
DuoTight 9.5mm (3.8") connection with ball-lock fitting, black + yellow

SKU: 1476
EAN: 20000000540166
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

8,90 €
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DuoTight 9.5mm (3/8") Connection with Ball-Lock Fitting, Black + Yellow

This innovative ball-lock fitting sets a new standard! The integrated DuoTight design allows you to connect beer and gas lines directly, easily, and reliably - no need for additional fittings or clamps. It features a robust and extremely compact design that is incredibly easy to assemble and disassemble, making cleaning and sanitizing extremely simple!

Made from highly chemical-resistant materials with stainless steel springs and ball bearings - no cheap ABS plastics here - this product is extremely resistant to common chemicals such as phosphoric-based sanitizers and caustics.

The incredibly small form factor allows for easy stacking of kegs. The new cap design ensures a pressure seal with just hand tightening and it can be completely taken apart for cleaning with no tools required - no more problems with blocked poppets when disassembly and cleaning is this easy.

The robust and compact design make this the best value for money and the best designed home brewing quick disconnect ever manufactured.

This particular ball-lock fitting is designed for 9.5mm beer/gas lines. Thanks to the integrated DuoTight fitting, the line is simply pushed directly into this connector.

Usage principle: The DuoTight fitting allows for quick and efficient connection of home brewing hoses to kegs. Simply push the hose into the fitting and the connection is secure, without additional tools or clamps.

Keywords: home brewing, ball-lock fitting, beer line, gas line, DuoTight connection, brewing supplies, keg connection, quick disconnect, 9.5mm line, home brewing, brewing necessities, beer equipment, beer keg connection, brewing equipment, brewing supplies.

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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