Delivery time:Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Transport time inside Estonia for stock products approx. 3-5 working days. NOTE! Due to the rapid price increase, non stock products prices are subject to change without notice! Default prices with 22% VAT.
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 6-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connecting valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in bottles; Models of bottles, when cleaning valves; Return valve..
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 6-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connecting valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in bottles; Models of bottles, when cleaning valves; Return valve..
SKU: 29634
, EAN: 2000000029634
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend:
The fully automatic isobaric triblock in the Revolving version, with a crown capping machine and a canning machine integrated on the same rotating column. This advanced configuration optimizes energy consumption and significantly reduces the footprint, ensuring maximum operational efficiency in small spaces.
SKU: 1145
, EAN: 20000000537579
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
NB! Tegemist on kasutatud tootega! Kvaliteetne Itaalias toodetud jogurti villimis-, korkimis- ja markeerimisseade multiblokktehnoloogiaga. Seade on poolautomaatne ja töötab nurkelise pöörleva tööpinna põhimõttel. Kõik tootega kokkupuutuvad osad on valmistatud roostevabast terasest AISI 316. Villimisotsiku tihendid on vastupidavad, vastavad toiduainetööstuse nõuetele ning taluvad kõrgeid temperatuure. Seadme puhastamine on lihtne tänu kergesti avatavate klambritega konstruktsioonile. Villimine ehk pudeli täitmine toimub pudeli põhjast, mis väldib vahu teket. Seadme tööprotsess algab pudelite manuaalse pealeandmisega, millele järgneb automaatne pneumaatiline doseerimine ühe dosaatoriga, mis on astmeliselt reguleeritav vahemikus 100-1000 ml. Villimiskiirus on reguleeritav ning jogurtipaagi maht on 30 L. Seade on varustatud automaatse korgi etteandja ja pealepanijaga koos pingutajaga ning pneumaatilise printeriga kuupäeva ja partii märgistamiseks korgi peale. Seadme mõõtmed on 1100 x 700 x 2000 mm (kõrgus), toitepinge 380V, 50/60Hz 3P+N+T, võimsus maksimaalselt 1 kW. Suruõhu tarbimine on 15 NL/tsükkel (6 bar) ja standardne töörõhk 6 bar. Seade kaalub 150 kg ning suudab töötada tootmisvõimsusega 4 tsüklit minutis. Seadmega saab kasutada plastpudeleid mahuga kuni 1 L, mis võivad olla varustatud kas keermega või kroonkorgiga. Seade on mõeldud jogurtitootjatele, kes vajavad poolautomatiseeritud villimislahendust keskmise tootmismahu juures, võimaldades täpset doseerimist, korgi pealepanekut ja märgistamist ühes kompaktses süsteemis.
SKU: 1402
, EAN: 20000000539504
, Stock qty:On special order
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
semi-automatic 3in1 device for the shampoo method disc corker-dispenser and liquid level control bottler. Made in Italy. Made of stainless steel. The device can be used to remove the pre-cooled cap from the bottle neck + foam removal with compressed air (manometer, compressed air valve) + bottle neck slot with liquid setting + manually controlled 3T valve with liquid dispenser. Productivity 150pd/h (0.75L) / bottles D 70-114mm and H 245-380mm / weight 75kg / size: 75x60x160 / compressed air 0.5/2bar.
SKU: 8999607
, EAN: 2000000007168
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 4-bottle nozzle. Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Maximum bottling pressure 5bar. Foam reducing nozzles, Power consumption 0.37kw/220V, Compressed air consumption 120l/min/6bar, 24V; Dimensions h1.92m x 0.8m x 0.40m; Suitable bottles max. height 350mm and max. diameter 120mm. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (at extra cost): Automatic bottling process; Pneumatic pump for pumping liquids into the bottle; Tare pre-cleaning with water and air or only with air; Capping device; Set of gaskets for 1" connection valve; Additional pipes, to ensure different bottling levels in the bottles; Bottle mock-ups, for cleaning the valves; Return valve. Additional equipment: compressed air dryer (definitely necessary to prevent rust in the nozzles), compressed air compressor, automatic bottling process with the push of a button..
SKU: 8999604
, EAN: 2000000007137
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Italian quality isobaric bottler with 2-bottle nozzle. The bottling process takes place under pressure, as a result of which contact with oxygen is avoided, ensuring the high quality of the raw material! Suitable for bottling various gaseous liquids such as beer, cider, sparkling wine, carbonated water, etc. Bottling pressure 2-4bar. Foam reducing nozzles. The device works with electricity (230V) or air pressure (6bar). Dimensions h 2.145mx 0.70m. Suitable bottles max. height 305mm and max. diameter 88mm. Weight 96 kg. Additional equipment: device on wheels..
SKU: 8999621
, EAN: 2000000007304
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend:
Pegas NovoTap 2.0 is a manual valve for bottling pre-pressurized liquids in PET bottles. Fills the bottle without foam, fast filling: 3...4 times faster than standard beer valves. Easy to install... usually installed on a standard beer keg or through a plate..
SKU: 9000722
, EAN: 4607175570022
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
iTap PRO is a revolutionary new counter-pressure bottle filler suitable for all types of glass bottles. FUNCTIONS: Fills all different glass bottles, suitable for bottles with different heights and bottlenecks, counter pressure method keeps the beer taste and carbonation up to 90-120 days, Protection against bottle explosion, Maximum productivity 180 bottles per hour. Each device has a passport with a serial number.
SKU: 37356
, EAN: 4627202050808
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….