
Rubber seal 300-380l tank

SKU: 9000002
EAN: 3830006945084
Unit: tk
Stock qty: 3
35,90 €
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Rubber Seal for Airtight Wine Fermentation Tank

High-quality rubber seal ensures complete airtightness of the tank's upper lid, which is essential for successful fermentation process. The seal fits evenly on the tank's edge, allowing secure attachment of the airlock to the lid.

Product Features:

  • Durable food-grade rubber material
  • Suitable for fermentation tanks
  • Ensures complete airtightness
  • Easy to install

Technical info: Possible tank size variation is up to 10%. We recommend checking your tank's exact measurements before ordering.

The airlock needed for fermentation can be attached directly to the lid after installing the seal. This solution is ideal for home brewing of wine, beer, or other fermented beverages.

Keywords: rubber seal, wine seal, fermentation seal, airlock, tank seal, winemaking, beer seal, fermentation material

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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The heart of FERMETECH is experience and scientific approach – experience dating back to 2009, which we have continuously refined. Our slogan "The Power of Science, Perfect Results" reflects our commitment to applying the best knowledge to achieve top-level outcomes. We are trusted because our operations are guided by the principle – quality and scientific precision first, then price category. Thousands of solutions based on our technology across Estonia speak for themselves, testifying that we are always there for our customers both before and after purchase. Our specialists understand that fermentation processes require both scientific precision and practical experience. That's why we offer not just equipment, but comprehensive solutions based on knowledge accumulated over years. Science-based quality, technical support, and precision are not just words for us, but real principles that guide our daily work for the benefit of all clients. FERMETECH has the same big heart as before, but now enhanced with the power of science to support your perfect results. Discover how the power of science can help you achieve perfect results in your next project.