
Filler DANA API MATIC 1000 adjustable, with table stand + 10l funnel

SKU: 1408
EAN: 20000000539559
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

3690,00 €

351,43 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
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The DANA API MATIC 1000 with adjustable height table stand is a practical solution for smaller production needs. It offers the same excellent features as larger models but with a reduced filling capacity. The integrated release switch ensures a smooth filling process, enabling the machine to reach its full potential.

The stand accommodates containers with heights from 3.5 cm to 20 cm. The machine operates precisely and is easily adjustable for different liquids and filling volumes. All parts in contact with liquid are made of food-grade plastic or stainless steel, ensuring easy disassembly and cleaning.

Operating principle:
The device is designed for precise dosing and filling of liquids into containers of various sizes. The computer-controlled gear pump ensures accurate and consistent filling.

Technical specifications:
- Power: 230W
- Power supply: 90-264VAC 50/60Hz
- Dimensions: L40 x W32 x H41 cm
- Weight: 10.5 kg
- Precision: +/- 2g
- Pump capacity: 200 l/h
- Noise level: < 70 dB(A)
- Maximum liquid temperature: 60°C
- Number of programs: 20+
- Container height: 3.5 - 20 cm
- Machine type: Computer-controlled gear pump
- Connections: 1½" BS hose connection on both sides of the pump

Alternative keywords: automatic filling machine, liquid dosing, industrial filler, filling equipment, dosing unit, liquid packaging, food industry equipment, filling line, small-scale production, precise dosing

Weight (kg) 10.500000
High (m) 0.41
Width (m) 0.32
Length (m) 0.4
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The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….