
Cooling Tube Coolossus Gen2 1.5" TC Wort Connection, 1/2" Water Connection, Counterflow

SKU: 1506
EAN: 20000000540463
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

269,00 €
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Coolossus Gen2 - Passivated Stainless Steel Counterflow Chiller with 1.5" Tri Clover Wort Connections - 1/2" Water Connection (9.5 m long)

Now with an additional 3 meters of cold metal - the 9.5 m long Coolossus Gen2 is built to withstand industrial-sized 1.5" Tri-Clover fittings and 1/2" BSP coolant line connectors.

Cool your wort professionally with 1.5" Tri Clover fittings! Unlike plate chillers made of copper which offers excellent heat conductivity, this 6.5 m fully passivated 304 stainless steel chiller can withstand large hop additions without clogging. Coolossus also has high chemical resistance unlike plate chillers and other copper immersion chillers, compatible with StellarSoda products! Achieve the best possible cleanliness with StellarSoda or StellarClean products.

Technical specifications:
- Cooling tube: inner diameter: 21 mm × outer diameter: 22 mm × length 9 m
- Wort (beer) tube: inner diameter: 11.9 mm × outer diameter: 12.7 mm × length 9.5 m
- Height: 280 mm
- Diameter: 180 mm
- Connections: 1/2" BSPT (ideal for hose connections such as Camlocks) and 1.5" Tri Clover connections for the wort line. The most hygienic design
- Composition: 304 stainless steel
- Gen 2.1 upgrade: 3 mm steel plate with three 4 mm mounting holes

Operating principle: The counterflow chiller works by having the hot liquid (wort) and cold liquid (water) moving in opposite directions relative to each other, allowing for maximum heat transfer and efficient cooling. The warm wort enters the chiller from one end and the cold water from the other, moving through separate channels without the cooling liquids mixing with each other.

Alternative keywords: counterflow chiller, stainless steel chiller, beer chiller, wort cooling, Tri Clover connections, homebrewing, beer brewing, brewing equipment, cooling tube, counterflow heat exchanger

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0.28
Width (m) 0.18
Length (m) 0.18
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