
Concentrate Cherry 500ml, liqueur

SKU: 1616
EAN: 20000000541569
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

5,90 €
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Cherry Concentrate 500ml, liqueur

Concentrate in a 500ml bottle

Preparation method: Add 50% alcohol (or stronger if desired) to the bottle with the liqueur concentrate, mix well and set aside for 24 hours. After this time, the liqueur is ready to drink, although the longer the alcohol "matures", the more balanced its taste will be.

Country of origin: Sweden.

Usage principle: This cherry concentrate is used for making homemade cherry liqueur. The concentrate gives the drink a rich cherry flavor, and the natural aroma components make the homemade liqueur truly offer a delightful taste experience.

Keywords: cherry liqueur, concentrate, homemade liqueur, cherry flavored, drink base, cocktail component, alcoholic beverage, Swedish concentrate, 500ml concentrate, cherry taste, easy to prepare, liqueur base, homemade alcohol, liqueur concentrate, cherry concentrate.

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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