
RAPT WIFI temperature controller

SKU: 1086
EAN: 9388866622927
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
139,90 €

139,90 €/Kg
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This temperature controller connects with the RAPT web portal meaning that you can monitor, log and control the devices plugged into this temperature controller box remotely. This plug and play temperature controller box has two clearly marked blue and red power sockets for heating and cooling so you can monitor and control the temperature of a cooling and heating device at the same time. Each power outlet is rated to 10amp (2400 Watt max.). Colour screen: The colour screen clearly displays temperature, graph of future and past temperature settings and makes it much easier to perform profile temperature steps. RAPT Wifi Compatible: The controller will connect with the portal. The portal records the temperature progression of the fermentation. You can set a different temperature or a new temperature profile. You can also see a future projection of temperature profiles that you might have running. PID Included: The temperature controller box comes with a PID (Proportional - Integral - Derivative) heating function often used for higher powered devices. This greatly reduces the chance of scorching and will deliver better temperature control with less fluctuation. Temperature Range: The temperature range of this device will enable you to control devices from -20°C up to 120°C. Various Mounting Options: The innovative design enables you to panel mount this controller, mount to a hanging point or hook, mount on top of a fridge or brewery. Simply unscrew the mounting plate and switch the mounting to your preferred orientation.
Weight (kg) 1.000000
High (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.2
Length (m) 0.2
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