
Blichmann™ BeerGun® with accessory kit

SKU: 3341
EAN: 5420069842086
Unit: tk
Stock qty: 1
Price: 234,00 €
179,00 €

103,54 €/Kg 79,20 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
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BeerGun® Professional Beer Bottling Gun - Perfect Solution for Home Brewers

BeerGun® beer bottling gun ensures quality filling process without foam. This innovative device uses two-stage technology - first filling the bottle with CO2 and then with beer, ensuring optimal filling results.

Main advantages:

  • Durable stainless steel construction
  • Minimal foaming during filling
  • Protects beverage from oxidation
  • Ergonomic design for comfortable handling
  • Suitable for bottles of different depths
  • Fast filling process

Ease of use:

Simple dual-action system:

  • Thumb-controlled CO2 valve
  • Trigger-activated beer flow

Kit includes:

  • BeerGun® filling gun
  • Antimicrobial beer hose
  • Practical storage case
  • Accessory kit

Note! Pressure regulator y-connector must be purchased separately.

Keywords: beer filling gun, beergun, home brewer, beer bottling, filling device, beer accessories, home beer bottling, beer bottle filling

Weight (kg) 2.260000
High (m) 0.089
Width (m) 0.292
Length (m) 0.457
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The heart of FERMETECH is experience and scientific approach – experience dating back to 2009, which we have continuously refined. Our slogan "The Power of Science, Perfect Results" reflects our commitment to applying the best knowledge to achieve top-level outcomes. We are trusted because our operations are guided by the principle – quality and scientific precision first, then price category. Thousands of solutions based on our technology across Estonia speak for themselves, testifying that we are always there for our customers both before and after purchase. Our specialists understand that fermentation processes require both scientific precision and practical experience. That's why we offer not just equipment, but comprehensive solutions based on knowledge accumulated over years. Science-based quality, technical support, and precision are not just words for us, but real principles that guide our daily work for the benefit of all clients. FERMETECH has the same big heart as before, but now enhanced with the power of science to support your perfect results. Discover how the power of science can help you achieve perfect results in your next project.