
Distilator 500l of gas heating with a spherical tip

SKU: 8999800
EAN: 2000000009100
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
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Professional Distillation Kettle with Versatile Heating System

High-quality 120kW distillation kettle equipped with a water jacket and spherical head. The unit's body is made of durable stainless steel, ensuring long service life.

Technical Features

  • Versatile heating system: gas, electric, or solid fuel
  • Automatic power regulation via thermostat
  • Digital temperature monitoring
  • Integrated mixing system for uniform processing
  • DN100 sight glass for process monitoring
  • Stainless steel plate cooler with automatic temperature control

Construction and Materials

  • Copper steam dome (1.5 mm)
  • Copper lid (1.5 mm)
  • Copper boiler (2 mm)
  • Stainless steel inner jacket (1.5 mm)
  • 13 mm special wool insulated body

Standard Equipment

  • Illuminated steam dome and boiler
  • 230V motor mixing system (40 rpm)
  • Aroma basket for herbs and spices
  • DN250 filling hatch with sight glass
  • Thermostatic valve for cooler control
  • Digital thermometer in transfer pipe
  • DN80/DN100 discharge valve (depending on volume)

Available from 110-liter capacity. Suitable for professional use and high-quality production requirements, including gin, spirit and juniper berry products manufacturing.

Keywords: distillation kettle, distillation equipment, copper boiler, copper steam dome, cooling system, mixing system, aroma basket, distillation supplies

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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