
Distillation Condenser with Vertical Copper Tubes, L-shape, 2" Clamp Fitting

SKU: 1646
EAN: 20000000541866
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

289,00 €
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Professional Distillation Condenser with Vertical Copper Tubes | L-shaped Design

High-quality distillation condenser with vertical copper tubes and L-shaped construction ensures maximum efficiency during distillation. The device is equipped with a convenient 2-inch clamp fitting, allowing quick and secure connection with other distillation system components.

Main Features:

  • Vertical copper tubes for maximum heat transfer
  • L-shaped design for space-saving installation
  • 2" standard clamp fitting for easy connection
  • Made from high-quality copper

Technical Advantages:

Copper as the main condenser material ensures excellent heat conductivity, making vapor condensation quick and efficient. The vertical tube arrangement significantly increases the cooling surface, improving the overall performance of the device.


During the distillation process, hot vapors are directed through the condenser, where they condense into liquid due to cooling water. The vertical design ensures uniform and efficient cooling process.

Note! Thermometer not included.

Installation and Maintenance:

The L-shaped design allows for compact installation. The standard 2" clamp fitting ensures quick and secure connection with other parts of the distillation device. The unit requires minimal maintenance, regular cleaning is sufficient.

Keywords: distillation condenser, copper tubes, clamp fitting, cooling device, distiller, distillator, vertical condenser, L-shaped condenser

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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