
Steam Generator TD33 33kw/2,5bar/50kg/h

SKU: 9001362
EAN: 2000000024998
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
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Industrial Steam Generator for Food Industry

Powerful 33kW steam generator ensures professional cleaning results for food and wine industry equipment and tank maintenance. The device starts up quickly - reaching full power in just 60 seconds and continuously produces steam up to 50 kg per hour.

Main Features

  • Automatic water level monitoring system
  • Anti-dry protection
  • Easy maintenance and drainage
  • Continuous steam flow with stable pressure

Technical Specifications

  • Electric power: 33kW
  • Power supply: 63A, 3-phase 400V
  • Power cable length: 5 meters
  • Steam output connection: 25 NW
  • Working pressure: 2.5 bar
  • Water pressure (min): 2.5 bar

Dimensions and Weight

  • Length: 910 mm
  • Width: 510 mm
  • Height: 780 mm
  • Weight: 100 kg

Keywords: steam generator, industrial steam generator, wine industry equipment, cleaning equipment, food industry equipment, tank cleaning, industrial steam cleaning, steam production

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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