kohandada kasutamiseks suuremate kodupruulimise mahutitega. Rõhuregulaatori kasutamine võimaldab kontrollida käärimisprotsessi täpsemalt, mis omakorda parandab joogi kvaliteeti. Rõhu all kääritamine aitab säilitada aroome ja vähendada hapniku mõju käärimisel. Suurus: 1,5" Tri-Clover ühendus. Manomeeter: 0,2 - 2,2 baari (2,9 - 32 psi). Asend: horisontaalne. Materjal: roostevaba teras.
SKU: 1504 ,   EAN: 20000000540449 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
264,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Accessories: cleaning door for tank
The addition of the stainless tank - the cleaning hatch greatly simplifies the maintenance and subsequent cleaning of the tank..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 8999391 ,   EAN: 2000000004891 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
276,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Accessories: Crane for floating lid
Tank accessory - lifting device for the floating lid. Height with tank 2.52m.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 8999638 ,   EAN: 2000000007472 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
528,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Accessories: Mixer on the side of the container
Tank accessory - a mixer that is installed on the side of the tank, which is closed from above..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 33358 ,   EAN: 2000000033358 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
1916,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Barrel bottom with wheels D50,8xH16,5cm
Suitable for barrels with a base of up to 50 cm. Four strong wheels ensure stability and easy pushing. The design of the cross straps prevents twisting and tipping, ensuring the container stays firmly in place. Material: steel, Color - gray, Barrel volume: 110-120L, Gross weight: 6.8 kg.
SKU: 46877 ,   EAN: 2000000046877 ,   Stock qty: 1
52,90 € (23.3%)
69,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Barrel bottom with wheels D60,9xH16,5cm
Suitable for kegs with a base of up to 60 cm. Four strong wheels ensure stability and easy pushing. The design of the cross straps prevents twisting and tipping, ensuring the container stays firmly in place. Material: steel, Color - gray, Barrel capacity: 200-220L.
SKU: 46884 ,   EAN: 2000000046884 ,   Stock qty: 1
56,90 € (28.9%)
80,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Base for 225l drums, stainless steel
Stainless, shiny and high-quality stand for 225l oak barrels..
SKU: 34379 ,   EAN: 2000000034379 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
599,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Beer Filtering System 10", Keg to Keg
Õllefiltreerimissüsteem 10", vaadist vaati. See õllefilter on mõeldud kasutamiseks meie absoluutse 1-mikroni filtriga. Filter töötab kõige paremini, kui seda kasutatakse vahelülina jääkülma (-1°C) karboniseerimata õlle ühest vaadist teise ümbervalamisel. Süsteemi kasutamiseks on vaja vaid osta voolikud, klambrid, kuulklapid ja absoluutne 1-mikroni filter. Kui hindad õlle visuaalset välimust ja eelistad kristallselget õlut, siis on see tõepoolest soodsaim meetod saavutamaks kristallselget õlut minimaalse vaevaga. Süsteem on standardvarustuses Duotight liitmikega, mis ühilduvad meie EVA Barrier 6,5 mm siseläbimõõdu ja 9,5 mm välisläbimõõduga voolikuga. Omadused: Läbipaistev kõrgsurve korpus, õhutaskute väljutamise klapp, ½" BSP sisse- ja väljalase, sisaldab messingist kuulklappi, vastupidavad messingist keermestatud avad, ühilduv teiste 10" filtrisüsteemidega. Seda filtrit saab kasutada ka destillatsioonisegu pärmi filtreerimiseks. Pärmi eemaldamine enne segu katlasse panemist parandab oluliselt lõpliku destillaadi kvaliteeti. Paljud ebasoovitavad maitsed destillaadis tulenevad pärmi keetmisest. Kui pärmirakkusid keedetakse, need lõhkevad, vabastades palju ebasoovitavaid aroome ja fuseel-õlisid. Märkus: Kuumad vedelikud, mis ületavad 50°C, ei tohiks puutuda otseselt kokku filtri korpusega. Ärge kasutage seda filtrit piiramata veevarustuse rõhul, mis ületab 70 psi (4,8 bar). Palun pange tähele, et pildil näidatud absoluutne 1-mikroni filter ei kuulu süsteemi komplekti, vaid on eraldi ostetav. Filtri kasutamise põhimõte: Süsteem paigaldatakse kahe vaadi vahele, kus üks vaat sisaldab filtreerimata õlut ja teine on tühi. Õlu pumbatakse või lastakse raskusjõul läbi filtri, mis eemaldab sellest osakesed ja pärmi, tagades selge lõpptulemuse.
SKU: 1543 ,   EAN: 20000000540838 ,   Stock qty: On special order
36,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Brass valve for 10l barrel
Brass faucet for an oak barrel. The valve is suitable for discharging feed liquids and alcohol from the barrel. The tap has very good closing and ease of use. Only 1/4 turn is required to close... this ensures a good and comfortable use. Technical information: length: 82mm, thread length: 10mm and thread diameter 9mm, max barrel opening diameter: 9.2mm..
SKU: 35390 ,   EAN: 2000000035390 ,   Stock qty: 2
26,60 €
Stock qty: 2
Brass valve for barrel
Brass faucet for an oak barrel. The valve is suitable for discharging feed liquids and alcohol from the barrel. The tap has very good closing and ease of use. Only 1/4 turn is required to close... this ensures a good and comfortable use. Technical information: length: 10 cm, thread length: 2.4 cm and diameter 12 mm, max barrel opening diameter: 12 - 14 mm..
SKU: 30197 ,   EAN: 2000000030197 ,   Stock qty: On special order
31,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Cap for 50, 100l plastic tank
Spare part suitable for 50l and 100l tank.
SKU: 51147 ,   EAN: 8006417015448 ,   Stock qty: 7
2,10 €
Stock qty: 7
Conscious lid Ø230mm
Stainless steel transport container lid without seal Ø23cm.
SKU: 48413 ,   EAN: 2000000048413 ,   Stock qty: 1
42,60 €
Stock qty: 1
Coperchio inox fusto b/larga mm200
Stainless steel transport container lid without seal Ø21cm.
SKU: 48208 ,   EAN: 2000000048208 ,   Stock qty: 3
37,30 €
Stock qty: 3
Cover D130mm for plastic tank 25l
Spare part - handle suitable for 50l and 100l containers.
SKU: 51161 ,   EAN: 8006417015486 ,   Stock qty: 10
5,30 €
Stock qty: 10
Cover set for 50, 100l plastic tank
Spare part - handle suitable for 50l and 100l containers.
SKU: 51154 ,   EAN: 8006417015417 ,   Stock qty: 10
10,60 €
Stock qty: 10
DIN32 stainless steel airlock for isobaric fermenter
Equipped with a safety valve, the AISI 304 stainless steel bubbler for isobaric fermenter opens automatically when the pressure inside the fermenter exceeds that set by the factory so as to release the gas into the appropriate glass cup where it can be poured of the liquid to verify effective fermentation. The safety valve is already calibrated for pressures of carbonated drinks such as beer, sparkling wine, sparkling wine, kombucha and other carbonated drinks. Complete with: Material: AISI 304 stainless steel. DIN 32 male connection with swivel. Butterfly valve DIN 32 M (w/swivel) x DIN 32 F. Gauge. Stainless steel airlock. 90° stainless steel bend pipe.
SKU: 1179 ,   EAN: 20000000537852 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
840,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Duotight Flow Stopper - Automatic Keg Filler
The Duotight Flow Stopper is a convenient device to use when filling closed drums or during filtering between drums. Operation: Mount the device to the CO2 outlet of your keg...then when the keg is full, it will automatically cut off the flow and prevent excess drink from escaping. Tip: For even better results, we recommend using the Flow Stopper with BlowTie spigot valve. The BlowTie allows you to apply pressure to the barrel, which means you can control the flow rate and reduce foaming during the filling process. To connect the BlowTie you need a short piece of pipe (8mm except related products below)..
SKU: 34850 ,   EAN: 9388866609393 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
18,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Enoplastic Special Mastic (500 g)
Sealing mastic for sealing nutrient containers - water and oil resistant. Also suitable for sealing the airlock opening..
SKU: 9000933 ,   EAN: 2000000020709 ,   Stock qty: 9 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
10,60 €
Stock qty: 9
FermZilla pressure kit
With this pressure kit you unlock the true potential of FermZilla, it turns FermZilla into a true universal container, a cone-shaped fermenter or fermentation vessel with carbonation. This set fits both the 27 and 55 liter FermZilla. Thanks to this addition, it is now possible to ferment under pressure at home like commercial breweries do. As a result, more heat is retained and less esters and alcohol residues are released during fermentation. When fermented under pressure, the beer is already carbonated and can be served directly using the pressure kit. The pressure relief valve ensures that the maximum pressure of the fermentation vessel of 2.4 bar is not exceeded. If you still want to bottle, you can easily top off your beer with no pressure drop. Under pressure fermentation, beer has less esters and fusel alcohol. Always draw beer with a float tube. Beer is already gassed during fermentation under pressure. Serve directly or bottle without pressure loss. The cover (photo 2) is not included. Note. The silicone hose of the pressure set is 80 cm long. For use with FermZilla 27 l, the hose must be shortened to the desired length (approx. 60 cm)..
SKU: 837198 ,   EAN: 5420069837198 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
49,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 1100l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, an air-water seal and an outer dust cover seal. Suitable seal 950mm.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 8999637 ,   EAN: 2000000007465 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
290,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 120 l-150 l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation or airtight storage. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, an air-water seal and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000346 ,   EAN: 2000000014609 ,   Stock qty: 2
180,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 200 l-250 l+ water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation or airtight storage. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, an air-water seal and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000347 ,   EAN: 2000000014616 ,   Stock qty: 3
190,00 €
Stock qty: 3
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 300-380l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation or airtight storage. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, a water lock and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000187 ,   EAN: 2000000013015 ,   Stock qty: 3
240,00 €
Stock qty: 3
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 4850l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, an air-water seal and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001123 ,   EAN: 2000000022604 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
420,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 500 l-800 l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation or airtight storage. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, a water lock and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 8999399 ,   EAN: 2000000004976 ,   Stock qty: 1
290,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Floating lid+gasket+air pump 70 l-100 l + water airlock
Tank accessories for fermentation or airtight storage. The set includes a floating cover, a hand pump, a seal, an air-water seal and an outer dust cover seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000345 ,   EAN: 2000000014593 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
149,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Gasket for Wide Neck Drum
Seal EPDM rubber, with a screw-on lid for a 55l barrel.
SKU: 49588 ,   EAN: 2000000049588 ,   Stock qty: 16
8,50 €
Stock qty: 16
GrowlerWerks uKeg™ 128 bar mat
uKeg ™ drip tray suitable for a 3.8l container..
SKU: 30012 ,   EAN: 850900008107 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
42,60 €
Stock qty: 1
GrowlerWerks uKeg™ 64 bar mat
uKeg ™ drip tray suitable for a 3.8l container..
SKU: 30029 ,   EAN: 850900008091 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
31,90 €
Stock qty: 2
GrowlerWerks uKeg™ Infuser
Add flavors to your favorite drink with the uKeg ™ filter to create a unique aroma and taste for your drink. Fresh hops, dry hops, oak chips, fruit and/or spices are all delicious flavors. The infuser attaches to the bottom of each uKeg™ cartridge sleeve for easy removal. The infuser can also be used to infuse cocktails or other craft beverages..
SKU: 30234 ,   EAN: 850900008121 ,   Stock qty: 1
18,00 €
Stock qty: 1
GrowlerWerks uKeg™ maintenance kit
uKeg ™ maintenance kit contains everything you need to keep your uKeg ™ clean and in good working order. Contents: 1 x Cap O-Ring (Buna -224) 2 x Sight Tube O-Rings (Silicone -015) 2 x Riser O-Rings (Silicone -009) 1 x Shuttle O-Ring 1 x Pressure Gauge O-Ring (Silicone - 007) 2 x Cartridge Seals 1 x Cartridge Sleeve Connector 1 x Tube of Silicone Lubricant (30ml; 1oz) 1 x 1.5mm Hex Key (for Faucet Handle Screw) 1 x Cap Screwdriver 1 x Custom uKeg ™ Service Tool 1 x Bottle Cleaning Brush 2 x uKeg ™ cleaning tablet 1 x carabiner to attach the kit to the uKeg™ 1 x canvas zip-top bag to hold all your items.
SKU: 30623 ,   EAN: 850900008169 ,   Stock qty: 1
47,90 €
Stock qty: 1
GrowlerWerks uKeg™ Tap plug
A convenient beer cap for the uKeg ™ valve that prevents later dripping..
SKU: 30616 ,   EAN: 636123971707 ,   Stock qty: 1
19,10 €
Stock qty: 1
Handle for 50, 100l plastic tank
Spare part - handle suitable for 50l and 100l containers.
SKU: 51123 ,   EAN: 8006417015462 ,   Stock qty: 3
6,40 €
Stock qty: 3
Heating band 25W/220V
Ensures proper fermentation temperature is maintained. The tape adapts perfectly to tanks of different capacities and is suitable for tanks up to 33l. The ambient temperature can vary between 10 and 24°C. To maintain the ideal temperature between 21 and 24 ° C, it is necessary to move the belt to the correct position. As you move the tape towards the top of the vessel, the temperature of the wort is lower, while as you lower the temperature of the wort, it increases. The following are examples: air temperature between 10 and 16 ° C - height of the strip from the bottom of the container 4 cm, air temperature 16 to 20 ° C - height of the strip from the bottom of the container 10 cm, air temperature from 21 to 24 ° C - in the middle of the height of the container, above 24 ° C - connect to the mains open until the temperature drops below 24 ° C. Technical data: Power: 25W, Voltage: 220v, Frequency: 50Hz.
SKU: 33464 ,   EAN: 2000000033464 ,   Stock qty: 2
25,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Inflatable gasket 1100l D950
Fermenter floating lid inflatable seal with metal hex bran..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001544 ,   EAN: 2000000026817 ,   Stock qty: 2
64,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Inflatable gasket 120-180l D500cm
Inflatable seal for the floating lid of the fermenter.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001540 ,   EAN: 2000000026770 ,   Stock qty: 2
48,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Inflatable gasket 1500L D1100
Fermenter floating lid inflatable seal with metal hex bran. The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 53479 ,   EAN: 2000000053479 ,   Stock qty: 2
59,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Inflatable gasket 200-250l
Inflatable seal for the floating lid of the fermenter.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001541 ,   EAN: 2000000026787 ,   Stock qty: 3
50,00 €
Stock qty: 3
Inflatable gasket 300-380l
Inflatable seal for the floating lid of the fermenter.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001542 ,   EAN: 2000000026794 ,   Stock qty: 7
54,00 €
Stock qty: 7
Inflatable gasket 500-800l
Fermenter floating lid inflatable seal with metal hex bran..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001543 ,   EAN: 2000000026800 ,   Stock qty: 5
56,00 €
Stock qty: 5
Inflatable gasket 70-100l
Inflatable seal for the floating lid of the fermentation tank D400mm.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001539 ,   EAN: 2000000026763 ,   Stock qty: 3
45,00 €
Stock qty: 3
Inflatable gasket ⌀120cm
Fermenter floating lid inflatable seal with metal hex bran..
SKU: 51215 ,   EAN: 2000000051215 ,   Stock qty: 1
48,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Cover set includes. lid, seal, pressure relay. The product has been used and restored..
SKU: 8999727 ,   EAN: 2000000008363 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
21,20 €
Stock qty: 1
Level gauge
Addition of stainless tank - level sensor.The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 8999650 ,   EAN: 2000000007595 ,   Stock qty: On special order
266,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Level sensor for electronic floating
Liquid level sensor for electronic control.
SKU: 9001554 ,   EAN: 2000000026916 ,   Stock qty: 3
37,30 €
Stock qty: 3
MOOG BRA Reference barrel cleaner
We all know how challenging it can be to clean the inside of wooden barrels. The MOOG Barrel cleaner is a durable solution that instantly transforms barrel cleaning. This handy device has a rotating spray head with a powerful injection system to reach every corner of the barrel. A telescopic rod extends to the bottom of the barrel, creating a vacuum. Instead of stopping to empty the dirty water from the barrel, you can continue cleaning! Features: easy to use, telescopic rod, Removes excess water, Non-stop cleaning, Temperature resistant up to 90 ° C, Working pressure up to 120 bar, Cleans with: Pure vega as well as cleaning agents. Use with a suitable high pressure washer. Thanks to its robust design, the MOOG BRA barrel cleaning device is recommended for professional use in larger companies with a production capacity of more than 30 barrels. Suitable for cleaning 225 liter barrels. It is possible to buy an extension, so you can hold barrels from 400 to 600 liters..
SKU: 33969 ,   EAN: 213017 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
3939,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Motorized Mixer, 1.1 Kw/0.8 Kw
Electric motor three-phase, 1,1 Kw/0,8 Kw. Panel control with emergency stop 24V circuit and transformer (except MIX 90). Mechanical seal Grafite/NBR max 12 BAR. Removable stainless steel shaft lenght 48 cm. Folding helix, automatic opening width 15 cm. Inox valve for dosing. Connection fitting to be indicate at the minimum way 36mm diameter. Engine HP (Kw): 1,5 (1,1). Speed: 1400 RPM. Tank max. capacity: 300hl.
SKU: 48798 ,   EAN: 487962 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
2290,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Pressure relief valve Cornelius, green (65 psi / 4.5BAR)
Ülerõhuventiil Corneliuse, roheline (65 psi / 4.5BAR). Need ülerõhuventiilid on valmistatud Corneliuse standardite järgi ja ühilduvad Corneliuse tüüpi keegidega. Ventiilid on täpselt valmistatud ja partiide kaupa testitud järjepidevuse tagamiseks. See oluline ohutusmehhanism on toodetud rangete spetsifikatsioonide järgi, et tagada selle usaldusväärsus. Palun pidage meeles, et ülerõhuventiilid peavad korrektseks toimimiseks olema puhtad. Kui kuivanud õlu või suhkur satub ülerõhuventiili, puhastage see koheselt, kuna see võib mõjutada ohutut töötamist ja avanemissurvet. Tegemist on asendus-tüüpi tõmberõngaga ülerõhuventiil teie Corny Keegile, kuid need ühilduvad ka teiste toodetega nagu MK4 regulaator ja Kegmenteri kaaned. See on kõige levinum ülerõhuventiil kõigil kuullukustusega keegidel. Kui teil on hoova-tüüpi kasutatud kuullukustusega keeg, saate selle asendada ühe sellisega. Kõik KegLandi uued keegid on varustatud sellise tõmberõngaga ülerõhuventiliga. Ülerõhuventiil on keegi oluline ohutuselement, mis avanevad automaatselt, kui rõhk keegis ületab 4.5 baari (65 psi), kaitstes seeläbi keegi ülerõhu tekke korral. Ventiili saab ka käsitsi avada, tõmmates rõngast, et alandada rõhku keegis või vabastada süsihappegaas.
SKU: 1495 ,   EAN: 20000000540357 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
7,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Pressure relief valve Cornelius, grey (100 psi / 7BAR)
Ülerõhuventiil Corneliuse, hall (100 psi / 7BAR). Need ülerõhuventiilid on valmistatud Corneliuse standardite järgi ja ühilduvad Corneliuse tüüpi keegidega. Ventiilid on täpselt valmistatud ja partiidena testitud ühtlase kvaliteedi tagamiseks. See oluline ohutusmehhanism on toodetud rangete spetsifikatsioonide järgi, et tagada selle töökindlus. Palun pange tähele, et ülerõhuventiilid peavad õigesti töötamiseks olema puhtad. Kui ventiili satub kuivanud õlu või suhkur, puhastage see koheselt, kuna see võib mõjutada ventiili ohutust ja avanemisrõhku. See on asendus-tõmberõngastüüpi ülerõhuventiil teie Corny Keegi jaoks, kuid see sobib ka teiste toodetega nagu MK4 regulaator ja Kegmenteri kaaned. Tegemist on kõige levinuma ülerõhuventiiliga kuulliitmikuga keegidel. Kui teil on hoovaga varustatud kasutatud kuullukuga keeg, saate selle asendada ühe sellise ventiiliga. Kõik uued KegLandi keegid on varustatud sellise tõmberõngaga ülerõhuventiiliga. Ülerõhuventiil kaitseb keegi liigse rõhu eest, avades ventiili, kui rõhk ületab ohutu taseme. Tõmberõngas võimaldab ka käsitsi rõhku vabastada, kui vaja. Regulaarne puhastamine tagab ventiili nõuetekohase toimimise ja pikendab selle eluiga.
SKU: 1494 ,   EAN: 20000000540340 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
7,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Pressure relief valve Cornelius, red (35 psi / 2.5BAR)
Ülerõhuventiil Cornelius, punane (35 psi / 2,5 bar). Need ülerõhuventiilid on valmistatud Corneliuse standardite järgi ja ühilduvad Corneliuse tüüpi keegidega. Ventiilid on täpselt toodetud ja partiide kaupa testitud ühtlase kvaliteedi tagamiseks. See oluline ohutusmehhanism on valmistatud rangete spetsifikatsioonide järgi, et tagada selle usaldusväärsus. Palun pange tähele, et ülerõhuventiilid peavad õigesti töötamiseks olema puhtad. Kui kuivanud õlu või suhkur satub ülerõhuventiili, puhastage see koheselt, kuna see võib mõjutada ventiili ohutut töötamist ja avanemissurvet. Tegemist on asendus-tõmberõngastüüpi kaitseklapiga Corny Keegi jaoks, kuid see ühildub ka teiste toodetega nagu MK4 regulaator ja Kegmenter kaaned. See on kõige levinum kaitseklapp kõikidel ball lock keegidel. Kui teil on teise põlvkonna hoova-tüüpi ball lock keeg, saate selle asendada ühe sellisega. Kõik KegLand brändi uued keegid on varustatud sellise tõmberõngaga ülerõhuventiili (PRV) tüübiga. Ülerõhuventiil on oluline ohutusseade, mis aitab vältida liigset rõhu kogunemist keegis. Kui rõhk keegis tõuseb üle 35 psi (2,5 bar), avaneb ventiil automaatselt, et liigne rõhk välja lasta ja vältida kahjustusi või õnnetusi.
SKU: 1496 ,   EAN: 20000000540364 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
7,90 €
Stock qty: On special order
Pump for air floating lid
Hand pump to fill the tank floating lid seal..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9001168 ,   EAN: 2000000023052 ,   Stock qty: 3
49,00 €
Stock qty: 3
Ring for ball-lock connector for soda-keg - 10 pcs
18.9L Pressure Tank Quick Connect Nozzle O-Seal..
SKU: 9001095 ,   EAN: 5420069829926 ,   Stock qty: 22
1,90 €
Stock qty: 22
Rmaintenance seal refill kit - 10pcs for ukeg
Service and spare seals for ukeg..
SKU: 51116 ,   EAN: 587346 ,   Stock qty: 1
17,00 €
Stock qty: 1
rubber ring for lid soda-keg
19L pressure tank lid gasket - only the gasket with a diameter of 95mm from the middle of the gasket.
SKU: 9000939 ,   EAN: 5420069806347 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
6,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Rubber seal 120-180l
A rubber seal is necessary if you want to make the top lid of the container airtight for the purpose of fermentation. An airlock is placed on the top cover..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000343 ,   EAN: 2000000014579 ,   Stock qty: 2
23,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Rubber seal 300-380l tank
A rubber seal is necessary if you want to make the top lid of the container airtight for the purpose of fermentation. An airlock is placed on the top cover..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000002 ,   EAN: 3830006945084 ,   Stock qty: 3
35,90 €
Stock qty: 3
Rubber seal 70 l-100 l
A rubber seal is necessary if you want to make the top lid of the container airtight for the purpose of fermentation. An airlock is placed on the top cover..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 9000311 ,   EAN: 3830006945107 ,   Stock qty: 1
23,90 €
Stock qty: 1
Rubber seal for 500l tank
A rubber seal is necessary if you want to make the top lid of the container airtight for the purpose of fermentation. An airlock is placed on the top cover..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 32887 ,   EAN: 2000000032887 ,   Stock qty: 2
35,90 €
Stock qty: 2
Sealing for Wide Neck Drum
Seal for keg with screw cap.
SKU: 49540 ,   EAN: 2000000049540 ,   Stock qty: 15
0,79 € (58.4%)
1,90 €
Stock qty: 15
Smooth and stapled barrel gasket ø220x11mm
Stainless steel transport container lid seal Ø21cm.
SKU: 48406 ,   EAN: 2000000048406 ,   Stock qty: 16
9,60 €
Stock qty: 16

The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….