
Thermometer Brewferm adhesive, 0...+30°C

SKU: 1377
EAN: 5425000399902
Unit: pc
Stock qty: 10
4,90 €

457,94 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
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Self-adhesive liquid crystal thermometer displays accurate temperature continuously. Especially suitable for monitoring fermentation temperature. Essential for every home brewer and winemaker.

Usage: Simply stick the thermometer to the barrel, bucket, or bottle surface. The thermometer automatically shows the ambient temperature through liquid crystal color changes.

- Easily adheres to various surfaces
- Leaves no adhesive residue upon removal
- No batteries required
- Temperature range: 0-30°C
- Simple to install and use
- Reliable and accurate reading

Keywords: fermentation thermometer, brewing thermometer, winemaking thermometer, self-adhesive temperature gauge, fermentation temperature control, liquid crystal thermometer, home brewing, home winemaking

Weight (kg) 0.010700
High (m) 0.001
Width (m) 0.246
Length (m) 0.112
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