
Distiller 100L with Valve Column

SKU: 1638
EAN: 20000000541781
Unit: set
Stock qty: On special order

2790,00 €
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Professional Modular Still 100L with Valve Column

High-quality 100-liter modular still with valve column is handcrafted in Portugal. The device is designed for professional production of high-quality distillates, offering precise control over the entire distillation process.

Main Features

Durable "M" series copper pot is equipped with stainless steel reinforcement band and welded handles. The construction design eliminates leakage points and ensures long service life.

Package Includes

  • Copper main pot with special thickness
  • 2 reducers (4" – 2" / 10.16 cm – 5.08 cm)
  • 3 adjustable valve columns (total 6 valves)
  • Precision thermometers
  • Curved copper connecting pipe
  • Vertical tube condenser

Additional Options

  • Parrot beak attachment
  • Electric heating system interface

Distillation Process Advantages

The valve column system allows precise control of vapor movement and reflux. This ensures separation of desired aromatic compounds and elimination of unwanted flavors, resulting in a cleaner and higher quality final product.

The modular design offers flexible adaptation options according to changing production needs, allowing optimization of equipment configuration for specific production processes.

Keywords: still, valve column, distillation device, copper pot, distillation equipment, 100l still, professional still, distillation equipment

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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