
Temperature Controller RAPT 220-240V AC

SKU: 1484
EAN: 20000000540241
Brand: RAPT
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

119,00 €
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Temperature Controller RAPT 220-240V AC

This RAPT WiFi-connected temperature controller allows you to monitor, record, and control heating and cooling devices remotely via the internet. Set up complex temperature profiles so that the temperature changes automatically over time. This temperature controller connects to the RAPT web portal, which means you can remotely monitor, record, and control devices connected to this temperature controller.

The color display clearly shows the temperature, a graph of future and past temperature settings, and makes setting up profile temperature steps much easier.

This plug-and-play temperature controller has two clearly marked blue and red power sockets for heating and cooling devices, allowing you to control a refrigerator or heating device simultaneously to completely monitor and control the temperature. Each power socket is rated at 10 amps (maximum 2400 watts).

PID Function: This temperature controller is equipped with a PID heating system, often used for more powerful devices. This significantly reduces the chance of scorching and ensures better temperature control with fewer fluctuations.

Temperature Range: This device's temperature range allows you to control devices between -20°C and 120°C.

Various Mounting Options: This innovative design allows you to mount the controller on a panel, hanging point or hook, on top of a refrigerator or brewery. Simply unscrew the mounting plate and change the mounting according to your preferred position.

RAPT WiFi Compatible: This product connects to the RAPT portal. This portal allows you to monitor, control, and record past temperatures and also shows a future projection of temperature profiles that you may be using.

Using the Temperature Controller: The temperature controller automatically maintains the desired temperature by turning connected heating or cooling devices on or off as needed. It is an ideal tool for processes requiring precise temperature control.

Keywords: wifi temperature controller, remote thermostat, PID controller, temperature controller, smart device, heating automation, cooling automation, temperature logging, temperature profiles, smart thermostat, remotely controlled temperature device, distinctive colored sockets, versatile mounting options.

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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