
Brewferm Chill'in 20 SST wort chiller

SKU: 9000616
EAN: 5420069809423
Unit: pc
Stock qty: On special order

Delivery time: Eritellimustoode / Please contact / Ota yhteyttä
64,00 €
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Stainless steel cooling tube 9.5mm and sphere diameter 20cm, total height 50cm and spiral height 12cm. Warranty 3 years. Connection fittings Gardena watering hose fittings. It is possible to cool 20l approx. +100C feed liquid for 20 min. to +20C if the coolant is +13C..
Weight (kg) 1.500000
High (m) 0.5
Width (m) 0.2
Length (m) 0.3
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