
Pressure relief valve Cornelius, grey (100 psi / 7BAR)

SKU: 1494
EAN: 20000000540340
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

7,90 €
Qty.: - +
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Cornelius Type Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) (GREY 100psi / 7BAR)

These pressure relief valves are manufactured according to Cornelius standards and are compatible with Cornelius type kegs. The valves are precisely made and batch tested to ensure consistent quality.

This important safety mechanism has been manufactured to strict specifications to ensure its reliability. Please note that pressure relief valves must be clean to work properly. If dried beer or sugar gets into the valve, clean it immediately as this can affect the safety and opening pressure of the valve.

This is a replacement pull-ring style relief valve for your Corny Keg, but it is also compatible with other products such as the MK4 regulator and Kegmenter lids. This is the most common pressure relief valve on ball lock kegs. If you have a lever tab second-hand ball lock keg, you can replace it with one of these valves.

All new KegLand kegs come equipped with this type of pull-ring pressure relief valve.

Usage principle: The pressure relief valve protects the keg from excessive pressure by opening the valve when the pressure exceeds a safe level. The pull ring also allows manual pressure release when needed. Regular cleaning ensures proper functioning of the valve and extends its lifespan.

Keywords: pressure relief valve, Cornelius keg valve, pull-ring style valve, pressure release valve, keg safety device, ball lock valve, beer equipment spare part, pressure control, keg maintenance, keg spare part, 100psi, 7BAR, grey pressure relief valve, PRV

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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