Bag 220L, aluminium, tap in center
Professionals recommend - producers prefer!
SKU: 8999640
EAN: 2000000007496
Unit: pc
Stock qty: 102
Transport time inside Estonia for stock products approx. 3-5 working days. NOTE! Due to the rapid price increase, non stock products prices are subject to change without notice! Default prices with 22% VAT.
11,90 €
19,19 €/Kg
50+ pc - 9,52 € inc VAT
800+ pc - 8,93 € inc VAT
Three-layer quality bag with a durable 200my strength class (extra strong). Elpo cap in use, which is easy to open with handy tools - heat with a heat blower or put the mouth of the bag in hot +70C water, and after about 30 seconds you can open/close the cap with simple tools, because the plastic cap becomes softer. HOT BOTTLING OF CERTIFIED NUTRIENTS up to +85 C. The storage bag is suitable for packaging juice, wine, concentrates and other non-gaseous nutritional liquids. For better preservation of the raw material, the bag has a special silver layer as an oxygen barrier and protection from light. The bag comes with a cap. Using the bag: Place the bag, for example, in a barrel - fill the bag by pouring or pumping directly into the bag - close the cap, making sure that no air bubbles remain inside. When emptying the bag, open the cap and pump/pour out the liquid. The storage bag is suitable for acidic juice or various concentrates. Advantages of the storage bag: better preservation of the raw material, sterility and no need to clean the container afterwards. The bag is light, takes up little storage space when empty. The bag is for single use. Package of 60 pcs. Store the bag e.g. 220l in a plastic barrel closed with a lid. One bag can withstand a weight of at least 350 kg, i.e. when storing, it is possible to store at least 2 bags on top of each other..
Weight (kg) |
0.620000 |
High (m) |
0.05 |
Width (m) |
0.9 |
Length (m) |
1.5 |
Matching products
Stainless bottling gun for filling storage bags. We recommend purchasing an additional pump, overpressure switch and scale when building a complete and simple bottling solution. If you want to bottle hot liquid, then the possibility to insulate the handle of the gun..
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The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….