
ascorbic acid VINOFERM ascorvit 1 kg

SKU: 30401
EAN: 2000000030401
Stock qty: 0.948
266,00 €

10,64 €/Kg
Qty.: - +
   - or -   
Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. To prevent the oxidation of juices, wines and beers. Dosage: 0.5 g / 10 l of juice or wine..
Weight (kg) 25.000000
High (m) 0.2
Width (m) 0.032
Length (m) 0.215
Matching products
Spoon scale digital 500g/0,1g
Scale with digital measuring scale and LCD screen for accurate measurement of baking powders, sweeteners, thin leaves, teas, etc. Weighs up to 300g, accuracy: up to 0.1g, 2xAAA batteries (included), energy-saving automatic power-off function.
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ascorbic acid VINOFERM ascorvit 1 kg
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Precipitated chalk is the most popular beverage softener. Contains very pure calcium carbonate. Dosage: 6.5g/10l reduces acidity by 1g/l. It also softens rhubarb oxalic acid by dosing 2g/l rhubarb juice. When and how to use an acid remover? It is best to process the drink as early as possible. Calcium carbonate is most commonly used. Often a lot of foam is produced when processing the drink with calcium carbonate - so leave enough space in the container. Add the required amount of deactivator, mix for a few minutes and let stand for a while. Mix again and again stop the process. Repeat this a few times until no more CO2 is formed, i.e. no gas sound. Now let it stand for 12-24 hours. Then decant the liquor/wine off the top, leaving the white precipitate below..
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Precipitated chalk is the most popular beverage softener. Contains very pure calcium carbonate. Dosage: 6.5g/10l reduces acidity by 1g/l. It also softens rhubarb oxalic acid by dosing 2g/l rhubarb juice. When and how to use an acid remover? It is best to process the drink as early as possible. Calcium carbonate is most commonly used. Often a lot of foam is produced when processing the drink with calcium carbonate - so leave enough space in the container. Add the required amount of deactivator, mix for a few minutes and let stand for a while. Mix again and again stop the process. Repeat this a few times until no more CO2 is formed, i.e. no gas sound. Now let it stand for 12-24 hours. Then decant the liquor/wine off the top, leaving the white precipitate below..
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Composition: 90% potassium bicarbonate; 10% neutral tartrate. Characteristics: White, odorless powder. Applications: Corrects excess acidity in wines. Does not impart bitter or unpleasant flavors to treated wines. On the contrary, it adds freshness to the wine and enhances its organoleptic properties. Does not alter the original color of the wine. Dosage in wine: From 50 to 110 gr/hl, with prior testing and considering that 110 gr/hl of Sanavin reduces the equivalent of 1 gr/lt of tartaric acid (EU limit). Usage: Add slowly to the wine while stirring. Warnings: During this operation, abundant foam is produced, which later dissipates. Storage: In a cool, dry place. Sanavin is a hygroscopic product. Product compliance: Regulation CE 822/87.
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Potassium chloride 1kg, BrewFerm
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