Sensor Carbo 5100 set for CO2 measurement, Anton Paar

Sensor Carbo 5100 set for CO2 measurement, Anton Paar

SKU: 1405
EAN: 20000000539528
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

18600,00 €
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Anton Paar Carbo 5100 - Fourth Generation CO2 Analyzer

The Carbo 5100 is a precise and reliable inline CO2 analyzer that combines the advantages of continuous measurement with the proven pressure-temperature-impeller method. The device is ideal for beverage production quality control and process monitoring.

Technical specifications:
- Measuring interval: 15 seconds
- Measuring range: 0 to 20 g/L (0 to 10 volume percent)
- Accuracy: ±0.05 g/L (0.025 volume percent)
- Repeatability: 0.025 g/L (0.010 volume percent)
- Operating temperature range: -5 to +40 °C, frost-resistant
- SIP temperature: up to 121 °C for maximum 30 minutes
- EHEDG certified
- Process connection: Tuchenhagen Varivent® N

Operating principle:
The device continuously measures dissolved CO2 content in liquids using pressure and temperature measurement combined with impeller technology. This enables accurate and reliable quality control in the beverage production process.

Alternative keywords: carbon dioxide analyzer, CO2 meter, beverage quality control device, inline CO2 meter, carbon dioxide concentration meter, beverage production analyzer, CO2 content measuring device, industrial gas sensors, food industry measuring equipment, beverage industry quality control

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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Density (g/cm³)

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CO2 meter CarboQC At-Line, Anton Paar
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