
Infrared Thermometer Gun -50C to +580C (Black)

SKU: 1424
EAN: 20000000539641
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

Delivery time: 2025-03-28
39,90 €
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Infrared Thermometer -50°C to +580°C (Black)

Thermometer equipped with built-in dual laser that can be switched on and off. Dual laser enables significantly more accurate readings by helping to find the convergence point of the measured object and precision ratios.

- Dual laser for precise targeting
- One-handed operation
- Laser ON/OFF switch
- Low battery indicator
- LED backlight
- C° / °F temperature conversion
- Automatic power off (15 sec)
- Display hold, scanning function

Technical data:
- Temperature: -50°C to 550°C (dual laser), -50°C to 380°C (single laser)
- Accuracy: ±2% or 2°C
- Distance-spot ratio: 12:1
- Emissivity: 0.1-1.0 (adjustable, dual laser), 0.95 (single laser)
- Response time: 500ms
- Repeatability: ±1% or 1°C
- Resolution: 1°C or 1°F
- Operating temperature: 0-50°C
- Power: 1×9V battery (dual laser), 2×AAA batteries (single laser)

Additional functions (dual laser):
- High/low temperature alarm
- Max/min/average/difference display
- Battery percentage display

Note: The measuring area increases with distance. When measuring boiling liquids, keep the measurement angle at 45-60° and avoid steam contact with the sensor.

Usage principle: Measures surface temperature through infrared radiation. Point at the object, press the trigger, and get an instant reading. Ideal for quick contactless temperature measurement.

Alternative keywords: contactless thermometer, laser thermometer, infrared temperature meter, thermal gun, heat meter

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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