
Thermowell with 3/8" thread, weldless, 85mm long

SKU: 1497
EAN: 20000000540371
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

21,90 €
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Thermowell with 3/8" Thread, Weldless, 85mm Long

We have redesigned the thermowell to fit smaller drill parts for stainless steel vessels. This thermowell is ideal for MKII temperature controllers or any other temperature probe that requires a 6.5mm probe port.

We strongly recommend everyone using fermentation vessels, brew pots, or boilers to install one of these exceptional thermowells. Designed to use only one O-ring on the inside of the vessel. (Spare O-ring included).

The thermowell allows accurate temperature measurement without direct contact with the liquid, ensuring both hygiene and more precise readings. By installing a thermowell on your device, you can monitor temperatures without opening the vessel, keeping your process stable and reducing the risk of contamination.

Keywords: thermowell, temperature probe, brewing equipment, weldless thermowell, 6.5mm probe, O-ring, temperature measurement, stainless steel, fermentation vessel, brew pot, boilers, MKII controller, thermometer, brewing accessories.

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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