
Thermometer digital for fermentation vessel, 14...+32°C

SKU: 9000511
EAN: 8006818915330
Unit: pc
Stock qty: 14
4,90 €
Qty.: - +
   - or -   

Self-adhesive Liquid Crystal Thermometer for Wine and Beer Fermentation

A specialized thermometer for precise temperature monitoring during wine and beer making. Easy to attach to fermentation vessels, allowing temperature monitoring without opening the container.

Technical specifications:
- Measurement range: 14-32°C (57.2-89.6°F)
- Self-adhesive, no additional installation required

Clean the surface of the fermentation vessel and stick the thermometer to the outer wall. The thermometer displays accurate temperature through liquid crystal color changes. Monitor the temperature regularly to ensure optimal fermentation process.

Keywords: winemaking, home wine thermometer, beer brewing thermometer, fermentation thermometer, liquid crystal thermometer, self-adhesive thermometer, fermentation monitoring, wine cellar, beer brewing, temperature monitoring.

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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