
Distiller 40L with Valve Column

SKU: 1636
EAN: 20000000541767
Unit: set
Stock qty: On special order

2460,00 €
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Distiller 40l with valve column

A modular distiller offers several customization options to meet the needs and demands of producers. It allows greater personalization and adaptation to changes in the desired production.

The "M" copper boiler is manufactured with copper thicknesses that ensure an extremely long product life. The boiler has a stainless steel band where the handles are welded, thus avoiding any kind of holes in the boiler.

Modular Distiller - Valve Column model (made in Portugal)

Product components:
Copper boiler
2 reductions 4″ – 2″
3 columns with 6 valves
Copper arc
Vertical tube condenser

As additional equipment we recommend:
Parrot beak
Connection for electric heating

Principle of use:
The distiller works on the principle of distillation, where liquid is heated until evaporation, then the steam is cooled and condensed to separate different components based on their boiling points. The valve columns allow for more precise control over the distillation process, offering a higher quality end product.

Keywords: modular distiller, copper distiller, 40 liter distiller, valve column distiller, alcohol distillation, home distillation, distillation device, distillation apparatus, copper boiler, Portuguese distiller

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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