Delivery time:Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
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In-line carbonator for carbonation of cider, beer, wine or water up to 4bar. Disinfection/cleaning of the tank and all other parts is always done using a centrifugal pump. Tank volume approx. 25l and the tank is made of 10mm stainless steel. Carbonation takes place under high pressure in the tank and pipelines using a natural pressurization method. Technical information: stainless AISI 304 body 3-4bar, connections DIN40, output triclamp 52, working temperature +10°C (recommended +2...+7°C), electrical connection 400V power consumption 2.5kw/h, CO2 max. 5...10g, dimensions 80x80x160cm, weight 165kg.
Enables easy carbonation of various liquids such as wine, cider, etc. directly in the bottle, resulting in a better aroma and taste of the drink. Made of stainless steel. Average productivity up to 140l/h. Recommended carbonation temperature +4C 1x2.6bar=9.9g/l. Not suitable for carbonation of beer. Dimensions 450mm x 500mm x 1760mm, bottle neck diameter 21-29mm and height min. 210 mm. Work operations: fill the pressure-resistant bottle with drink, insert the bottle into the device and close the door, rotate the device 2x (to dose CO2), remove the bottle..
SKU: 9000123
, EAN: 2000000012377
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend:
Enables easy carbonation of various liquids such as wine, cider, etc. directly in the bottle, resulting in a better aroma and taste of the drink. Made of stainless steel. Average productivity up to 280l/h. Recommended carbonation temperature +4C 1x2.6bar=9.9g/l. Bottle neck diameter 21-29mm, height min. 210 mm. Not suitable for carbonation of beer. Dimensions 840x530x1760 mm Working operations: fill the pressure-resistant bottle with drink, insert the bottle into the device and close the door, rotate the device 2x (for CO2 dosing), remove the bottle..
SKU: 9000124
, EAN: 2000000012384
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Flow-through carbonizer with carbonization stone and viewing window. Suitable, for example, for carbonation of a chilled drink in one tank with pump circulation. Contains carbonization stone 1pc. Connection DIN40..
SKU: 9001613
, EAN: 571208
, Stock qty:On special order
Flow-through stainless carbonizer with carbonization stone. Suitable, for example, for carbonation of a chilled drink in one tank with pump circulation. Contains carbonization stone 1pc. Connection DIN40..
SKU: 9001614
, EAN: 571216
, Stock qty:On special order
The set includes: circulation pump 1pc, stainless carbonizer with sight glass with stainless diffuser 1pc, DIN and other connections between the pressure tank, fittings and hoses to ensure the circulation of the feed liquid in the tank for the purpose of carbonation. PS The product image is illustrative..
SKU: 35116
, EAN: 2000000035116
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
Flow-through carbonizer with carbonization stone and viewing window. Suitable, for example, for carbonation of a chilled drink in one tank with pump circulation. Contains carbonization stone 1pc. Connection triclamp 1.5"..
Carbonation in a stainless steel body with hose connections. How to use: connect the stone with hoses (<7mm not included) and direct the CO2 to the stone. Perfectly hygienic; the small particle size allows the cleaner to easily penetrate the holes, and then use boiling water (boiling) to sterilize the stone. Wash the stone in a solution of active oxygen OXI... found in our online store. PS Caution: Never touch airstone with bare hands; oily skin can clog fine pores. Wear gloves or use a clean cloth when handling the stone..
Carbonizer Fal with productivity up to 1000l/h with pressure tank. Suitable for the production of lemonades, ciders and also sparkling wines. Possibility to connect the device directly to the bottling device. Extras: syrup dispenser, larger device up to 3000l/h,.
SKU: 35420
, EAN: 2000000035420
, Stock qty:On special order
, Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
Anton Paar Carbo 5100 on neljanda põlvkonna CO2 analüsaator, mis ühendab endas pideva mõõtmise eelised ning läbiproovitud rõhu-temperatuuri-tiiviku meetodi. Seade on ideaalne jookide tootmise kvaliteedikontrolliks ja protsessi jälgimiseks. Seadme mõõtmisintervall on 15 sekundit ning mõõtmisvahemik ulatub 0 kuni 20 g/L (0 kuni 10 mahuprotsenti). Mõõtmise täpsus on ±0,05 g/L (0,025 mahuprotsenti) ja korratavus 0,025 g/L (0,010 mahuprotsenti). Seade töötab temperatuurivahemikus -5 kuni +40 °C, olles külmumiskindel. SIP temperatuur võib ulatuda kuni 121 °C-ni maksimaalselt 30 minutiks. Seade omab EHEDG sertifikaati ning kasutab protsessi ühenduseks Tuchenhagen Varivent® N süsteemi. Seade mõõdab pidevalt vedelikes lahustunud CO2 sisaldust, kasutades rõhu ja temperatuuri mõõtmist koos tiiviku tehnoloogiaga, mis võimaldab täpset ja usaldusväärset kvaliteedikontrolli jookide tootmisprotsessis.
SKU: 1405
, EAN: 20000000539528
, Stock qty:On special order
, Pakend: , Hulgipakend: , Kuumale +95C:
Karboniseerimiskivi 150mm x 1/4 keere (0,22 µm) G 1/4 tolli NPT väliskeermega gaasisisendiga on suurepärane tööriist õlle pruulimiseks nii kodus kui ka baaris. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest roostevabast terasest, mis on keskkonnasõbralik, mittetoksiline ja vastupidav. See pakub lihtsa viisi teie kääritatud õlle karboniseerimiseks. Lihtne puhastada ja kasutada - puhastage ja desinfitseerige kivi põhjalikult enne ja pärast iga kasutuskorda. Karboniseerimiskivid, mida tavaliselt kasutatakse õlle selgitusmahutites, on mõeldud otseseks paigaldamiseks. Ideaalses süsteemis paigaldatakse kivi selgitusmahuti madalaimasse ossa, võimaldades CO2-l läbida maksimaalse teekonna kuni pinnani. Tagab kõrge eraldus- ja läbitungimisefektiivsuse, madala filtratsioonitakistuse ning vastupidavuse hapete ja leeliste korrodeerivale toimele. Karboniseerimiskivi kasutuspõhimõte seisneb selles, et see hajutab CO2 õllesse väikeste mullide kujul, mis võimaldab ühtlast ja efektiivset karboniseerimist. Mullid on piisavalt väikesed, et need lahustuvad õlles kiiremini, andes parema tulemuse kui tavalise vooliku kasutamine. Seisukord: 100% uus. Tüüp: Karboniseerimiskivi. Materjal: Roostevaba teras. Poori suurus: 0,22 mikronit. Keerme suurus: 1/4 tolli NPT väliskeere. Pikkus: 150 mm.
The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….