Oak Barrel 3 L FRENCH OAK, stainless steel rims
Professionals recommend - producers prefer!
SKU: 47997
EAN: 2000000047997
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order
Transport time inside Estonia for stock products approx. 3-5 working days. NOTE! Due to the rapid price increase, non stock products prices are subject to change without notice! Default prices with 22% VAT.
barrel made of high-quality French oak. These wines matured in wooden barrels have an incomparable aroma character of vanilla, spices, brown sugar. Palate: A balance between fruit and roasted aromas, with a rich structure and a fine finish. Ideal for: moderately matured, balanced wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Syrah. We recommend aging time: 12-18 months. Roasting level - strong, medium or no roast, e.g. vinegar - let us know when ordering the product. How to use and maintain a wooden view? Using wooden barrels gives your wine/beer an incomparable aroma. However, a badly maintained barrel leads to problems and infections. Therefore, proper maintenance is of utmost importance. Below are some tips: Preparation / disinfection of a new barrel: Fill the barrel with a solution of 10 g of tartaric acid per liter of water and let it soak for 4-5 days. Then let it drain thoroughly and disinfect with a sulfur strip. Fill immediately with wine (fill carefully). New barrels release a lot of tannins. Therefore, do not let the wine mature in the barrel for a long time - regularly check the development of the taste! Preparation of the used barrel: Clean the barrel thoroughly with anhydrous soda (1 kg of soda to 10 liters of hot water). If possible, use a brush or tool to scrub the interior wall. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Fill the barrel with a solution of 10g of tartaric acid per liter of water and leave to soak for 2-3 days. Empty the barrel, let it drain thoroughly and disinfect by burning a strip of sulfur (1/4 wick / 100 liters). Empty barrel storage: Wooden barrels are not intended for empty storage! If it should be necessary from time to time, never leave wine residues or a black barrel waiting! Always rinse immediately with clean water. Then let the cask drain for a day and burn a strip of sulfur (1/4 wick / 100 liters of content). Close the barrel well with a wooden or silicone cap and store in a moist and cool place (humidity 70%, 12-17°C). Burn the sulfur strip once more every three months..
Weight (kg) |
0.000000 |
High (m) |
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Width (m) |
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Length (m) |
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Tartrol tartaric acid powder. Dosage: 10 g / 10 l increases acidity by 1 g / l. GENERAL INFORMATION: In French books you can find acidity expressed in sulfuric acid 1.53. Acid content in tartaric acid = acidity with sulfuric acid x 1.53.
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How to use and maintain a wooden view. Wine / beer stored in an oak barrel achieves an excellent aroma. A poorly maintained barrel creates problems and carries dirt and infections. This is why maintenance is important. Below are some tips: When preparing or disinfecting a new barrel: fill the barrel with a solution of 10g of tartaric acid per liter of water and soak for 4-5 days. Then empty the barrel, let it drain thoroughly and disinfect with a sulfur strip. Immediately fill with wine (carefully). New barrels release many tannins, so the wine must not be aged too long - test the taste regularly! Preparation of the used barrel: Clean thoroughly with anhydrous soda (1 kg of soda per up to 10 liters of hot water). If possible, use a brush to clean the inner wall, then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Fill the barrel with a solution of 10g of tartaric acid per liter of water and soak for 2 to 3 days. Empty the barrel and allow it to drain thoroughly and then disinfect by burning a sulfur strip (1/4 strip / 100 liters). Empty keg storage: The keg is not meant to be stored empty! Should it become necessary from time to time, never leave it idle, e.g. with leftover wine! Always rinse with clean water after use. Then drain for a day and burn the sulfur strip (1/4 sulfur leaf / per 100 liters). Close the openings of the keg with a silicone cap and store it in a damp and cold place (70% humidity, 12 to 17 °C). Burn the sulfur strip every three months..
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We all know how challenging it can be to clean the inside of wooden barrels. The MOOG Barrel cleaner is a durable solution that instantly transforms barrel cleaning. This handy device has a rotating spray head with a powerful injection system to reach every corner of the barrel. A telescopic rod extends to the bottom of the barrel, creating a vacuum. Instead of stopping to empty the dirty water from the barrel, you can continue cleaning! Features: easy to use, telescopic rod, Removes excess water, Non-stop cleaning, Temperature resistant up to 90 ° C, Working pressure up to 120 bar, Cleans with: Pure vega as well as cleaning agents. Use with a suitable high pressure washer. Thanks to its robust design, the MOOG BRA barrel cleaning device is recommended for professional use in larger companies with a production capacity of more than 30 barrels. Suitable for cleaning 225 liter barrels. It is possible to buy an extension, so you can hold barrels from 400 to 600 liters..
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Õllevaat 5L kaasaskantav, roostevaba (175mm x 280mm) KegLandi väike roostevabast terasest mini õllevaat on spetsiaalselt disainitud koduõlle valmistamiseks ja kaasaskantavaks serveerimiseks. Need sobivad väikesteks partiideks ja inimestele, kes soovivad neid mahutada oma tavapärastesse kodufriigikappidesse. Saate õlle loomulikul teel karboniseerida kasutades eelsuhkruid või eelistatult sundkarboniseerida ja serveerida oma õlut kuulliidese kaanega. Mini õllevaadid on valmistatud nii, et need mahuvad mugavalt standardsesse kodufriigikapp. Tänu sellele, et need vaadid kasutavad painduvat silikoonist imutoru/piipu, saab vaate serveerida nii külili kui püsti, nii et olenemata sellest, milline asend on sinu friigikapis kõige mugavam, võid vaadi püsti panna või maha asetada ja imutoru vajub alati alla ning tõmbab vedeliku põhjast (kuna see on õllest raskem). Erinevalt paljudest teistest mini õllevaatidest, kasutavad need mini õllevaadid kuldstandardina happevanni elektrolüüsi, et passiveerida roostevaba terast, muutes need roostetamise suhtes vastupidavamaks kui ükski teine turul olev mini õllevaat. Need mini õllevaadid on AINSAD mini vaadid, mille puhul kasutame erilist tehnikat, kus keevitame vaadid seestpoolt väljapoole. See tähendab, et saame parema keevituskvaliteedi, mis on hügieenilisem kui ükski teine saadaolev mini õllevaat. Niisiis, kui otsite kõrgeima kvaliteediga mini õllevaate, mida raha eest saab osta, on see see, mida olete oodanud! Kuigi on palju teisi mini õllevaate, mis tulevad Hiinast, pole ühelgi neist sama kvaliteeti ja viimistlust kui ehtsatel KegLandi mini-vaatidel. Mini õllevaatidel on ka mitmesuguseid muid lisatarvikuid, nagu neopreenist ümbris, kompaktsed tappimissüsteemid ja muid asju, mis võivad teile kasulikud olla. Mõõtmed: 175mm x 280mm. Lisage kõrgusele 115mm, kui kasutate tappimispead musta vedelikuliidese ja duotightiga, või 140mm, kui kasutate voolukontrolli liidest. Õllevaadi kasutamise põhimõte: Mini õllevaadid on ideaalsed koduõlle või muude jookide kaasaskandmiseks, hoidmiseks ja serveerimiseks. Need säilitavad joogi värskuse ja karbonisatsiooni, võimaldades nautida kvaliteetset õlut igal ajal. Tänu kompaktsele disainile on need lihtsasti transporditavad ning sobivad ideaalselt väiksemateks kogunemisteks või individuaalseks kasutamiseks.
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The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….