Kettle 300l, 22kw gas, thermostat+ mixer
Professionals recommend - producers prefer!
EAN: 2000000009001
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order
Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Transport time inside Estonia for stock products approx. 3-5 working days. NOTE! Due to the rapid price increase, non stock products prices are subject to change without notice! Default prices with 22% VAT.
38,10 €/Kg
Weight (kg) | 420.000000 |
High (m) | 1.31 |
Width (m) | 1.1 |
Length (m) | 1.72 |
5390,00 €
The dephlegmation of these columns has been optimally preset by us, but you can change it according to your needs using the thermovalve. Distillates from a two-stage column tend to be smooth with no alcohol sharpness, full-flavoured with no trace of a watery component, and therefore the spirit is smooth with a distinct aroma at the end of the tasting, even when first inhaled or tasted. To increase the richness of the aroma, we recommend the installation of a catalyst, but this increases the overall height by 200 mm. The catalyst also reduces the presence of ethyl carbamate and hydrogen cyanide in the final distillate. This type of column is recommended for the distillation of all the above mentioned species in single-stage columns, but also for the distillation of pears, apples, apricots, mirabelles, grapes, plums, etc. Standard equipment: Double jacketed boilers with safety assembly, with DN100 outlet valve. Solid brass design of distillation boiler, lid, rectification column and dephlegmator with stainless steel tubular cooler. Stainless steel boiler cladding with thermal insulation. Motorized stirring, boiler and rectification column lighting, DN250 filling hatch with DN100 boiler sight glass, automatic distillate and dephlegmator temperature control, rinsing head and piping for pressure cleaning by pump (CIP). Basic parameters: Overall height up to 2 800 mm, length of one distillation cycle 100 - 120 minutes, cooling water consumption 100 - 200 L, maximum strength of fruit spirit 65% - 73%, optional disabling of the rectification stages. 200 L - 60 kW. Ceiling height - 2 800 mm. Door clearance - 1 300 mm. Catalyst increases the overall height by 200 mm.
Each rectification stage can operate independently and it is up to the operator's discretion how many rectification stages to select during distillation. The columns are characterized by perfect distillation and the high rectification column gives the best taste and purity to the distillate. The three-stage column can be adjusted for different fruits to find the right flavour of the spirit. These columns are recommended for buildings with a minimum building height of 2.9 m. The distillates from the three-stage column are of the highest quality, where you can taste the marzipan flavour in, for example, mirabelle or apricot brandy after the first sip of the spirit. In the case of the plum brandy, you can even smell almond undertones. The most typical is the balanced taste of the spirit with a clear aroma of fruit, especially in the case of plum and pear brandy and apple and quince brandy. This can only be achieved when distilling on columns with a three-stage setting in operation. To increase the richness of the aroma, we recommend installing a catalyst, but this increases the overall height by 200 mm. The catalyst also reduces the presence of ethyl carbamate and hydrogen cyanide in the resulting distillate. This type of distillation column is recommended for the distillation of all fruit mashes including exotic ones such as pineapple, mango, kiwi, banana and many others. Standard equipment: Double-walled boilers with safety assembly, with DN100 outlet valve. Full copper design of distillation boiler, lid, rectification column and dephlegmator with stainless steel tubular cooler. Stainless steel boiler cladding with thermal insulation. Motorized stirring, boiler and rectification column lighting, DN250 filling hatch with DN100 boiler sight glass, automatic distillate and dephlegmator temperature control, rinsing head and piping for pressure cleaning by pump (CIP). Basic parameters: overall height up to 3 100 mm, duration of one distillation cycle 120 - 150 minutes, cooling water consumption 100 - 200 L, maximum grade of fruit spirit 65% - 80%, optional disabling of the rectification stages. 200 L - 60 kW. Ceiling height - 3 100 mm. Door clearance - 1 300 mm. Catalyst increases the overall height by 200 mm.