
Concentrate 250ml Apple Brandy Style

SKU: 1630
EAN: 20000000541705
Unit: tk
Stock qty: On special order

12,90 €
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Apple Brandy Style Concentrate 250ml

Product Description:
Enjoy an apple brandy style concentrate that offers authentic and rich flavor experiences. The aroma is characterized by a distinct, fruity apple taste - fresh, sweet, and slightly sour. In the background, you can detect delicate spicy notes, such as cinnamon, and a light woody undertone. The sweetness is well-balanced by the fruit's acidity.

Taste Experience:
The finish is smooth, with a subtle apple peel note. This is a warm, fruity drink whose flavor lingers in the mouth for some time. The concentrate provides an opportunity to create a distinctive alcoholic beverage full of depth and character.

Usage Principle:
Pour 25ml of concentrate into a 750ml bottle and fill with 40% strong alcohol (as desired). Shake and let it sit for 24 hours. The longer you let the drink "age", the better the taste you'll achieve.

Additional Information:
Small sediments may appear at the bottom of the concentrate bottle, resulting from the oak extract used in the production process. These small particles do not affect the product's quality or safety. If needed, you can filter the drink through filter paper.

Quantity: 250ml - sufficient for about 7.5L of drink
Recommended Amount: 25ml per 750ml bottle

Keywords: apple brandy concentrate, alcohol flavoring, home brewing, homemade alcohol, apple-flavored drink

Weight (kg) 0.000000
High (m) 0
Width (m) 0
Length (m) 0
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