
Wort aerator stainless steel + sight-glass, NW40

SKU: 9001613
EAN: 571208
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

490,00 €

223,74 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
   - or -   

Professional carbonator for beverage carbonation

The efficient flow-through carbonator is equipped with a high-quality carbonation stone and practical viewing window that allows process monitoring. The device is an ideal solution for carbonating chilled beverages using pump-circulation technology.

Main features of the carbonator:

  • Modern flow-through technology
  • Built-in viewing window for process monitoring
  • Includes high-quality carbonation stone
  • Standard DIN40 connection
  • Suitable for industrial use

The carbonator ensures uniform and controlled carbonation process in a single tank. The device construction allows efficient pump circulation, ensuring optimal CO2 mixing with the beverage.

Thanks to the DIN40 standard connection, the device is compatible with most industrial tanks and pumps, ensuring easy installation and use.

Keywords: carbonator, beverage carbonation, flow-through carbonator, industrial carbonator, carbonation stone, DIN40 connection, CO2 equipment, beverage industry equipment

Weight (kg) 2.190000
High (m) 0.25
Width (m) 0.1
Length (m) 0.1
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