
CO2 meter CarboQC At-Line, Anton Paar

SKU: 1406
EAN: 20000000539535
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

11900,00 €

5666,67 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
   - or -   

Anton Paar Carbo 5100 - Fourth Generation CO2 Analyzer

The Carbo 5100 is a precise and reliable inline CO2 analyzer that combines the advantages of continuous measurement with the proven pressure-temperature-impeller method. The device is ideal for beverage production quality control and process monitoring.

Technical specifications:
- Measuring interval: 15 seconds
- Measuring range: 0 to 20 g/L (0 to 10 volume percent)
- Accuracy: ±0.05 g/L (0.025 volume percent)
- Repeatability: 0.025 g/L (0.010 volume percent)
- Operating temperature range: -5 to +40 °C, frost-resistant
- SIP temperature: up to 121 °C for maximum 30 minutes
- EHEDG certified
- Process connection: Tuchenhagen Varivent® N

Operating principle:
The device continuously measures dissolved CO2 content in liquids using pressure and temperature measurement combined with impeller technology. This enables accurate and reliable quality control in the beverage production process.

Alternative keywords: carbon dioxide analyzer, CO2 meter, beverage quality control device, inline CO2 meter, carbon dioxide concentration meter, beverage production analyzer, CO2 content measuring device, industrial gas sensors, food industry measuring equipment, beverage industry quality control

Weight (kg) 2.100000
High (m) 0.176
Width (m) 0.209
Length (m) 0.262
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Hydrometer EasyDens by Anton Paar

EasyDens is a smart digital hydrometer for home brewers, hobby distillers, and home wine producers. The device determines wort extract/Plato readings from just 2 ml of sample, shows results in seconds, and allows you to monitor your beer's fermentation process on your smartphone.

Main features:
Quick results in less than 5 seconds
High precision for all alcoholic beverages
Small sample size of approximately 2 ml
Compact and stable design
Connects and displays data via free app on your smartphone (iOS or Android)
Faster connectivity and measurement (new generation Bluetooth chip)
Graphical density and alcohol content monitoring in the app
Dust and splash-proof (IP65 protection)
Automatic temperature compensation

EasyDens determines:
Wort extract content
Sugar content in home-produced juices
Alcohol content in sugar-free distillates

Free mobile applications for different purposes:
Brew Meister - for beer brewing
Proof Meister - for distillates
Wine Meister - for wine making

Measurement units:
Specific gravity (SG)
Extract (°Plato)
Alcohol content in distillates (ABV and ABW)
Sugar content (°Brix)
Density (g/cm³)

Connectivity: Bluetooth Low Energy

Operating principle:
EasyDens is a digital measuring device that uses density measurement technology to determine liquid composition. Place a small amount of liquid in the device, connect to your smartphone, and get accurate measurements quickly.

Keywords: digital hydrometer, alcohol meter, sugar content meter, fermentation monitor, brewing device, wine making tool, density meter, fermentation process monitor, brewing equipment, distillation aid

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Sensor Carbo 5100 set for CO2 measurement, Anton Paar
Anton Paar Carbo 5100 on neljanda põlvkonna CO2 analüsaator, mis ühendab endas pideva mõõtmise eelised ning läbiproovitud rõhu-temperatuuri-tiiviku meetodi. Seade on ideaalne jookide tootmise kvaliteedikontrolliks ja protsessi jälgimiseks. Seadme mõõtmisintervall on 15 sekundit ning mõõtmisvahemik ulatub 0 kuni 20 g/L (0 kuni 10 mahuprotsenti). Mõõtmise täpsus on ±0,05 g/L (0,025 mahuprotsenti) ja korratavus 0,025 g/L (0,010 mahuprotsenti). Seade töötab temperatuurivahemikus -5 kuni +40 °C, olles külmumiskindel. SIP temperatuur võib ulatuda kuni 121 °C-ni maksimaalselt 30 minutiks. Seade omab EHEDG sertifikaati ning kasutab protsessi ühenduseks Tuchenhagen Varivent® N süsteemi. Seade mõõdab pidevalt vedelikes lahustunud CO2 sisaldust, kasutades rõhu ja temperatuuri mõõtmist koos tiiviku tehnoloogiaga, mis võimaldab täpset ja usaldusväärset kvaliteedikontrolli jookide tootmisprotsessis.
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The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….